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No Matches
amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt > Class Template Reference

#include <AMReX_NeighborParticles.H>

Inheritance diagram for amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >:
amrex::ParticleContainer_impl< T_ParticleType, T_NArrayReal, T_NArrayInt, Allocator, T_CellAssignor > amrex::ParticleContainerBase


struct  InverseCopyTag
struct  MaskComps
struct  NeighborCommTag
struct  NeighborCopyTag
struct  NeighborIndexMap
struct  NeighborTask

Public Types

using ParticleContainerType = ParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >
using ParticleType = typename ParticleContainerType::ParticleType
using SuperParticleType = typename ParticleContainerType::SuperParticleType
using NeighborListContainerType = Vector< std::map< std::pair< int, int >, amrex::NeighborList< ParticleType > > >
using MyParIter = ParIter< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >
using PairIndex = std::pair< int, int >
using NeighborCommMap = std::map< NeighborCommTag, Vector< char > >
using AoS = typename ParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::AoS
using ParticleVector = typename ParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::ParticleVector
using ParticleTile = typename ParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::ParticleTileType
using IntVector = typename ParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::IntVector
- Public Types inherited from amrex::ParticleContainer_impl< T_ParticleType, T_NArrayReal, T_NArrayInt, Allocator, T_CellAssignor >
using ParticleType = T_ParticleType
using ConstParticleType = typename ParticleType::ConstType
using CellAssignor = T_CellAssignor
template<typename T >
using AllocatorType = Allocator< T >
 The memory allocator in use.
using SuperParticleType = Particle< NStructReal+NArrayReal, NStructInt+NArrayInt >
 The type of the "SuperParticle" which stored all components in AoS form.
using RealType = typename Particle< NStructReal, NStructInt >::RealType
 The type of the Real data.
using ParticleContainerType = ParticleContainer_impl< ParticleType, NArrayReal, NArrayInt, Allocator, CellAssignor >
using ParticleTileType = ParticleTile< ParticleType, NArrayReal, NArrayInt, Allocator >
using ParticleInitData = ParticleInitType< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >
using ParticleLevel = std::map< std::pair< int, int >, ParticleTileType >
using AoS = typename ParticleTileType::AoS
using SoA = typename ParticleTileType::SoA
using RealVector = typename SoA::RealVector
using IntVector = typename SoA::IntVector
using ParticleVector = typename AoS::ParticleVector
using CharVector = Gpu::DeviceVector< char >
using ParIterType = ParIter_impl< ParticleType, NArrayReal, NArrayInt, Allocator, CellAssignor >
using ParConstIterType = ParConstIter_impl< ParticleType, NArrayReal, NArrayInt, Allocator, CellAssignor >
template<template< class > class NewAllocator = amrex::DefaultAllocator>
using ContainerLike = amrex::ParticleContainer_impl< ParticleType, NArrayReal, NArrayInt, NewAllocator >

