Guided Tutorials
The source code for these tutorials can be found in the AMReX-Codes/amrex-tutorials
repo, under the parent directory amrex-tutorials/GuidedTutorials
HelloWorld with GNU Make
Briefly describes Git and the HelloWorld source code. Then discusses how to compile with GNU Make.
HelloWorld with CMake
Describes how to use CMake to compile the HelloWorld example.
The MultiFab
This tutorial introduces the AMReX MultiFab class. It demonstrates how to create a MultiFab, fill it with data and write that data to a plotfile.
Heat Equation – Simple
A complete build-run-visualize workflow walk-through. This simplified introduction covers several basic components of AMReX while minimizing required knowledge of C++ syntax.
Namespaces and Multidimensional Code
This code expands upon the Heat Equation – Simple tutorial by adding a namespace scope, macros and preprocessor directives to simplify syntax and enable 2 or 3-dimensional simulation from the same code. These additions bring the syntax closer to typical practice.
Heat Equation
This tutorial revisits AMReX’s approach to heat equation in additional detail with preprocessor variables, scoped namespaces, and multiple source files to demonstrate additional convenience and functionality.
Tutorials from the 2021 ECP Annual Meeting
It’s also possible to work through several tutorials on AMReX that were presented at the 2021 ECP Annual Meeting without needing to install any dependencies or download any code to your local machine. The tutorials are available in the GitHub repo, ECP-Tutorials and use the GitPod cloud dev environment. For accompanying slides, see tutorial_slides.pdf.