►Namrex | |
►Nalgoim | |
CBoundingBox | |
CEBPlane | |
CImplicitIntegral | |
CImplicitIntegral< 0, N, Phi, F, S > | |
CInterval | |
CPsiCode | |
►CQuadratureRule | |
CNode | |
►NAsyncOut | |
CWriteInfo | |
►NBinPolicy | |
CGPUBinPolicy | |
COpenMPBinPolicy | |
CSerialBinPolicy | |
►Ndetail | |
Capply_result | |
Capply_result< F, GpuTuple< Ts... > > | |
Cclz_tag | |
Cclzl_tag | |
Cclzll_tag | |
CCTOWrapper | |
CCutFabFactory | |
CDetector | |
CDetector< Default, Void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | |
Cgpu_tuple_element | |
Cgpu_tuple_impl | |
Cgpu_tuple_impl< I, Head > | |
Cgpu_tuple_impl< I, Head, Tail... > | |
Cinvoke_result | |
Cinvoke_result< decltype(void(INVOKE(std::declval< F >(), std::declval< Args >()...))), F, Args... > | |
CIsConvertibleImp | |
CIsConvertibleImp< T, U, std::enable_if_t< is_convertible< T >(U{})> > | |
CNonesuch | |
CSingleChunkArena | |
CSplitIndexList | |
Ctuple_cat_result | |
Ctuple_cat_result< GpuTuple< T1s... >, GpuTuple< T2s... >, TPs... > | |
Ctuple_cat_result< GpuTuple< Ts... > > | |
CTypeListGet | |
CTypeListGet< 0, TypeList< Head, Tail... > > | |
CTypeListGet< I, TypeList< Head, Tail... > > | |
Cunwrap | |
Cunwrap< std::reference_wrapper< T > > | |
►NEB2 | |
CAllRegularIF | |
CBoxIF | |
CCell | |
CChkptFile | |
CChkptFileLevel | |
CComplementIF | |
CCylinderIF | |
CDevicePtrIF | |
CDifferenceIF | |
CEdge | |
CEllipsoidIF | |
CExtrusionIF | |
CFace | |
CGeometryShop | |
CGFab | |
CGShopLevel | |
CIndexSpace | |
CIndexSpaceChkptFile | |
CIndexSpaceImp | |
CIndexSpaceSTL | |
CIntersectionIF | |
CIsGPUable | |
CIsGPUable< ComplementIF< F >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< F >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< D, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< GPUable, D > > > | |
CIsGPUable< DifferenceIF< F, G >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< F >::value &&IsGPUable< G >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< ExtrusionIF< F >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< F >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< IntersectionIF< F >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< F >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< IntersectionIF< Head, Tail... >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< Head >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< LatheIF< F >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< F >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< RotationIF< F >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< F >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< ScaleIF< F >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< F >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< TranslationIF< F >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< F >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< UnionIF< F >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< F >::value > > | |
CIsGPUable< UnionIF< Head, Tail... >, std::enable_if_t< IsGPUable< Head >::value > > | |
CLatheIF | |
CLevel | |
CMultiGFab | |
CNeighbor | |
CParserIF | |
CPlaneIF | |
CPolyIF | |
CPolynomialIF | |
CPolyTerm | |
CRotationIF | |
CScaleIF | |
CSphereIF | |
CSplineIF | |
CSTLLevel | |
CTorusIF | |
CTranslationIF | |
CUnionIF | |
CVertex | |
►NFFT | |
►Ndetail | |
CFFTPhysBCTag | |
CSubHelper | |
►Nfft_poisson_detail | |
CTri_Uniform | |
CTriA | |
CTriC | |
CInfo | |
CLocalR2C | Local Discrete Fourier Transform |
COpenBCSolver | |
CPlan | |
CPoisson | Poisson solver for periodic, Dirichlet & Neumann boundaries using FFT |
CPoissonHybrid | 3D Poisson solver for periodic, Dirichlet & Neumann boundaries in the first two dimensions, and Neumann in the last dimension. The last dimension could have non-uniform mesh |
CR2C | Parallel Discrete Fourier Transform |
CR2X | Discrete Fourier Transform |