Public Member Functions

 NeighborParticleContainer (ParGDBBase *gdb, int ncells)
 NeighborParticleContainer (const Geometry &geom, const DistributionMapping &dmap, const BoxArray &ba, int nneighbor)
 NeighborParticleContainer (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< int > &rr, int nneighbor)
 ~NeighborParticleContainer () override=default
 NeighborParticleContainer (const NeighborParticleContainer &)=delete
NeighborParticleContaineroperator= (const NeighborParticleContainer &)=delete
 NeighborParticleContainer (NeighborParticleContainer &&)=default
NeighborParticleContaineroperator= (NeighborParticleContainer &&)=default
void Regrid (const DistributionMapping &dmap, const BoxArray &ba)
void Regrid (const DistributionMapping &dmap, const BoxArray &ba, int lev)
void Regrid (const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba)
void fillNeighbors ()
void sumNeighbors (int real_start_comp, int real_num_comp, int int_start_comp, int int_num_comp)
void updateNeighbors (bool boundary_neighbors_only=false)
void clearNeighbors ()
template<class CheckPair >
void buildNeighborList (CheckPair const &check_pair, bool sort=false)
template<class CheckPair , class OtherPCType >
void buildNeighborList (CheckPair const &check_pair, OtherPCType &other, Vector< std::map< std::pair< int, int >, amrex::NeighborList< typename OtherPCType::ParticleType > > > &neighbor_lists, bool sort=false)
template<class CheckPair >
void buildNeighborList (CheckPair const &check_pair, int type_ind, int *ref_ratio, int num_bin_types=1, bool sort=false)
template<class CheckPair >
void selectActualNeighbors (CheckPair const &check_pair, int num_cells=1)
void printNeighborList ()
void setRealCommComp (int i, bool value)
void setIntCommComp (int i, bool value)
ParticleTileGetNeighbors (int lev, int grid, int tile)
const ParticleTileGetNeighbors (int lev, int grid, int tile) const
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, bool >, int > = 0>
void AddRealComp (T communicate=true)
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, bool >, int > = 0>
void AddIntComp (T communicate=true)
void Redistribute (int lev_min=0, int lev_max=-1, int nGrow=0, int local=0, bool remove_negative=true)
void RedistributeLocal (bool remove_negative=true)
void fillNeighborsGPU ()
void updateNeighborsGPU (bool boundary_neighbors_only=false)
void clearNeighborsGPU ()
void setEnableInverse (bool flag)
bool enableInverse ()
void buildNeighborMask ()
void buildNeighborCopyOp (bool use_boundary_neighbor=false)
- Public Member Functions inherited from amrex::ParticleContainer_impl< T_ParticleType, T_NArrayReal, T_NArrayInt, Allocator, T_CellAssignor >
 ParticleContainer_impl ()
 Default constructor - construct an empty particle container that has no concept of a level hierarchy. Must be properly initialized later.
 ParticleContainer_impl (ParGDBBase *gdb)
 Construct a particle container using a ParGDB object. The container will track changes in the grid structure of the ParGDB automatically.
 ParticleContainer_impl (const Geometry &geom, const DistributionMapping &dmap, const BoxArray &ba)
 Construct a particle container using a given Geometry, DistributionMapping, and BoxArray. Single level version.
 ParticleContainer_impl (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< int > &rr)
 Construct a particle container using a given Geometry, DistributionMapping, BoxArray and Vector of refinement ratios. Multi-level version.
 ParticleContainer_impl (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< IntVect > &rr)
 Same as the above, but accepts different refinement ratios in each direction.
 ~ParticleContainer_impl () override=default
 ParticleContainer_impl (const ParticleContainer_impl &)=delete
ParticleContainer_imploperator= (const ParticleContainer_impl &)=delete
 ParticleContainer_impl (ParticleContainer_impl &&) noexcept=default
ParticleContainer_imploperator= (ParticleContainer_impl &&) noexcept=default
void Define (ParGDBBase *gdb)
 Define a default-constructed ParticleContainer using a ParGDB object. The container will track changes in the grid structure of the ParGDB automatically.
void Define (const Geometry &geom, const DistributionMapping &dmap, const BoxArray &ba)
 Define a default-constructed ParticleContainer using a ParGDB object. Single-level version.
void Define (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< int > &rr)
 Define a default-constructed ParticleContainer using a ParGDB object. Multi-level version.
void Define (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< IntVect > &rr)
 Define a default-constructed ParticleContainer using a ParGDB object. Multi-level version.
int numLocalTilesAtLevel (int lev) const
 The total number of tiles on this rank on this level.
void reserveData () override
 This reserves data in the vector of dummy MultiFabs used by the ParticleContainer for the maximum number of levels possible.
void resizeData () override
 This resizes the vector of dummy MultiFabs used by the ParticleContainer for the current number of levels and calls RedefineDummyMF on each level. Note that this must be done prior to using ParticleIterator.
void InitFromAsciiFile (const std::string &file, int extradata, const IntVect *Nrep=nullptr)
void InitFromBinaryFile (const std::string &file, int extradata)
void InitFromBinaryMetaFile (const std::string &file, int extradata)
void InitRandom (Long icount, ULong iseed, const ParticleInitData &pdata, bool serialize=false, RealBox bx=RealBox())
 This initializes the particle container with icount randomly distributed particles. If serialize is true, then the particles will all be generated on the IO Process, and the particle positions will be broadcast to all other process. If serialize is false, then the particle positions will be randomly generated in parallel, which each process using the random seed iseed + MyProc. The particles can be constrained to lie within the RealBox bx, if so desired. The default is the full domain.
void InitRandomPerBox (Long icount, ULong iseed, const ParticleInitData &pdata)
 This initializes the container with icount randomly distributed particles per box, using the random seed iseed. All the particles have the same data and attributes, which are passed using the pdata struct.
void InitOnePerCell (Real x_off, Real y_off, Real z_off, const ParticleInitData &pdata)
 This initializes the particle container with one particle per cell, where the other particle data and attributes are all constant. The coarsest level is used to generate the particle positions. The particle variable values are passed in through the pdata struct. The parameters x_off, y_off, and z_off represent offsets between 0 and 1 that show where inside the cells to place the particles. 0.5 means cell centered.
void InitNRandomPerCell (int n_per_cell, const ParticleInitData &pdata)
 This initializes the particle container with n_per_cell randomly distributed particles per cell, where the other particle data and and attributes are all constant. The cells on the coarsest level are used to generate the particle positions. The particle variable values are passed in through the pdata struct.
void Increment (MultiFab &mf, int level)
Long IncrementWithTotal (MultiFab &mf, int level, bool local=false)
void Redistribute (int lev_min=0, int lev_max=-1, int nGrow=0, int local=0, bool remove_negative=true)
 Redistribute puts all the particles back in the right places (for some value of right)
template<class index_type >
void ReorderParticles (int lev, const MFIter &mfi, const index_type *permutations)
 Reorder particles on the tile given by lev and mfi using a the permutations array.
void SortParticlesForDeposition (IntVect idx_type)
 Sort particles on each tile such that particles adjacent in memory are likely to map to adjacent cells. This ordering can be beneficial for performance on GPU when deposition quantities onto a grid.
void SortParticlesByCell ()
 Sort the particles on each tile by cell, using Fortran ordering.
void SortParticlesByBin (IntVect bin_size)
 Sort the particles on each tile by groups of cells, given an IntVect bin_size.
bool OK (int lev_min=0, int lev_max=-1, int nGrow=0) const
 OK checks that all particles are in the right places (for some value of right)
