Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
No Matches
amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > Struct Template Reference

Matrix class with compile-time size. More...

#include <AMReX_SmallMatrix.H>

Public Types

using value_type = T
using reference_type = T &

Public Member Functions

AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE constexpr SmallMatrix ()=default
 Default constructor.
template<typename... Ts, int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t< MM==1||NN==1, int > = 0>
 Constructs column- or row-vector.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix (std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< T > > const &init)
 Constructs SmallMatrix with nested std::initializer_list.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T & operator() (int i, int j) const noexcept
 Returns a const reference to the element at row i and column j.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T & operator() (int i, int j) noexcept
 Returns a reference to the element at row i and column j.
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t<(MM==1||NN==1), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T & operator() (int i) const noexcept
 Returns a const reference to element i of a vector.
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t<(MM==1||NN==1), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T & operator() (int i) noexcept
 Returns a reference to element i of a vector.
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t<(MM==1||NN==1), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T & operator[] (int i) const noexcept
 Returns a const reference to element i of a vector.
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t<(MM==1||NN==1), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T & operator[] (int i) noexcept
 Returns a reference to element i of a vector.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T * begin () const noexcept
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T * end () const noexcept
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & setVal (T val)
 Set all elements in the matrix to the given value.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NCols, NRows, ORDER, StartIndex > transpose () const
 Returns transposed matrix.
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t< MM==NN, int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & transposeInPlace ()
 Transposes a square matrix in-place.
 Returns the product of all elements in the matrix.
 Returns the sum of all elements in the matrix.
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t< MM==NN, int > = 0>
 Returns the trace of a square matrix.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & operator+= (SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &rhs)
 Operator += performing matrix addition as in (*this) += rhs.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & operator-= (SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &rhs)
 Operator -= performing matrix subtraction as in (*this) -= rhs.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > operator- () const
 Unary minus operator.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & operator*= (T a)
 Operator *= that scales this matrix in place by a scalar.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINEdot (SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &rhs) const
 Returns the dot product of two vectors.
template<int N, std::enable_if_t<(N< NRows *NCols), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE constexpr T const & get () const
template<int N, std::enable_if_t<(N< NRows *NCols), int > = 0>

Static Public Member Functions

template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t< MM==NN, int > = 0>
static constexpr AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > Identity () noexcept
 Returns an identity matrix.
static constexpr AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > Zero () noexcept
 Returns a matrix initialized with zeros.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int row_size = NRows
static constexpr int column_size = NCols
static constexpr Order ordering = ORDER
static constexpr int starting_index = StartIndex

Private Attributes

m_mat [NRows *NCols]


AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > operator+ (SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > lhs, SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &rhs)
 Binary operator + returning the result of maxtrix addition, lhs+rhs.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > operator- (SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > lhs, SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &rhs)
 Binary operator - returning the result of maxtrix subtraction, lhs-rhs.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > operator* (SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > m, T a)
 Returns the product of a matrix and a scalar.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > operator* (T a, SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > m)
 Returns the product of a scalar and a matrix.
template<class U , int N1, int N2, int N3, Order Ord, int SI>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< U, N1, N3, Ord, SI > operator* (SmallMatrix< U, N1, N2, Ord, SI > const &lhs, SmallMatrix< U, N2, N3, Ord, SI > const &rhs)
 Returns matrix product of two matrices.

Detailed Description

template<class T, int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
struct amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >

Matrix class with compile-time size.

Note that column vectors and row vectors are special cases of a Matrix.

Template Parameters
TMatrix element data type.
NRowsNumber of rows.
NColsNumber of columns.
ORDERMemory layout order. Order::F (i.e., column-major) by default.
StartIndexStarting index. Either 0 or 1.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ reference_type

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
using amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::reference_type = T&

◆ value_type

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
using amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::value_type = T

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SmallMatrix() [1/3]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE constexpr amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::SmallMatrix ( )

Default constructor.

The data are uninitialized by default. If you want to initialize to zero, you can do SmallMatrix<T,NRows,NCols> M{};.

◆ SmallMatrix() [2/3]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<typename... Ts, int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t< MM==1||NN==1, int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE constexpr amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::SmallMatrix ( Ts...  vs)

Constructs column- or row-vector.

The data are initialized with the given variadic arguments. If the number of argument is less than the size of the vector, the rest of the vector is initialized to zero.

◆ SmallMatrix() [3/3]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::SmallMatrix ( std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< T > > const &  init)

Constructs SmallMatrix with nested std::initializer_list.

