Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
No Matches
amrex::FabSetT< MF > Class Template Reference

A FabSet is a group of FArrayBox's. The grouping is designed specifically to represent regions along the boundary of Box's, and are used to implement boundary conditions to discretized partial differential equations. More...

#include <AMReX_FabSet.H>

Public Types

using value_type = typename FabDataType< MF >::value_type
using FAB = typename FabDataType< MF >::fab_type

Public Member Functions

 FabSetT () noexcept=default
 The default constructor – you must later call define().
 FabSetT (const BoxArray &grids, const DistributionMapping &dmap, int ncomp)
 Construct a FabSetT<MF> of specified number of components on the grids.
 ~FabSetT ()=default
 FabSetT (FabSetT< MF > &&rhs) noexcept=default
 FabSetT (const FabSetT< MF > &rhs)=delete
FabSetT< MF > & operator= (const FabSetT< MF > &rhs)=delete
FabSetT< MF > & operator= (FabSetT< MF > &&rhs)=delete
void define (const BoxArray &grids, const DistributionMapping &dmap, int ncomp)
 Define a FabSetT<MF> constructed via default constructor.
FAB const & operator[] (const MFIter &mfi) const noexcept
FABoperator[] (const MFIter &mfi) noexcept
FAB const & operator[] (int i) const noexcept
FABoperator[] (int i) noexcept
Array4< value_type const > array (const MFIter &mfi) const noexcept
Array4< value_typearray (const MFIter &mfi) noexcept
Array4< value_type const > array (int i) const noexcept
Array4< value_typearray (int i) noexcept
Array4< value_type const > const_array (const MFIter &mfi) const noexcept
Array4< value_type const > const_array (int i) const noexcept
MultiArray4< value_type const > arrays () const noexcept
MultiArray4< value_typearrays () noexcept
MultiArray4< value_type const > const_arrays () const noexcept
Box fabbox (int K) const noexcept
int size () const noexcept
const BoxArrayboxArray () const noexcept
const DistributionMappingDistributionMap () const noexcept
MF & multiFab () noexcept
MF const & multiFab () const noexcept
int nComp () const noexcept
void clear ()
FabSetT< MF > & copyFrom (const FabSetT< MF > &src, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp)
FabSetT< MF > & copyFrom (const MF &src, int ngrow, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp, const Periodicity &period=Periodicity::NonPeriodic())
FabSetT< MF > & plusFrom (const FabSetT< MF > &src, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp)
FabSetT< MF > & plusFrom (const MF &src, int ngrow, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp, const Periodicity &period=Periodicity::NonPeriodic())
void copyTo (MF &dest, int ngrow, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp, const Periodicity &period=Periodicity::NonPeriodic()) const
void plusTo (MF &dest, int ngrow, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp, const Periodicity &period=Periodicity::NonPeriodic()) const
void setVal (value_type val)
void setVal (value_type val, int comp, int num_comp)
 Linear combination: this := a*this + b*src (FabSetT<MF>s must be commensurate).
FabSetT< MF > & linComb (value_type a, value_type b, const FabSetT< MF > &src, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp)
 Linear combination: this := a*mfa + b*mfb.
FabSetT< MF > & linComb (value_type a, const MF &mfa, int a_comp, value_type b, const MF &mfb, int b_comp, int dcomp, int ncomp, int ngrow)
void write (const std::string &name) const
 Write (used for writing to checkpoint)
void read (const std::string &name)
 Read (used for reading from checkpoint)

Static Public Member Functions

static void Copy (FabSetT< MF > &dst, const FabSetT< MF > &src)

Private Attributes

MF m_mf


class FabSetIter
class FluxRegister

Detailed Description

template<typename MF>
class amrex::FabSetT< MF >

A FabSet is a group of FArrayBox's. The grouping is designed specifically to represent regions along the boundary of Box's, and are used to implement boundary conditions to discretized partial differential equations.