CRotateBwd | |
CRotateFwd | |
CSwap01 | |
CSwap02 | |
►NGpu | |
►Nrange_detail | |
►Crange_impl | |
Citerator | |
CAsyncArray | |
CAtomicAdd | |
CAtomicLogicalAnd | |
CAtomicLogicalOr | |
CAtomicMax | |
CAtomicMin | |
CBuffer | |
CComponentBox | |
CDeleter | |
CDevice | |
CDeviceScalar | |
CDeviceToDevice | |
CDeviceToHost | |
CElixir | |
CExecConfig | |
CExecutionConfig | |
CGraphSafeGuard | |
CGridSize | |
CHandler | |
CHostToDevice | |
CKernelInfo | |
CLaunchSafeGuard | |
CManaged | |
CNoSyncRegion | |
CPinned | |
CSharedMemory | |
CSharedMemory< bool > | |
CSharedMemory< char > | |
CSharedMemory< double > | |
CSharedMemory< float > | |
CSharedMemory< int > | |
CSharedMemory< long > | |
CSharedMemory< long long > | |
CSharedMemory< openbc::Moments::array_type > | |
CSharedMemory< short > | |
CSharedMemory< unsigned char > | |
CSharedMemory< unsigned int > | |
CSharedMemory< unsigned long > | |
CSharedMemory< unsigned long long > | |
CSharedMemory< unsigned short > | |
CSingleStreamRegion | |
CStreamIter | |
CStreamItInfo | |
CwarpReduce | |
►NInSituUtils | |
Camrex_tt | |
CassignOp | |
CDescriptorMap | |
CMeshStateMap | |
CorOp | |
CStateMap | |
►NMath | |
CFastDivmodU64 | |
►NMFUtil | |
CAsymmetricGhost | |
CSymmetricGhost | General collection of MultiFab utilities |
►NMPMD | |
CCopier | Program ID |
►NNonLocalBC | |
CApplyDtosAndProjectionOnReciever | This class specializes behaviour on local copies and unpacking receive buffers |
CCommData | This class holds data buffers for either immediate MPI send or recv calls |
CCommHandler | This class stores both recv and send buffers with an associated MPI tag |
CDoLocalCopy | |
CHasInverseMemFn | Type trait that tests if T has an InverseImage class member function |
CIdentity | This class acts as a default no-op operator |
CIsDataPacking | This type trait tests if a given type DP satisfies the DataPacking concept for type FAB |
CIsFabProjection | This type trait tests if a type P is a projection for FAB |
CIsIndexMapping | Tests if a given type IndexMap is usable as an index mapping between two index based coordinate systems |
CMapComponents | This class takes a projection and a component map and combines them to form a new projection |
CMultiBlockCommMetaData | This is the index mapping based on the DTOS MultiBlockDestToSrc |
CMultiBlockIndexMapping | This struct describes an affine index transformation for two coordinate systems |
CNoLocalCopy | |
CPackComponents | Contains information about which components take part of the data transaction |
CSwapComponents | This is a permutation where only two components are swapped |
CSwapComponents< I, -1 > | |
CSwapComponents<-1, -1 > | |
CSwapComponents<-1, J > | |
►Nopenbc | |
CMoments | |
CMomTag | |
►NParallelContext | |
CFrame | |
►NParallelDescriptor | Parallel frontend that abstracts functionalities needed to spawn processes and handle communication |
CMessage | Hold the description and status of communication data |
CMpi_typemap | Communication datatype (note: this structure also works without MPI) |
CMpi_typemap< GpuComplex< T > > | |
CMpi_typemap< ValLocPair< TV, TI > > | |
CProcessTeam | Provide functionalities needed to construct a team of processes to perform a particular job |
►NParticleInterpolator | |
CBase | A base class for doing general particle/mesh interpolation operations |
CLinear | A class the implements linear (CIC) particle/mesh interpolation |
CNearest | A class the implements nearest grid point particle/mesh interpolation |
►Nppdetail | |
CArithmeticOptional_TT | |
CArithmeticOptional_TT< std::optional< T >, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > > | |
CArithmeticOptional_TT< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > > | |
►NReduce | |
►Ndetail | |
Citerate_box | |
Citerate_box_comp | |
►NRungeKutta | Functions for Runge-Kutta methods |