std::array< Long, 3 > ByteSpread () const
std::array< Long, 3 > PrintCapacity () const
void ShrinkToFit ()
Long NumberOfParticlesAtLevel (int level, bool only_valid=true, bool only_local=false) const
 Returns # of particles at specified the level.
Vector< Long > NumberOfParticlesInGrid (int level, bool only_valid=true, bool only_local=false) const
Long TotalNumberOfParticles (bool only_valid=true, bool only_local=false) const
 Returns # of particles at all levels.
void RemoveParticlesAtLevel (int level)
 The Following methods are for managing Virtual and Ghost Particles.
void RemoveParticlesNotAtFinestLevel ()
void CreateVirtualParticles (int level, AoS &virts) const
 Creates virtual particles for a given level that represent in some capacity all particles at finer levels.
void CreateGhostParticles (int level, int ngrow, AoS &ghosts) const
 Create ghost particles for a given level that are copies of particles near coarse->fine boundaries in level-1.
void AddParticlesAtLevel (AoS &particles, int level, int nGrow=0)
 Add particles from a pbox to the grid at this level.
void CreateVirtualParticles (int level, ParticleTileType &virts) const
 Creates virtual particles for a given level that represent in some capacity all particles at finer levels.
void CreateGhostParticles (int level, int ngrow, ParticleTileType &ghosts) const
 Create ghost particles for a given level that are copies of particles near coarse->fine boundaries in level-1.
void AddParticlesAtLevel (ParticleTileType &particles, int level, int nGrow=0)
 Add particles from a pbox to the grid at this level.
void clearParticles ()
 Clear all the particles in this container. This does not free memory.
template<class PCType , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleContainer< PCType >::value, int > foo = 0>
void copyParticles (const PCType &other, bool local=false)
 Copy particles from other to this ParticleContainer. Will clear all the particles from this container first. local controls whether or not to call Redistribute() after adding the particles.
template<class PCType , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleContainer< PCType >::value, int > foo = 0>
void addParticles (const PCType &other, bool local=false)
 Add particles from other to this ParticleContainer. local controls whether or not to call Redistribute after adding the particles.
template<class F , class PCType , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleContainer< PCType >::value, int > foo = 0, std::enable_if_t<! std::is_integral_v< F >, int > bar = 0>
void copyParticles (const PCType &other, F &&f, bool local=false)
 Copy particles from other to this ParticleContainer. Will clear all the particles from this container first. local controls whether or not to call Redistribute() after adding the particles.
template<class F , class PCType , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleContainer< PCType >::value, int > foo = 0, std::enable_if_t<! std::is_integral_v< F >, int > bar = 0>
void addParticles (const PCType &other, F const &f, bool local=false)
 Add particles from other to this ParticleContainer. local controls whether or not to call Redistribute after adding the particles.
void WriteParticleRealData (void *data, size_t size, std::ostream &os) const
 Write a contiguous chunk of real particle data to an ostream.
void ReadParticleRealData (void *data, size_t size, std::istream &is)
 Read a contiguous chunk of real particle data from an istream.
void Checkpoint (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names=Vector< std::string >(), const Vector< std::string > &int_comp_names=Vector< std::string >()) const
 Writes a particle checkpoint to file, suitable for restarting.
void Checkpoint (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, bool is_checkpoint, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names=Vector< std::string >(), const Vector< std::string > &int_comp_names=Vector< std::string >()) const
 Writes a particle checkpoint to file, suitable for restarting. This version allows the particle component names to be passed in. This overload exists for backwards compatibility. The is_checkpoint parameter is ignored.
void Checkpoint (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< int > &write_real_comp, const Vector< int > &write_int_comp, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names, const Vector< std::string > &int_comp_names) const
 Writes a particle checkpoint to file, suitable for restarting. This version allows some components to be toggled off, if they don't need to be stored in the chk file.
template<class F >
void WriteBinaryParticleData (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< int > &write_real_comp, const Vector< int > &write_int_comp, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names, const Vector< std::string > &int_comp_names, F &&f, bool is_checkpoint=false) const
 Writes particle data to disk in the AMReX native format.
void CheckpointPre ()
void CheckpointPost ()
void Restart (const std::string &dir, const std::string &file)
 Restart from checkpoint.
void Restart (const std::string &dir, const std::string &file, bool is_checkpoint)
 Older version, for backwards compatibility.
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name) const
 This version of WritePlotFile writes all components and assigns component names.
template<class F , std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< F >, Vector< std::string > > > * = nullptr>
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, F &&f) const
 This version of WritePlotFile writes all components and assigns component names.
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names, const Vector< std::string > &int_comp_names) const
 This version of WritePlotFile writes all components and allows the user to specify the names of the components.
template<class F >
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names, const Vector< std::string > &int_comp_names, F &&f) const
 This version of WritePlotFile writes all components and allows the user to specify the names of the components.
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names) const
 This version of WritePlotFile writes all components and allows the user to specify the names of the components.
template<class F , std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< std::decay_t< F >, Vector< std::string > > > * = nullptr>
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names, F &&f) const
 This version of WritePlotFile writes all components and allows the user to specify the names of the components.
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< int > &write_real_comp, const Vector< int > &write_int_comp) const
 This version of WritePlotFile assigns component names, but allows the user to pass in a vector of ints that toggle on / off the writing of specific components.
template<class F >
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< int > &write_real_comp, const Vector< int > &write_int_comp, F &&f) const
 This version of WritePlotFile assigns component names, but allows the user to pass in a vector of ints that toggle on / off the writing of specific components.
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< int > &write_real_comp, const Vector< int > &write_int_comp, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names, const Vector< std::string > &int_comp_names) const
 This is the most general version of WritePlotFile, which takes component names and flags for whether to write each variable as components. Note that the user should pass in vectors containing names of all the components, whether they are written or not.
template<class F >
void WritePlotFile (const std::string &dir, const std::string &name, const Vector< int > &write_real_comp, const Vector< int > &write_int_comp, const Vector< std::string > &real_comp_names, const Vector< std::string > &int_comp_names, F &&f) const
 This is the most general version of WritePlotFile, which takes component names and flags for whether to write each variable as components. Note that the user should pass in vectors containing names of all the components, whether they are written or not.