A FabSet is an array of pointers to FABs. The standard FAB operators, however, have been modified to be more useful for maintaining boundary conditions for partial differential equations discretized on boxes. Under normal circumstances, a FAB will be created for each face of a box. For a group of boxes, a FabSet will be the group of FABs at a particular orientation (ie. the lo-i side of each grid in a list).

Since a FabSet FAB will likely be used to bound a grid box, FArrayBox::resize() operations are disallowed. Also, to preserve flexibility in applicable boundary scenarios, intersecting FABs in the FabSet are not guaranteed to contain identical data–thus copy operations from a FabSet to any FAB-like structure may be order-dependent.

FabSets are used primarily as a data storage mechanism, and are manipulated by more sophisticated control classes.

Member Typedef Documentation


template<typename MF >
using amrex::FabSetT< MF >::FAB = typename FabDataType<MF>::fab_type

◆ value_type

template<typename MF >
using amrex::FabSetT< MF >::value_type = typename FabDataType<MF>::value_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FabSetT() [1/4]

template<typename MF >
amrex::FabSetT< MF >::FabSetT ( )

The default constructor – you must later call define().

◆ FabSetT() [2/4]

template<typename MF >
amrex::FabSetT< MF >::FabSetT ( const BoxArray grids,
const DistributionMapping dmap,
int  ncomp 

Construct a FabSetT<MF> of specified number of components on the grids.

◆ ~FabSetT()

template<typename MF >
amrex::FabSetT< MF >::~FabSetT ( )

◆ FabSetT() [3/4]

template<typename MF >
amrex::FabSetT< MF >::FabSetT ( FabSetT< MF > &&  rhs)

◆ FabSetT() [4/4]

template<typename MF >
amrex::FabSetT< MF >::FabSetT ( const FabSetT< MF > &  rhs)

Member Function Documentation

◆ array() [1/4]

template<typename MF >
Array4< value_type const > amrex::FabSetT< MF >::array ( const MFIter mfi) const

◆ array() [2/4]

template<typename MF >
Array4< value_type > amrex::FabSetT< MF >::array ( const MFIter mfi)

◆ array() [3/4]

template<typename MF >
Array4< value_type const > amrex::FabSetT< MF >::array ( int  i) const

◆ array() [4/4]

template<typename MF >
Array4< value_type > amrex::FabSetT< MF >::array ( int  i)

◆ arrays() [1/2]

template<typename MF >
MultiArray4< value_type const > amrex::FabSetT< MF >::arrays ( ) const

◆ arrays() [2/2]

template<typename MF >
MultiArray4< value_type > amrex::FabSetT< MF >::arrays ( )

◆ boxArray()

template<typename MF >
const BoxArray & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::boxArray ( ) const

◆ clear()

template<typename MF >
void amrex::FabSetT< MF >::clear ( )

◆ const_array() [1/2]

template<typename MF >
Array4< value_type const > amrex::FabSetT< MF >::const_array ( const MFIter mfi) const

◆ const_array() [2/2]

template<typename MF >
Array4< value_type const > amrex::FabSetT< MF >::const_array ( int  i) const

◆ const_arrays()

template<typename MF >
MultiArray4< value_type const > amrex::FabSetT< MF >::const_arrays ( ) const

◆ Copy()

template<typename MF >
void amrex::FabSetT< MF >::Copy ( FabSetT< MF > &  dst,
const FabSetT< MF > &  src 

◆ copyFrom() [1/2]

template<typename MF >
FabSetT< MF > & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::copyFrom ( const FabSetT< MF > &  src,
int  scomp,
int  dcomp,
int  ncomp 

◆ copyFrom() [2/2]

template<typename MF >
FabSetT< MF > & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::copyFrom ( const MF &  src,
int  ngrow,
int  scomp,
int  dcomp,
int  ncomp,
const Periodicity period = Periodicity::NonPeriodic() 

◆ copyTo()

template<typename MF >
void amrex::FabSetT< MF >::copyTo ( MF &  dest,
int  ngrow,
int  scomp,
int  dcomp,
int  ncomp,
const Periodicity period = Periodicity::NonPeriodic() 
) const

◆ define()

template<typename MF >
void amrex::FabSetT< MF >::define ( const BoxArray grids,
const DistributionMapping dmap,
int  ncomp 

Define a FabSetT<MF> constructed via default constructor.