CPostStageNoOp | |
►NScan | |
►Ndetail | |
CBlockStatus | |
CBlockStatus< T, false > | |
►CBlockStatus< T, true > | |
CData | |
►NType | |
CExclusive | |
CInclusive | |
CRetSum | |
►Nsundials | |
CMemoryHelper | A SUNDIALS SUNMemoryHelper interface to the amrex::Arena |
►CAlgPartition | |
CRef | |
CAlgVector | |
CAllPrint | Print on all processors of the default communicator |
CAllPrintToFile | Print on all processors of the default communicator |
CAmr | Manage hierarchy of levels for time-dependent AMR computations |
CAmrAssignGrid | |
CAmrCore | Provide basic functionalities to set up an AMR hierarchy |
CAmrData | |
►CAmrDataAdaptor | |
CInternalsType | |
►CAMRErrorTag | |
CUserFunc | |
CAMRErrorTagInfo | |
CAMReX | |
Camrex_iparser | |
Camrex_KSP | |
Camrex_Mat | |
Camrex_parser | |
Camrex_Vec | |
CAmrInfo | |
CAmrInSituBridge | Contains the bridge code for simulations that use amrex::Amr |
CAmrLevel | Virtual base class for managing individual levels. AmrLevel functions both as a container for state data on a level and also manages the advancement of data in time |
CAmrMesh | |
►CAmrMeshDataAdaptor | |
CInternalsType | |
CAmrMeshInSituBridge | SENSEI bridge for code simulations that use amrex::AmrMesh/Core |
CAmrParGDB | |
CAmrParticleContainer_impl | |
CAmrParticleLocator | |
CAmrTracerParticleContainer | |
►CAny | |
Cinnards | |
Cinnards_base | |
►CArena | A virtual base class for objects that manage their own dynamic memory allocation |
CArenaProfiler | |
CArenaAllocator | |
CArenaAllocatorBase | |
CArenaInfo | |
CArenaWrapper | |
CArray1D | |
CArray2D | |
CArray3D | |
CArray4 | |
CArray4BoxOffsetTag | |
CArray4BoxOrientationTag | |
CArray4BoxTag | |
CArray4BoxValTag | |
CArray4CopyTag | |
CArray4MaskCopyTag | |
CArray4PairTag | |
CArray4Tag | |
CArrayOfStructs | |
CAssignGrid | |
CAssignGridFilter | |
CAsyncArenaAllocator | |
CAsyncArenaWrapper | |
CBackgroundThread | |
CBARef | |
CBArena | A Concrete Class for Dynamic Memory Management This is the simplest dynamic memory management class derived from Arena. Makes calls to std::malloc and std::free |
CBaseFab | A FortranArrayBox(FAB)-like object |
CBATbndryReg | |
CBATcoarsenRatio | |
CBATindexType | |
CBATindexType_coarsenRatio | |
CBATnull | |
►CBATransformer | |
CBATOp | |
CBCRec | Boundary Condition Records. Necessary information and functions for computing boundary conditions |
►CBinIterator | |
Citerator | |
CBinMapper | |
CBLBackTrace | |
CBLBTer | |
►CBlockMutex | |
►Cstate_t | |
CII | |
CBLProfiler | |
CBndryDataT | A BndryData stores and manipulates boundary data information on each side of each box in a BoxArray |
CBndryFuncArray | This version calls function working on array |
CBndryRegisterT | A BndryRegister organizes FabSets bounding each grid in a BoxArray. A FabSet is maintained for each boundary orientation, as well as the BoxArray domain of definition |
CBoundCond | Maintain an identifier for boundary condition types |
►CBoxArray | A collection of Boxes stored in an Array |
CRefID | |
CBoxCommHelper | |
CBoxConverter | |
CBoxDomain | A List of Disjoint Boxes |
CBoxIndexerND | |
CBoxIndexerND< 1 > | |
CBoxIterator | Iterates through the IntVects of a Box |
CBoxList | A class for managing a List of Boxes that share a common IndexType. This class implements operations for sets of Boxes. This is a concrete class, not a polymorphic one |
CBoxND | A Rectangular Domain on an Integer Lattice |
CbtUnit | |
►CCArena | A Concrete Class for Dynamic Memory Management using first fit. This is a coalescing memory manager. It allocates (possibly) large chunks of heap space and apportions it out as requested. It merges together neighboring chunks on each free() |
►CNode | The nodes in our free list and block list |
Chash | |
CCellBilinear | Bilinear interpolation on cell centered data |
CCellConservativeLinear | Linear conservative interpolation on cell centered data |