void WritePlotFilePre ()
void WritePlotFilePost ()
void WriteAsciiFile (const std::string &file)
const Vector< ParticleLevel > & GetParticles () const
 Return the underlying Vector (over AMR levels) of ParticleLevels. Const version.
Vector< ParticleLevel > & GetParticles ()
 Return the underlying Vector (over AMR levels) of ParticleLevels. Non-const version.
const ParticleLevelGetParticles (int lev) const
 Return the ParticleLevel for level "lev". Const version.
ParticleLevelGetParticles (int lev)
 Return the ParticleLevel for level "lev". Non-const version.
const ParticleTileTypeParticlesAt (int lev, int grid, int tile) const
 Return the ParticleTile for level "lev", grid "grid" and tile "tile." Const version.
ParticleTileTypeParticlesAt (int lev, int grid, int tile)
 Return the ParticleTile for level "lev", grid "grid" and tile "tile." Non-const version.
template<class Iterator >
const ParticleTileTypeParticlesAt (int lev, const Iterator &iter) const
 Return the ParticleTile for level "lev" and Iterator "iter". Const version.
template<class Iterator >
ParticleTileTypeParticlesAt (int lev, const Iterator &iter)
 Return the ParticleTile for level "lev" and Iterator "iter". Non-const version.
ParticleTileTypeDefineAndReturnParticleTile (int lev, int grid, int tile)
 Define and return the ParticleTile for level "lev", grid "grid" and tile "tile.".
template<class Iterator >
ParticleTileTypeDefineAndReturnParticleTile (int lev, const Iterator &iter)
 Define and return the ParticleTile for level "lev", and Iterator "iter".
void AssignDensity (int rho_index, Vector< std::unique_ptr< MultiFab > > &mf_to_be_filled, int lev_min, int ncomp, int finest_level, int ngrow=2) const
 Functions depending the layout of the data. Use with caution.
void AssignCellDensitySingleLevel (int rho_index, MultiFab &mf, int level, int ncomp=1, int particle_lvl_offset=0) const
template<typename P , typename Assignor = CellAssignor>
IntVect Index (const P &p, int lev) const
ParticleLocData Reset (ParticleType &prt, bool update, bool verbose=true, ParticleLocData pld=ParticleLocData()) const
 Updates a particle's location (Where), tries to periodic shift any particles that have left the domain. May need work (see inline comments)
template<typename P >
bool PeriodicShift (P &p) const
 Returns true if the particle was shifted.
void SetLevelDirectoriesCreated (bool tf)
bool GetLevelDirectoriesCreated () const
void SetUsePrePost (bool tf) const
bool GetUsePrePost () const
int GetMaxNextIDPrePost () const
Long GetNParticlesPrePost () const
void SetUseUnlink (bool tf) const
bool GetUseUnlink () const
void RedistributeCPU (int lev_min=0, int lev_max=-1, int nGrow=0, int local=0, bool remove_negative=true)
void RedistributeGPU (int lev_min=0, int lev_max=-1, int nGrow=0, int local=0, bool remove_negative=true)
Long superParticleSize () const
void AddRealComp (std::string const &name, int communicate=1)
void AddRealComp (int communicate=1)
void AddIntComp (std::string const &name, int communicate=1)
void AddIntComp (int communicate=1)
int NumRuntimeRealComps () const
int NumRuntimeIntComps () const
int NumRealComps () const
int NumIntComps () const
void ResizeRuntimeRealComp (int new_size, bool communicate)
void ResizeRuntimeIntComp (int new_size, bool communicate)
template<template< class > class NewAllocator = amrex::DefaultAllocator>
ContainerLike< NewAllocator > make_alike () const
void WriteParticles (int level, std::ofstream &ofs, int fnum, Vector< int > &which, Vector< int > &count, Vector< Long > &where, const Vector< int > &write_real_comp, const Vector< int > &write_int_comp, const Vector< std::map< std::pair< int, int >, IntVector > > &particle_io_flags, bool is_checkpoint) const
void SetSoACompileTimeNames (std::vector< std::string > const &rdata_name, std::vector< std::string > const &idata_name)
std::vector< std::string > GetRealSoANames () const
std::vector< std::string > GetIntSoANames () const
bool HasRealComp (std::string const &name)
bool HasIntComp (std::string const &name)
int GetRealCompIndex (std::string const &name)
int GetIntCompIndex (std::string const &name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from amrex::ParticleContainerBase
 ParticleContainerBase ()=default
 ParticleContainerBase (ParGDBBase *gdb)
 ParticleContainerBase (const Geometry &geom, const DistributionMapping &dmap, const BoxArray &ba)
 ParticleContainerBase (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< int > &rr)
 ParticleContainerBase (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< IntVect > &rr)
virtual ~ParticleContainerBase ()=default
 ParticleContainerBase (const ParticleContainerBase &)=delete
ParticleContainerBaseoperator= (const ParticleContainerBase &)=delete
 ParticleContainerBase (ParticleContainerBase &&)=default
ParticleContainerBaseoperator= (ParticleContainerBase &&)=default
void Define (ParGDBBase *gdb)
void Define (const Geometry &geom, const DistributionMapping &dmap, const BoxArray &ba)
void Define (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< int > &rr)
void Define (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< IntVect > &rr)
bool isDefined () const
void RedefineDummyMF (int lev)
MFIter MakeMFIter (int lev, const MFItInfo &info) const
MFIter MakeMFIter (int lev) const
MFIter MakeMFIter (int lev, bool tile) const
void SetParGDB (const Geometry &geom, const DistributionMapping &dmap, const BoxArray &ba)
 Set the particle Geometry, DistributionMapping, and BoxArray. If the container was previously set to to track the AMR hierarchy of an AmrCore or AmrLevel object, that correspondence will be broken here. This is the single-level version.
void SetParGDB (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< IntVect > &rr)
 Set the particle Geometry, DistributionMapping, ref ratios, and BoxArray. If the container was previously set to to track the AMR hierarchy of an AmrCore or AmrLevel object, that correspondence will be broken here. This is the multi-level version.
void SetParGDB (const Vector< Geometry > &geom, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &dmap, const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, const Vector< int > &rr)
 Set the particle Geometry, DistributionMapping, ref ratios, and BoxArray. If the container was previously set to to track the AMR hierarchy of an AmrCore or AmrLevel object, that correspondence will be broken here. This is the multi-level version.
void SetParticleBoxArray (int lev, BoxArray new_ba)
 Set the particle BoxArray. If the container was previously set to to track the AMR hierarchy of an AmrCore or AmrLevel object, that correspondence will be broken here.
void SetParticleDistributionMap (int lev, DistributionMapping new_dmap)
 Set the particle DistributionMapping. If the container was previously set to to track the AMR hierarchy of an AmrCore or AmrLevel object, that correspondence will be broken here.
void SetParticleGeometry (int lev, Geometry new_geom)
 Set the particle Geometry. If the container was previously set to to track the AMR hierarchy of an AmrCore or AmrLevel object, that correspondence will be broken here.
const BoxArrayParticleBoxArray (int lev) const
 Get the BoxArray for a given level.
const DistributionMappingParticleDistributionMap (int lev) const
 Get the DistributionMapping for a given level.
const GeometryGeom (int lev) const
 Get the Geometry for a given level.
const GeometryParticleGeom (int lev) const
 Get the particle Geometry for a given level.
int finestLevel () const
 the finest level actually defined for the ParticleContainer
int maxLevel () const
 the finest allowed level in the ParticleContainer, whether it is defined or not.
int numLevels () const
 the number of defined levels in the ParticleContainer
const ParGDBBaseGetParGDB () const
 Get the ParGDB object used to define this container (const version)
ParGDBBaseGetParGDB ()
 Get the ParGDB object used to define this container.
int Verbose () const
void SetVerbose (int verbose)
int stableRedistribute () const
void setStableRedistribute (int stable)
const ParticleBufferMapBufferMap () const
Vector< intNeighborProcs (int ngrow) const
template<class MF >
bool OnSameGrids (int level, const MF &mf) const

