| MFCellConsLinInterp (bool do_linear_limiting_) |
Box | CoarseBox (Box const &fine, int ratio) override |
| Returns coarsened box given fine box and refinement ratio. This is a pure virtual function and hence MUST be implemented by derived classes. More...
Box | CoarseBox (Box const &fine, IntVect const &ratio) override |
| Returns coarsened box given fine box and refinement ratio. This is a pure virtual function and hence MUST be implemented by derived classes. More...
void | interp (MultiFab const &crsemf, int ccomp, MultiFab &finemf, int fcomp, int ncomp, IntVect const &ng, Geometry const &cgeom, Geometry const &fgeom, Box const &dest_domain, IntVect const &ratio, Vector< BCRec > const &bcs, int bcomp) override |
| InterpBase ()=default |
virtual | ~InterpBase ()=default |
| InterpBase (InterpBase const &) noexcept=default |
| InterpBase (InterpBase &&) noexcept=default |
InterpBase & | operator= (InterpBase const &) noexcept=default |
InterpBase & | operator= (InterpBase &&) noexcept=default |
InterpolaterBoxCoarsener | BoxCoarsener (const IntVect &ratio) |
Linear conservative interpolation on cell centered data.
Linear conservative interpolation on cell centered data, i.e, conservative interpolation with a limiting scheme that preserves the value of any linear combination of the fab components. If sum_ivar a(ic,jc,ivar)*fab(ic,jc,ivar) = 0, then sum_ivar a(ic,jc,ivar)*fab(if,jf,ivar) = 0 is satisfied in all fine cells if,jf covering coarse cell ic,jc.