◆ DistributionMap()

template<typename MF >
const DistributionMapping & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::DistributionMap ( ) const

◆ fabbox()

template<typename MF >
Box amrex::FabSetT< MF >::fabbox ( int  K) const

◆ linComb() [1/2]

template<typename MF >
FabSetT< MF > & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::linComb ( value_type  a,
const MF &  mfa,
int  a_comp,
value_type  b,
const MF &  mfb,
int  b_comp,
int  dcomp,
int  ncomp,
int  ngrow 

◆ linComb() [2/2]

template<typename MF >
FabSetT< MF > & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::linComb ( value_type  a,
value_type  b,
const FabSetT< MF > &  src,
int  scomp,
int  dcomp,
int  ncomp 

Linear combination: this := a*mfa + b*mfb.

◆ multiFab() [1/2]

template<typename MF >
MF const & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::multiFab ( ) const

◆ multiFab() [2/2]

template<typename MF >
MF & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::multiFab ( )

◆ nComp()

template<typename MF >
int amrex::FabSetT< MF >::nComp ( ) const

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename MF >
FabSetT< MF > & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::operator= ( const FabSetT< MF > &  rhs)

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename MF >
FabSetT< MF > & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::operator= ( FabSetT< MF > &&  rhs)

◆ operator[]() [1/4]

template<typename MF >
FAB const & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::operator[] ( const MFIter mfi) const

◆ operator[]() [2/4]

template<typename MF >
FAB & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::operator[] ( const MFIter mfi)

◆ operator[]() [3/4]

template<typename MF >
FAB const & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::operator[] ( int  i) const

◆ operator[]() [4/4]

template<typename MF >
FAB & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::operator[] ( int  i)

◆ plusFrom() [1/2]

template<typename MF >
FabSetT< MF > & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::plusFrom ( const FabSetT< MF > &  src,
int  scomp,
int  dcomp,
int  ncomp 

◆ plusFrom() [2/2]

template<typename MF >
FabSetT< MF > & amrex::FabSetT< MF >::plusFrom ( const MF &  src,
int  ngrow,
int  scomp,
int  dcomp,
int  ncomp,
const Periodicity period = Periodicity::NonPeriodic() 

◆ plusTo()

template<typename MF >
void amrex::FabSetT< MF >::plusTo ( MF &  dest,
int  ngrow,
int  scomp,
int  dcomp,
int  ncomp,
const Periodicity period = Periodicity::NonPeriodic() 
) const

◆ read()

template<typename MF >
void amrex::FabSetT< MF >::read ( const std::string &  name)

Read (used for reading from checkpoint)

Local copy function

◆ setVal() [1/2]

template<typename MF >
void amrex::FabSetT< MF >::setVal ( value_type  val)

◆ setVal() [2/2]

template<typename MF >
void amrex::FabSetT< MF >::setVal ( value_type  val,
int  comp,
int  num_comp 

Linear combination: this := a*this + b*src (FabSetT<MF>s must be commensurate).

◆ size()

template<typename MF >
int amrex::FabSetT< MF >::size ( ) const

◆ write()

template<typename MF >
void amrex::FabSetT< MF >::write ( const std::string &  name) const

Write (used for writing to checkpoint)

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ FabSetIter

template<typename MF >
friend class FabSetIter

◆ FluxRegister

template<typename MF >
friend class FluxRegister

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_mf

template<typename MF >
MF amrex::FabSetT< MF >::m_mf

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