Protected Member Functions

void cacheNeighborInfo ()
void BuildMasks ()
bool areMasksValid ()
void GetNeighborCommTags ()
void GetCommTagsBox (Vector< NeighborCommTag > &tags, int lev, const Box &in_box)
void resizeContainers (int num_levels)
void initializeCommComps ()
void calcCommSize ()
void fillNeighborsMPI (bool reuse_rcv_counts)
void sumNeighborsMPI (std::map< int, Vector< char > > &not_ours, int real_start_comp, int real_num_comp, int int_start_comp, int int_num_comp)
void getRcvCountsMPI ()
void getNeighborTags (Vector< NeighborCopyTag > &tags, const ParticleType &p, int nGrow, const NeighborCopyTag &src_tag, const MyParIter &pti)
void getNeighborTags (Vector< NeighborCopyTag > &tags, const ParticleType &p, const IntVect &nGrow, const NeighborCopyTag &src_tag, const MyParIter &pti)
IntVect computeRefFac (int src_lev, int lev)
bool hasNeighbors () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from amrex::ParticleContainer_impl< T_ParticleType, T_NArrayReal, T_NArrayInt, Allocator, T_CellAssignor >
template<typename P >
bool Where (const P &prt, ParticleLocData &pld, int lev_min=0, int lev_max=-1, int nGrow=0, int local_grid=-1) const
 Checks a particle's location on levels lev_min and higher. Returns false if the particle does not exist on that level. Only if lev_min == lev_max, nGrow can be > 0 (i.e., including nGrow ghost cells).
template<typename P >
bool EnforcePeriodicWhere (P &prt, ParticleLocData &pld, int lev_min=0, int lev_max=-1, int local_grid=-1) const
 Checks whether the particle has crossed a periodic boundary in such a way that it is on levels lev_min and higher.
template<class RTYPE >
void ReadParticles (int cnt, int grd, int lev, std::ifstream &ifs, int finest_level_in_file, bool convert_ids)
void SetParticleSize ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from amrex::ParticleContainerBase
void BuildRedistributeMask (int lev, int nghost=1) const
void defineBufferMap () const

