
The tutorials in amrex_tutorials/ExampleCodes/Basic demonstrate the most fundamental operations supported by AMReX.


HelloWorld_C and HelloWorld_F demonstrate the GNU Make system – with a sample Make.package and GNUmakefile – and the amrex::Initialize and amrex::Finalize functions.

In addition, in HelloWorld_C, the amrex::Print() operation, which only prints from the I/O processor, is used to print out the AMReX version (as defined by amrex::Version()) being used.

HelloWorld_F is a simple example of how to use the F_Interface routines, which are Fortran wrappers for the underlying C++ data strutures and iterators. Here, for example, rather than calling amrex::Print() in C++, we test on whether amrex_parallel_ioprocessor() is true, and if so, invoke the usual Fortran print call.


main_C and main_F introduce the following:

  1. By default, AMReX initializes MPI and uses MPI_COMM_WORLD as its communicator. However, applications could choose to initialize MPI themselves and pass in an existing communicator.

  2. By default, AMReX treats command line arguments as inputs parameters. The expected format of argv is

    executable inputs_file parm=value

    Here, executable is the filename of the executable, inputs_file is the file containing runtime parameters used to build AMReX ParmParse database, and parm=value is an input parameter that will override its value in inputs_file. Both inputs_file and parm=value are optional. At most one inputs_file is allowed. However, there can be multiple parm=value s.

    The parsing of the command line arguments is performed in amrex::Initialize. Applications can choose to skip command line parsing. Applications can also provide a function that adds parameters to AMReX ParmParse database.


This tutorial builds on the main_C example and demonstrates how to build the executable when we want to link local files with the pre-built amrex library (libamrex.a) that has been installed elsewhere. We separate main.cpp from the main_C example into two separate files (main.cpp and test_parameters.cpp), replace MyAmr.H by MyParams.H and add a Fortran file my_func.f90. The GNUmakefile here assumes that you have already built the AMReX library; for instructions on how to do that see the Building_libamrex chapter of the amrex docs here. here.


The HeatEquation examples solve a 2D or 3D (determined by how you set DIM in the GNUmakefile) heat equation explicitly on a domain-decomposed mesh. This example is described in detail in the Basics chapter of the amrex Documentation. There is also an example code, HeadEquation_Restart, that shows how to add restart capability to a time-advancement code.