CCellConservativeProtected | Lin. cons. interp. on cc data with protection against under/over-shoots |
CCellConservativeQuartic | Conservative quartic interpolation on cell averaged data |
CCellData | |
CCellIndexEnum | Type for defining CellIndex so that all IndexTypeND with different dimensions have the same CellIndex type |
CCellQuadratic | Quadratic interpolation on cell centered data |
CCellQuartic | Quartic interpolation on cell centered data |
CCluster | A cluster of tagged cells |
CClusterList | A list of Cluster objects |
CCompileTimeOptions | |
CConjunction | Logical traits let us combine multiple type requirements in one enable_if_t clause |
CConjunction< B1 > | |
CConjunction< B1, Bn... > | |
CConstParticleCPUWrapper | |
CConstParticleIDWrapper | |
CConstParticleTileData | |
CConstSoAParticle | |
CCoordSys | Coordinate System |
CCpuBndryFuncFab | This cpu version calls function working on FArrayBox |
CCurlCurlDirichletInfo | |
CCurlCurlSymmetryInfo | |
CCutFab | |
CDataAllocator | |
CDataDeleter | |
CDataLayoutPolicy | |
CDataLayoutPolicy< ContainerType, ParticleType< Types... >, DataLayout::AoS > | |
CDataLayoutPolicy< ContainerType, ParticleType< Types... >, DataLayout::SoA > | |
CDataLayoutPolicyRaw | |
CDataLayoutPolicyRaw< ParticleType< Types... >, DataLayout::AoS > | |
CDataLayoutPolicyRaw< ParticleType< Types... >, DataLayout::SoA > | |
CDataServices | |
CDefaultAssignor | |
CDefaultFabFactory | |
CDefinitelyNotHostRunnable | |
CDenseBinIteratorFactory | |
CDenseBins | A container for storing items in a set of bins |
CDeriveList | A list of DeriveRecs |
►CDeriveRec | Derived Type Record |
CStateRange | An element of a linked list to point to state quantities in AmrLevels |
CDescriptorList | |
CDestComp | |
CDeviceArenaAllocator | |
CDeviceArenaWrapper | |
CDim3 | |
CDisjunction | |
CDisjunction< B1 > | |
CDisjunction< B1, Bn... > | |
CdistFcnElement2d | |
►CDistributionMapping | Calculates the distribution of FABs to MPI processes |
CLIpairGT | |
CLIpairLT | |
CRef | |
CRefID | |
CDivides | |
CDynamicTiling | |
CEBCellConservativeLinear | |
CEBCellFlag | |
►CEBCellFlagFab | |
CNumCells | |
CEBData | |
CEBDataCollection | |
CEBFArrayBox | |
CEBFArrayBoxFactory | |
CEBFluxRegister | |
CEBMFCellConsLinInterp | |
CEdgeFluxRegister | |
CErrorList | A List of ErrorRecs |
►CErrorRec | Error Record |
CErrorFunc | |
CErrorFunc2 | |
Cexpect | |
►CFabArray | An Array of FortranArrayBox(FAB)-like Objects |
CFABType | |
CShMem | For shared memory |
►CFabArrayBase | Base class for FabArray |
CBDKey | |
CCacheStats | |
CCFinfo | Coarse/fine boundary |
CCommMetaData | |
CCopyComTag | Used by a bunch of routines when communicating via MPI |
CCPC | Parallel copy or add |
CFabArrayStats | |
CFabComTag | Used for collecting information used in communicating FABs |
CFB | FillBoundary |
CFPinfo | |
Cmeminfo | |
CParForInfo | For ParallelFor(FabArray) |
CPolarB | Fill polar boundary in spherical coordinates |
CRB180 | Rotate Boundary by 180 |
CRB90 | Rotate Boundary by 90 |
CRegionTag | |
CTileArray | Tiling |
CFabArrayCopyDescriptor | This class orchestrates filling a destination fab of size destFabBox from fabarray on the local processor (myProc) |
CFabArrayId | |
CFabCopyDescriptor | |
CFabDataType | |
CFabDataType< T, std::enable_if_t< IsMultiFabLike_v< T > > > | |
CFabDataType< T, std::enable_if_t< IsMultiFabLike_v< typename T::value_type > > > | |
CFabFactory | |
CFabFillNoOp | |
CFabInfo | |
CFABio | A Class Facilitating I/O for Fabs |
CFABio_8bit | |
CFABio_ascii | |
CFABio_binary | |
CFabSetIter | |
CFabSetT | A FabSet is a group of FArrayBox's. The grouping is designed specifically to represent regions along the boundary of Box's, and are used to implement boundary conditions to discretized partial differential equations |