Protected Attributes

Vector< std::map< PairIndex, Vector< InverseCopyTag > > > inverse_tags
Vector< std::map< PairIndex, ParticleTile > > neighbors
Vector< std::map< PairIndex, IntVector > > neighbor_list
size_t cdata_size
int m_num_neighbor_cells
Vector< NeighborCommTaglocal_neighbors
Vector< std::unique_ptr< iMultiFab > > mask_ptr
Vector< std::map< PairIndex, Vector< Vector< NeighborCopyTag > > > > buffer_tag_cache
Vector< std::map< PairIndex, int > > local_neighbor_sizes
Vector< intneighbor_procs
Vector< Long > rcvs
Long num_snds
std::map< int, Vector< char > > send_data
Vector< intghost_real_comp
Vector< intghost_int_comp
bool m_neighbor_mask_initialized = false
std::unique_ptr< amrex::iMultiFabm_neighbor_mask_ptr
std::map< int, std::vector< std::vector< NeighborCode > > > m_grid_map
std::map< int, amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< NeighborCode > > m_code_array
std::map< int, amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< Box > > m_isec_boxes
std::map< int, amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< int > > m_code_offsets
ParticleCopyOp neighbor_copy_op
ParticleCopyPlan neighbor_copy_plan
amrex::PODVector< char, PolymorphicArenaAllocator< char > > snd_buffer
amrex::PODVector< char, PolymorphicArenaAllocator< char > > rcv_buffer
Gpu::PinnedVector< char > pinned_snd_buffer
Gpu::PinnedVector< char > pinned_rcv_buffer
NeighborListContainerType m_neighbor_list
Vector< std::map< std::pair< int, int >, amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector< int > > > m_boundary_particle_ids
bool m_has_neighbors = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from amrex::ParticleContainer_impl< T_ParticleType, T_NArrayReal, T_NArrayInt, Allocator, T_CellAssignor >
DenseBins< typename ParticleTileType::ParticleTileDataTypem_bins
- Protected Attributes inherited from amrex::ParticleContainerBase
int m_verbose {0}
int m_stable_redistribute = 0
std::unique_ptr< ParGDBm_gdb_object = std::make_unique<ParGDB>()
ParGDBBasem_gdb {nullptr}
Vector< std::unique_ptr< MultiFab > > m_dummy_mf
std::unique_ptr< iMultiFabredistribute_mask_ptr
int redistribute_mask_nghost = std::numeric_limits<int>::min()
amrex::Vector< intneighbor_procs
ParticleBufferMap m_buffer_map

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr size_t pdata_size = sizeof(ParticleType)
static constexpr int num_mask_comps = 3
 grid, tile, level
static bool use_mask = false
static bool enable_inverse = false


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const InverseCopyTag &tag)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from amrex::ParticleContainerBase
static const std::string & CheckpointVersion ()
static const std::string & PlotfileVersion ()
static const std::string & DataPrefix ()
static int MaxReaders ()
static Long MaxParticlesPerRead ()
static const std::string & AggregationType ()
static int AggregationBuffer ()
- Public Attributes inherited from amrex::ParticleContainer_impl< T_ParticleType, T_NArrayReal, T_NArrayInt, Allocator, T_CellAssignor >
RealDescriptor ParticleRealDescriptor = FPC::Native64RealDescriptor()
Vector< inth_redistribute_real_comp
Vector< inth_redistribute_int_comp
bool levelDirectoriesCreated
 Variables for i/o optimization saved for pre and post checkpoint.
bool usePrePost
bool doUnlink
int maxnextidPrePost
int nOutFilesPrePost
Long nparticlesPrePost
Vector< Long > nParticlesAtLevelPrePost
Vector< Vector< int > > whichPrePost
Vector< Vector< int > > countPrePost
Vector< Vector< Long > > wherePrePost
std::string HdrFileNamePrePost
Vector< std::string > filePrefixPrePost
- Public Attributes inherited from amrex::ParticleContainerBase
AmrParticleLocator< DenseBins< Box > > m_particle_locator
- Static Public Attributes inherited from amrex::ParticleContainer_impl< T_ParticleType, T_NArrayReal, T_NArrayInt, Allocator, T_CellAssignor >
static constexpr int NStructReal = ParticleType::NReal
 Number of extra Real components in the particle struct.
static constexpr int NStructInt = ParticleType::NInt
 Number of extra integer components in the particle struct.
static constexpr int NArrayReal = T_NArrayReal
 Number of extra Real components stored in struct-of-array form.
static constexpr int NArrayInt = T_NArrayInt
 Number of extra integer components stored in struct-of-array form.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from amrex::ParticleContainerBase
static AMREX_EXPORT bool do_tiling = false
static AMREX_EXPORT IntVect tile_size { AMREX_D_DECL(1024000,8,8) }
static AMREX_EXPORT bool memEfficientSort = true
static AMREX_EXPORT bool use_comms_arena = false

Detailed Description

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
class amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >

This is a container for particles that undergo short-range interactions. In addition to the normal ParticleContainer methods, each tile contains a "neighbor buffer" that is filled with data corresponding to the particles within 1 neighbor cell of the tile boundaries. This allows the N^2 search over each pair of particles to proceed locally, instead of over the entire domain.