The initializer list is assumed to be in row-major order, even when the ordering for the SmallMatrix object is colum-major. Below is an example of constructing a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns.

    SmallMatrix<double,2,3> M{{11., 12., 13.},
                              {21., 22., 23.}};

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T * amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::begin ( ) const

Returns a const pointer address to the first element of the SmallMatrix object, as if the object is treated as one-dimensional.

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T * amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::begin ( )

Returns a pointer address to the first element of the SmallMatrix object, as if the object is treated as one-dimensional.

◆ dot()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::dot ( SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &  rhs) const

Returns the dot product of two vectors.

◆ end() [1/2]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T * amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::end ( ) const

Returns a const pointer address right after the last element of the SmallMatrix object, as if the object is treated as one-dimensional.

◆ end() [2/2]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T * amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::end ( )

Returns a pointer address right after the last element of the SmallMatrix object, as if the object is treated as one-dimensional.

◆ get() [1/2]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<int N, std::enable_if_t<(N< NRows *NCols), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE constexpr T & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::get ( )

◆ get() [2/2]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<int N, std::enable_if_t<(N< NRows *NCols), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE constexpr T const & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::get ( ) const

◆ Identity()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t< MM==NN, int > = 0>
static constexpr AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::Identity ( )

Returns an identity matrix.

◆ operator()() [1/4]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t<(MM==1||NN==1), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator() ( int  i) const

Returns a const reference to element i of a vector.

◆ operator()() [2/4]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t<(MM==1||NN==1), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator() ( int  i)

Returns a reference to element i of a vector.

◆ operator()() [3/4]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator() ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

Returns a const reference to the element at row i and column j.

◆ operator()() [4/4]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator() ( int  i,
int  j 

Returns a reference to the element at row i and column j.

◆ operator*=()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator*= ( a)

Operator *= that scales this matrix in place by a scalar.

◆ operator+=()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator+= ( SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &  rhs)

Operator += performing matrix addition as in (*this) += rhs.

◆ operator-()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator- ( ) const

Unary minus operator.

◆ operator-=()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator-= ( SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &  rhs)

Operator -= performing matrix subtraction as in (*this) -= rhs.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t<(MM==1||NN==1), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const T & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator[] ( int  i) const

Returns a const reference to element i of a vector.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t<(MM==1||NN==1), int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::operator[] ( int  i)

Returns a reference to element i of a vector.

◆ product()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::product ( ) const

Returns the product of all elements in the matrix.

◆ setVal()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::setVal ( val)

Set all elements in the matrix to the given value.

◆ sum()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::sum ( ) const

Returns the sum of all elements in the matrix.

◆ trace()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t< MM==NN, int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::trace ( ) const

Returns the trace of a square matrix.

◆ transpose()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NCols, NRows, ORDER, StartIndex > amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::transpose ( ) const

Returns transposed matrix.

◆ transposeInPlace()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<int MM = NRows, int NN = NCols, std::enable_if_t< MM==NN, int > = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > & amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::transposeInPlace ( )

Transposes a square matrix in-place.

◆ Zero()

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
static constexpr AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::Zero ( )

Returns a matrix initialized with zeros.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ operator* [1/3]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > operator* ( SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >  m,

Returns the product of a matrix and a scalar.

◆ operator* [2/3]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
template<class U , int N1, int N2, int N3, Order Ord, int SI>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< U, N1, N3, Ord, SI > operator* ( SmallMatrix< U, N1, N2, Ord, SI > const &  lhs,
SmallMatrix< U, N2, N3, Ord, SI > const &  rhs 

Returns matrix product of two matrices.

◆ operator* [3/3]

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > operator* ( a,
SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >  m 

Returns the product of a scalar and a matrix.

◆ operator+

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > operator+ ( SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >  lhs,
SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &  rhs 

Binary operator + returning the result of maxtrix addition, lhs+rhs.

◆ operator-

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE friend SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > operator- ( SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >  lhs,
SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex > const &  rhs 

Binary operator - returning the result of maxtrix subtraction, lhs-rhs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ column_size

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
constexpr int amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::column_size = NCols

◆ m_mat

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
T amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::m_mat[NRows *NCols]

◆ ordering

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
constexpr Order amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::ordering = ORDER

◆ row_size

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
constexpr int amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::row_size = NRows

◆ starting_index

template<class T , int NRows, int NCols, Order ORDER = Order::F, int StartIndex = 0>
constexpr int amrex::SmallMatrix< T, NRows, NCols, ORDER, StartIndex >::starting_index = StartIndex

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