CFaceConservativeLinear | Bilinear tangential interpolation / linear normal interpolation of face data |
CFaceDivFree | Divergence-preserving interpolation on face centered data |
CFaceLinear | Piecewise constant tangential interpolation / linear normal interpolation of face data |
CFArrayBox | A Fortran Array of REALs |
CFatPtr | |
CFBData | |
CFEIntegrator | |
CFilccCell | |
CFilfcFace | |
CFillBoxId | |
CFillPatcher | FillPatcher is for filling a fine level MultiFab/FabArray |
CFillPatchIterator | |
CFillPatchIteratorHelper | |
CFilterPositiveID | |
CFilterVirt | |
CFluxRegister | Flux Register |
►CForkJoin | |
CComponentSet | If strategy == split, use this to specify how to split components across tasks |
CMFFork | |
CFPC | A Collection of Floating-Point Constants Supporting FAB I/O |
CGeometry | Rectangular problem domain geometry |
CGeometryData | |
CGetBucket | |
CGetParticleBin | |
CGetPID | |
CGetSendBufferOffset | |
CGMRESMLMGT | Solve using GMRES with multigrid as preconditioner |
CGPUable | |
CGpuArray | |
CGpuBndryFuncFab | |
CGpuComplex | A host / device complex number type, because std::complex doesn't work in device code with Cuda yet |
CGpuTuple | |
CGpuTupleElement | |
CGpuTupleElement< 0, GpuTuple< Head, Tail... > > | |
CGpuTupleElement< I, GpuTuple< Head, Tail... > > | |
CGpuTupleSize | |
CGpuTupleSize< GpuTuple< Ts... > > | |
CHasAtomicAdd | |
CHasAtomicAdd< double > | |
CHasAtomicAdd< float > | |
CHasAtomicAdd< int > | |
CHasAtomicAdd< long > | |
CHasAtomicAdd< unsigned int > | |
CHasAtomicAdd< unsigned long long > | |
CHasMultiComp | |
CHasMultiComp< B, std::enable_if_t< B().size() >=1 > | |
CHypre | |
CHypreABecLap | |
CHypreABecLap2 | |
CHypreABecLap3 | |
CHypreIJIface | |
CHypreMLABecLap | |
CHypreNodeLap | |
CHypreSolver | Solve Ax = b using HYPRE's generic IJ matrix format where A is a sparse matrix specified using the compressed sparse row (CSR) format |
CIArrayBox | A Fortran Array of ints |
CIFABio | |
CiMultiFab | |
CIndexTypeND | Cell-Based or Node-Based Indices |
CInSituBridge | A base class for coupling to the SENSEI in situ library |
CIntDescriptor | A Descriptor of the Long Integer type |
CIntegratorBase | |
CIntegratorOps | |
CIntegratorOps< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< amrex::MultiFab, T > > > | |
CIntegratorOps< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< amrex::Vector< amrex::MultiFab >, T > > > | |
CInterpBase | |
CInterpBndryDataT | An InterpBndryData object adds to a BndryData object the ability to manipulate and set the data stored in the boundary cells |
CInterpFaceRegister | InterpFaceRegister is a coarse/fine boundary register for interpolation of face data at the coarse/fine boundary |
CInterpolater | Virtual base class for interpolaters |
CInterpolaterBoxCoarsener | |
►CIntVectND | |
Cshift_hasher | |
CIOFormatSaver | |
►CIParser | |
CData | |
Ciparser_assign | |
Ciparser_f1 | |
Ciparser_f2 | |
Ciparser_f3 | |
Ciparser_node | |
Ciparser_number | |
Ciparser_nvp | |
Ciparser_symbol | |
CIParserExeADD | |
CIParserExeADD_PN | |
CIParserExeADD_PP | |
CIParserExeADD_VN | |
CIParserExeADD_VP | |
CIParserExecutor | |
CIParserExeDIV_B | |
CIParserExeDIV_F | |
CIParserExeDIV_NV | |
CIParserExeDIV_PN | |
CIParserExeDIV_PP | |
CIParserExeDIV_PV | |
CIParserExeDIV_VN | |
CIParserExeDIV_VP | |
CIParserExeF1 | |
CIParserExeF2_B | |
CIParserExeF2_F | |
CIParserExeIF | |
CIParserExeJUMP | |
CIParserExeMUL | |
CIParserExeMUL_PN | |
CIParserExeMUL_PP | |
CIParserExeMUL_VN | |
CIParserExeMUL_VP | |
CIParserExeNEG | |
CIParserExeNEG_P | |
CIParserExeNull | |
CIParserExeNumber | |
CIParserExeSUB | |
CIParserExeSUB_PN | |
CIParserExeSUB_PP | |
CIParserExeSUB_VN | |
CIParserExeSUB_VP | |
CIParserExeSymbol | |
Cis_soa_particle | |
CIsAlgVector | |
CIsAlgVector< V, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< AlgVector< typename V::value_type, typename V::allocator_type >, V > > > | |