Note that neighbor particles are different than "ghost" particles, which are used in AMR subcycling to keep track of coarse level particles that may move on to fine levels during a fine level time step.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AoS

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::AoS = typename ParticleContainer<NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt>::AoS

◆ IntVector

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::IntVector = typename ParticleContainer<NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt>::IntVector

◆ MyParIter

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::MyParIter = ParIter<NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt>

◆ NeighborCommMap

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::NeighborCommMap = std::map<NeighborCommTag, Vector<char> >

◆ NeighborListContainerType

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::NeighborListContainerType = Vector<std::map<std::pair<int, int>, amrex::NeighborList<ParticleType> > >

◆ PairIndex

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::PairIndex = std::pair<int, int>

◆ ParticleContainerType

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::ParticleContainerType = ParticleContainer<NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt>

◆ ParticleTile

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::ParticleTile = typename ParticleContainer<NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt>::ParticleTileType

◆ ParticleType

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::ParticleType = typename ParticleContainerType::ParticleType

◆ ParticleVector

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::ParticleVector = typename ParticleContainer<NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt>::ParticleVector

◆ SuperParticleType

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
using amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::SuperParticleType = typename ParticleContainerType::SuperParticleType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NeighborParticleContainer() [1/5]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::NeighborParticleContainer ( ParGDBBase gdb,
int  ncells 

◆ NeighborParticleContainer() [2/5]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::NeighborParticleContainer ( const Geometry geom,
const DistributionMapping dmap,
const BoxArray ba,
int  nneighbor 

◆ NeighborParticleContainer() [3/5]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::NeighborParticleContainer ( const Vector< Geometry > &  geom,
const Vector< DistributionMapping > &  dmap,
const Vector< BoxArray > &  ba,
const Vector< int > &  rr,
int  nneighbor 

◆ ~NeighborParticleContainer()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::~NeighborParticleContainer ( )

◆ NeighborParticleContainer() [4/5]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::NeighborParticleContainer ( const NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt > &  )

◆ NeighborParticleContainer() [5/5]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::NeighborParticleContainer ( NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt > &&  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddIntComp()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, bool >, int > = 0>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::AddIntComp ( communicate = true)

◆ AddRealComp()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, bool >, int > = 0>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::AddRealComp ( communicate = true)

◆ areMasksValid()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
bool amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::areMasksValid ( )

Are the masks computed by the above function still valid?

◆ BuildMasks()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::BuildMasks ( )

This builds the internal mask data structure used for looking up neighbors

◆ buildNeighborCopyOp()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::buildNeighborCopyOp ( bool  use_boundary_neighbor = false)

◆ buildNeighborList() [1/3]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
template<class CheckPair >
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::buildNeighborList ( CheckPair const &  check_pair,
bool  sort = false 

Build a Neighbor List for each tile

◆ buildNeighborList() [2/3]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
template<class CheckPair >
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::buildNeighborList ( CheckPair const &  check_pair,
int  type_ind,
int ref_ratio,
int  num_bin_types = 1,
bool  sort = false 

Build a Neighbor List for each tile

◆ buildNeighborList() [3/3]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
template<class CheckPair , class OtherPCType >
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::buildNeighborList ( CheckPair const &  check_pair,
OtherPCType &  other,
Vector< std::map< std::pair< int, int >, amrex::NeighborList< typename OtherPCType::ParticleType > > > &  neighbor_lists,
bool  sort = false 

Build a Neighbor List for each tile

◆ buildNeighborMask()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::buildNeighborMask ( )

◆ cacheNeighborInfo()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::cacheNeighborInfo ( )

◆ calcCommSize()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::calcCommSize ( )

◆ clearNeighbors()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::clearNeighbors ( )

Each tile clears its neighbors, freeing the memory

◆ clearNeighborsGPU()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::clearNeighborsGPU ( )

◆ computeRefFac()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
IntVect amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::computeRefFac ( int  src_lev,
int  lev 

◆ enableInverse()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
bool amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::enableInverse ( )

◆ fillNeighbors()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::fillNeighbors ( )

This fills the neighbor buffers for each tile with the proper data

◆ fillNeighborsGPU()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::fillNeighborsGPU ( )

◆ fillNeighborsMPI()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::fillNeighborsMPI ( bool  reuse_rcv_counts)

Perform the MPI communication necessary to fill neighbor buffers

◆ GetCommTagsBox()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::GetCommTagsBox ( Vector< NeighborCommTag > &  tags,
int  lev,
const Box in_box 

◆ GetNeighborCommTags()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::GetNeighborCommTags ( )

◆ GetNeighbors() [1/2]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
ParticleTile & amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::GetNeighbors ( int  lev,
int  grid,
int  tile 

◆ GetNeighbors() [2/2]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
const ParticleTile & amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::GetNeighbors ( int  lev,
int  grid,
int  tile 
) const

◆ getNeighborTags() [1/2]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::getNeighborTags ( Vector< NeighborCopyTag > &  tags,
const ParticleType p,
const IntVect nGrow,
const NeighborCopyTag src_tag,
const MyParIter pti 

◆ getNeighborTags() [2/2]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::getNeighborTags ( Vector< NeighborCopyTag > &  tags,
const ParticleType p,
int  nGrow,
const NeighborCopyTag src_tag,
const MyParIter pti 

◆ getRcvCountsMPI()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::getRcvCountsMPI ( )

Perform handshake to figure out how many bytes each proc should receive

◆ hasNeighbors()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
bool amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::hasNeighbors ( ) const

◆ initializeCommComps()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::initializeCommComps ( )

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
NeighborParticleContainer & amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::operator= ( const NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt > &  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
NeighborParticleContainer & amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::operator= ( NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt > &&  )

◆ printNeighborList()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::printNeighborList ( )

◆ Redistribute()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::Redistribute ( int  lev_min = 0,
int  lev_max = -1,
int  nGrow = 0,
int  local = 0,
bool  remove_negative = true 

◆ RedistributeLocal()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::RedistributeLocal ( bool  remove_negative = true)

◆ Regrid() [1/3]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::Regrid ( const DistributionMapping dmap,
const BoxArray ba 

Regrid functions

◆ Regrid() [2/3]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::Regrid ( const DistributionMapping dmap,
const BoxArray ba,
int  lev 

◆ Regrid() [3/3]

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::Regrid ( const Vector< DistributionMapping > &  dmap,
const Vector< BoxArray > &  ba 

◆ resizeContainers()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::resizeContainers ( int  num_levels)

◆ selectActualNeighbors()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
template<class CheckPair >
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::selectActualNeighbors ( CheckPair const &  check_pair,
int  num_cells = 1 

◆ setEnableInverse()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::setEnableInverse ( bool  flag)

◆ setIntCommComp()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::setIntCommComp ( int  i,
bool  value 

◆ setRealCommComp()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::setRealCommComp ( int  i,
bool  value 

◆ sumNeighbors()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::sumNeighbors ( int  real_start_comp,
int  real_num_comp,
int  int_start_comp,
int  int_num_comp 

This does an "inverse" fillNeighbors operation, meaning that it adds data from the ghost particles to the corresponding real ones.

◆ sumNeighborsMPI()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::sumNeighborsMPI ( std::map< int, Vector< char > > &  not_ours,
int  real_start_comp,
int  real_num_comp,
int  int_start_comp,
int  int_num_comp 

◆ updateNeighbors()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::updateNeighbors ( bool  boundary_neighbors_only = false)

This updates the neighbors with their current particle data.

◆ updateNeighborsGPU()

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
void amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::updateNeighborsGPU ( bool  boundary_neighbors_only = false)

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator<<

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const InverseCopyTag tag 

Member Data Documentation

◆ buffer_tag_cache

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<std::map<PairIndex, Vector<Vector<NeighborCopyTag> > > > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::buffer_tag_cache

◆ cdata_size

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
size_t amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::cdata_size

◆ enable_inverse

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
bool amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::enable_inverse = false

◆ ghost_int_comp

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<int> amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::ghost_int_comp

◆ ghost_real_comp

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<int> amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::ghost_real_comp

◆ inverse_tags

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<std::map<PairIndex, Vector<InverseCopyTag> > > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::inverse_tags

◆ local_neighbor_sizes

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<std::map<PairIndex, int> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::local_neighbor_sizes

◆ local_neighbors

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<NeighborCommTag> amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::local_neighbors

◆ m_boundary_particle_ids

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<std::map<std::pair<int, int>, amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector<int> > > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_boundary_particle_ids

◆ m_code_array

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
std::map<int, amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector<NeighborCode> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_code_array

◆ m_code_offsets

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
std::map<int, amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector<int> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_code_offsets

◆ m_grid_map

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
std::map<int, std::vector<std::vector<NeighborCode> > > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_grid_map

◆ m_has_neighbors

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
bool amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_has_neighbors = false

◆ m_isec_boxes

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
std::map<int, amrex::Gpu::DeviceVector<Box> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_isec_boxes

◆ m_neighbor_list

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
NeighborListContainerType amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_neighbor_list

◆ m_neighbor_mask_initialized

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
bool amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_neighbor_mask_initialized = false

◆ m_neighbor_mask_ptr

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
std::unique_ptr<amrex::iMultiFab> amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_neighbor_mask_ptr

◆ m_num_neighbor_cells

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
int amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::m_num_neighbor_cells

◆ mask_ptr

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<std::unique_ptr<iMultiFab> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::mask_ptr

◆ neighbor_copy_op

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
ParticleCopyOp amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::neighbor_copy_op

◆ neighbor_copy_plan

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
ParticleCopyPlan amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::neighbor_copy_plan

◆ neighbor_list

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<std::map<PairIndex, IntVector> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::neighbor_list

◆ neighbor_procs

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<int> amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::neighbor_procs

each proc knows how many sends it will do, and how many bytes it will rcv from each other proc.

◆ neighbors

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<std::map<PairIndex, ParticleTile> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::neighbors

◆ num_mask_comps

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
constexpr int amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::num_mask_comps = 3

grid, tile, level

◆ num_snds

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Long amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::num_snds

◆ pdata_size

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
constexpr size_t amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::pdata_size = sizeof(ParticleType)

◆ pinned_rcv_buffer

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Gpu::PinnedVector<char> amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::pinned_rcv_buffer

◆ pinned_snd_buffer

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Gpu::PinnedVector<char> amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::pinned_snd_buffer

◆ rcv_buffer

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
amrex::PODVector<char, PolymorphicArenaAllocator<char> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::rcv_buffer

◆ rcvs

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
Vector<Long> amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::rcvs

◆ send_data

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
std::map<int, Vector<char> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::send_data

◆ snd_buffer

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal = 0, int NArrayInt = 0>
amrex::PODVector<char, PolymorphicArenaAllocator<char> > amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::snd_buffer

◆ use_mask

template<int NStructReal, int NStructInt, int NArrayReal, int NArrayInt>
bool amrex::NeighborParticleContainer< NStructReal, NStructInt, NArrayReal, NArrayInt >::use_mask = false

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