CIsArenaAllocator | |
CIsArenaAllocator< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< ArenaAllocatorBase< typename T::value_type, typename T::arena_wrapper_type >, T > > > | |
CIsBaseFab | |
CIsBaseFab< D, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< BaseFab< typename D::value_type >, D > > > | |
CIsCallable | Test if a given type T is callable with arguments of type Args.. |
CIsCallableR | Test if a given type T is callable with arguments of type Args.. |
CIsConvertible | Test if all the types Args... are automatically convertible to type T |
CIsFabArray | |
CIsFabArray< D, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< FabArray< typename D::FABType::value_type >, D > > > | |
CIsMultiFabIterator | |
CIsMultiFabLike | |
CIsMultiFabLike< M, std::enable_if_t< IsFabArray_v< M > &&IsBaseFab_v< typename M::fab_type > > > | |
CIsPolymorphicArenaAllocator | |
CIsPolymorphicArenaAllocator< PolymorphicArenaAllocator< T > > | |
CIsStoreAtomic | |
CIsStoreAtomic< EBCellFlag > | |
CJacobiSmoother | |
CKeepValidFilter | |
CLayoutData | One-thingy-per-box distributed object |
CLevelBld | Builds problem-specific AmrLevels |
CLineDistFcnElement2d | |
CLinOpEnumType | |
CLogicalAnd | |
CLogicalOr | |
CLPInfo | |
CLUSolver | |
Cmake_particle | |
Cmake_particle< T_ParticleType, std::enable_if_t< is_soa_particle< T_ParticleType >::value > > | |
CManagedArenaAllocator | |
CManagedArenaWrapper | |
CMask | |
CMaximum | |
CMaybeDeviceRunnable | |
CMaybeHostDeviceRunnable | |
►CMemProfiler | |
CBuilds | |
CBytes | |
CMemInfo | |
CNBuildsInfo | |
CMemStat | |
CMFCellBilinear | [Bi|Tri]linear interpolation on cell centered data |
CMFCellConsLinInterp | Linear conservative interpolation on cell centered data |
CMFCellConsLinMinmaxLimitInterp | Linear conservative interpolation on cell centered data |
CMFInfo | FabArray memory allocation information |
CMFInterpolater | |
►CMFIter | |
CDeviceSync | |
CMFItInfo | |
CMFNodeBilinear | |
CMFPCInterp | Piecewise constant interpolation on cell-centered data |
CMinimum | |
CMinus | |
CMLABecLaplacianT | |
CMLALaplacianT | |
CMLCellABecLapT | |
►CMLCellLinOpT | |
CBndryCondLoc | |
CMLCGSolverT | |
CMLCurlCurl | Curl (alpha curl E) + beta E = rhs |
CMLEBABecLap | |
CMLEBNodeFDLaplacian | |
CMLEBTensorOp | |
►CMLLinOpT | |
CCommContainer | |
CMLMGBndryT | |
Cerror | |
CMLNodeABecLaplacian | |
CMLNodeLaplacian | |
CMLNodeLinOp | |
CMLNodeTensorLaplacian | |
CMLPoissonT | |
CMLTensorOp | |
CMultiArray4 | |
CMultiCutFab | |
CMultiFab | A collection (stored as an array) of FArrayBox objects |
CMultiFabCopyDescriptor | |
CMultiMask | |
CMultiMaskIter | |
CMultiplies | |
CNeighborCode | |
CNeighborData | |
CNeighborList | |
►CNeighborParticleContainer | |
CInverseCopyTag | |
CMaskComps | |
CNeighborCommTag | |
CNeighborCopyTag | |
CNeighborIndexMap | |
CNeighborTask | |
►CNeighbors | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CNeighborUnpackPolicy | |
CNFilesIter | This class encapsulates writing to nfiles |
CNodeBilinear | Bilinear interpolation on node centered data |
CNullInterpHook | |
CNumComps | |
COpenBCSolver | Open Boundary Poisson Solver |
COrderedBoxes | |
COrientation | Encapsulation of the Orientation of the Faces of a Box |
COrientationIter | An Iterator over the Orientation of Faces of a Box |
CParConstIter_impl | |
CPArena | This arena uses CUDA stream-ordered memory allocator if available. If not, use The_Arena() |
CParGDB | We use this for non-Amr particle code |
CParGDBBase | |
CParIter_impl | |
CParIterBase_impl | |
►CParmParse | Parse Parameters From Command Line and Input Files |
CPP_entry | |
►CParser | |
CData | |
Cparser_assign | |
Cparser_f1 | |
Cparser_f2 | |
Cparser_f3 | |
Cparser_node | |
Cparser_number | |
Cparser_symbol | |
CParserExeADD | |
CParserExeADD_PN | |
CParserExeADD_PP | |
CParserExeADD_VN | |
CParserExeADD_VP | |
CParserExecutor | |
CParserExeDIV_B | |
CParserExeDIV_F | |
CParserExeDIV_PN | |
CParserExeDIV_PP | |
CParserExeDIV_VN | |
CParserExeDIV_VP | |
CParserExeF1 | |
CParserExeF2_B | |
CParserExeF2_F | |
CParserExeIF | |
CParserExeJUMP | |
CParserExeMUL | |
CParserExeMUL_PN | |
CParserExeMUL_PP | |
CParserExeMUL_VN | |
CParserExeMUL_VP | |
CParserExeNull | |
CParserExeNumber | |
CParserExePOWI | |
CParserExeSquare | |
CParserExeSUB_B | |
CParserExeSUB_F | |
CParserExeSUB_PN | |
CParserExeSUB_PP | |
CParserExeSUB_VN | |
CParserExeSUB_VP | |
CParserExeSymbol | |
CParticle | The struct used to store particles |
CParticleArray | |
CParticleArrayAccessor | |
CParticleBase | |
CParticleBase< T, 0, 0 > | |
CParticleBase< T, 0, NInt > | |
CParticleBase< T, NReal, 0 > | |
CParticleBufferMap | |
CParticleCommData | A struct used for communicating particle data across processes during multi-level operations |
CParticleContainer_impl | A distributed container for Particles sorted onto the levels, grids, and tiles of a block-structured AMR hierarchy |
CParticleContainerBase | |
CParticleCopyOp | |
CParticleCopyPlan | |
CParticleCPUWrapper | |
CParticleIDWrapper | |
CParticleInitType | A struct used to pass initial data into the various Init methods. This struct is used to pass initial data into the various Init methods of the particle container. That data should be initialized in the order real struct data, int struct data, real array data, int array data. If fewer components are specified than the template parameters specify for, a given component, then the extra values will be set to zero. If more components are specified, it is a compile-time error |
CParticleLocator | |
CParticleLocData | A struct used for storing a particle's position in the AMR hierarchy |
CParticleTile | |
CParticleTileData | |
CPCData | |
CPCInterp | Piecewise Constant interpolation on cell centered data |
CPeriodicity | This provides length of period for periodic domains. 0 means it is not periodic in that direction. It is also assumed that the periodic domain starts with index 0 |
CPETScABecLap | |
CPhysBCFunct | |
CPhysBCFunctNoOp | |
CPhysBCFunctUseCoarseGhost | |
CPinnedArenaAllocator | |
CPinnedArenaWrapper | |
CPlotFileData | |
CPlotFileDataImpl | |
CPlus | |
CPODVector | |
CPolymorphicArenaAllocator | |
CPolymorphicArenaWrapper | |
CPolymorphicArray4 | |
CPrint | This class provides the user with a few print options |
CPrintToFile | This class prints to a file with a given base name |
CRandomEngine | |
CRealBox | A Box with real dimensions. A RealBox is OK iff volume >= 0 |
CRealDescriptor | A Descriptor of the Real Type |
CRealVect | A Real vector in SpaceDim-dimensional space |
CRedistributeUnpackPolicy | |
CReduceData | |
CReduceOpLogicalAnd | |
CReduceOpLogicalOr | |
CReduceOpMax | |
CReduceOpMin | |
CReduceOps | |
CReduceOpSum | |
Cref_wrapper | |
CRKIntegrator | |
CRunOnGpu | |
CRunOnGpu< ArenaAllocator< T > > | |
CRunOnGpu< AsyncArenaAllocator< T > > | |
CRunOnGpu< DeviceArenaAllocator< T > > | |
CRunOnGpu< ManagedArenaAllocator< T > > | |
CSame | |
CSame< T, U > | |
CSmallMatrix | Matrix class with compile-time size |
CSoAParticle | |
CSoAParticleBase | |
CSparseBinIteratorFactory | |
CSparseBins | A container for storing items in a set of bins using "sparse" storage |
CSplineDistFcnElement2d | |
►CSpMatrix | |
CCSR | |
CSrcComp | |
CStack | |
►CStateData | Current and previous level-time data |
CTimeInterval | |
CStateDataPhysBCFunct | |
►CStateDescriptor | Attributes of StateData |
CBndryFunc | |
►CSTLtools | |
CBVHNodeT | |
CTriangle | |
CStreamRetry | |
CStructOfArrays | |
CSundialsIntegrator | |
CSundialsUserData | |
CTable1D | |
CTable2D | |
CTable3D | |
CTable4D | |
CTableData | Multi-dimensional array class |
CTagBox | Tagged cells in a Box |
CTagBoxArray | An array of TagBoxes |
CTheFaArenaDeleter | |
CThisParticleTileHasNoAoS | |
CThisParticleTileHasNoParticleVector | |
CTileSize | |
CTimeIntegrator | |
►CTinyProfiler | A simple profiler that returns basic performance information (e.g. min, max, and average running time) |
CMemProcStats | |
CProcStats | Stats across processes |
CStats | |
CTinyProfileRegion | |
CTracerParticleContainer | |
CTransformerGhost | |
CTransformerVirt | |
CTypeList | Struct for holding types |
CValLocPair | |
CVector | This class is a thin wrapper around std::vector. Unlike vector, Vector::operator[] provides bound checking when compiled with DEBUG=TRUE |
CVectorTag | |
►CVisMF | File I/O for FabArray<FArrayBox>. Wrapper class for reading/writing FabArray<FArrayBox> objects to disk in various "smart" ways |
CFabOnDisk | A structure containing info regarding an on-disk FAB |
CFabReadLink | This structure is used to store the read order for each FabArray file |
CHeader | An on-disk FabArray<FArrayBox> contains this info in a header file |
CPersistentIFStream | This structure is used to store file ifstreams that remain open |
CVisMFBuffer | |
CWeightedBox | |
CWeightedBoxList | |
CXDim3 | |
CXYPlotDataList | |
CXYPlotDataListLink | |
CYAFluxRegisterT | |
►Mamrex_ebcellflag_module | |
Cget_neighbor_cells | |
►Mamrex_error_module | |
Camrex_error | |
Camrex_fi_abort | |
Camrex_fi_error | |
Camrex_fi_warning | |
►Mamrex_filcc_module | |
Camrex_filcc | |
►Mamrex_fort_module | |
Camrex_free | |
Camrex_malloc | |
Camrex_random | |
Camrex_random_int | |
►Mamrex_mempool_module | |
Camrex_allocate | |
Camrex_deallocate | |
Camrex_mempool_alloc | |
Camrex_mempool_free | |
Camrex_real_array_init | |
Cbl_allocate | |
Cbl_deallocate | |
►Mamrex_paralleldescriptor_module | |
Camrex_fi_pd_bcast_r | |
Camrex_fi_pd_ioprocessor | |
Camrex_fi_pd_ioprocessor_number | |
Camrex_fi_pd_myproc | |
Camrex_fi_pd_nprocs | |
Camrex_fi_pd_wtime | |
Camrex_pd_bcast | |
►Mamrex_parmparse_module | |
Camrex_delete_parmparse | |
Camrex_new_parmparse | |
Camrex_parmparse | |
Camrex_parmparse_add_bool | |
Camrex_parmparse_add_int | |
Camrex_parmparse_add_intarr | |
Camrex_parmparse_add_real | |
Camrex_parmparse_add_realarr | |
Camrex_parmparse_add_string | |
Camrex_parmparse_add_stringarr | |
Camrex_parmparse_delete_cp_char | |
Camrex_parmparse_destroy | |
Camrex_parmparse_get_bool | |
Camrex_parmparse_get_counts | |
Camrex_parmparse_get_int | |
Camrex_parmparse_get_intarr | |
Camrex_parmparse_get_real | |
Camrex_parmparse_get_realarr | |
Camrex_parmparse_get_string | |
Camrex_parmparse_get_stringarr | |
Camrex_parmparse_query_bool | |
Camrex_parmparse_query_int | |
Camrex_parmparse_query_real | |
Camrex_parmparse_query_string | |
►Mamrex_string_module | |
Camrex_string | |
►Ndetail | |
CCellAdd | |
CCellAtomicAdd | |
CCellStore | |
►Msdcquadrature_mod | Module to create quadrature matrices and accompanying routines for SDC |
Cpoly_eval | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Ctuple_element< N, amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > > | |
Ctuple_element< s, amrex::GpuTuple< T, Ts... > > | |
Ctuple_element< s, amrex::IndexTypeND< dim > > | |
Ctuple_element< s, amrex::IntVectND< dim > > | |
Ctuple_element< std::size_t{0}, amrex::GpuTuple< T, Ts... > > | |
Ctuple_size< amrex::GpuTuple< Ts... > > | |
Ctuple_size< amrex::IndexTypeND< dim > > | |
Ctuple_size< amrex::IntVectND< dim > > | |
Ctuple_size< amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > > | |
►CBLProfStats | |
CBLPDataBlock | |
CCallTreeNode | |
CFuncStat | |
CTimeRange | |
CTimeRangeCompare | |
►CCommProfStats | |
CBarrierEntry | |
CDataBlock | |
CNameTagEntry | |
CReductionEntry | |
CSendRecvPair | |
CSendRecvPairUnpaired | |
CFabCopyTag | |
CMPI_Status | |
CN_VectorContent_MultiFab_notptr | |
►CRegionsProfStats | |
CDataBlock | |
CSDCstruct | |
CVoidCopyTag | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
Cyyalloc | |