template<class Iterator , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleIterator< Iterator >::value, int > foo = 0> |
int | amrex::numParticlesOutOfRange (Iterator const &pti, int nGrow) |
| Returns the number of particles that are more than nGrow cells from the box correspond to the input iterator.
template<class Iterator , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleIterator< Iterator >::value &&!Iterator::ContainerType::ParticleType::is_soa_particle, int > foo = 0> |
int | amrex::numParticlesOutOfRange (Iterator const &pti, IntVect nGrow) |
| Returns the number of particles that are more than nGrow cells from the box correspond to the input iterator.
template<class PC , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleContainer< PC >::value, int > foo = 0> |
int | amrex::numParticlesOutOfRange (PC const &pc, int nGrow) |
| Returns the number of particles that are more than nGrow cells from their assigned box.
template<class PC , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleContainer< PC >::value, int > foo = 0> |
int | amrex::numParticlesOutOfRange (PC const &pc, IntVect nGrow) |
| Returns the number of particles that are more than nGrow cells from their assigned box.
template<class PC , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleContainer< PC >::value, int > foo = 0> |
int | amrex::numParticlesOutOfRange (PC const &pc, int lev_min, int lev_max, int nGrow) |
| Returns the number of particles that are more than nGrow cells from their assigned box.
template<class PC , std::enable_if_t< IsParticleContainer< PC >::value, int > foo = 0> |
int | amrex::numParticlesOutOfRange (PC const &pc, int lev_min, int lev_max, IntVect nGrow) |
| Returns the number of particles that are more than nGrow cells from their assigned box.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE int | amrex::getTileIndex (const IntVect &iv, const Box &box, const bool a_do_tiling, const IntVect &a_tile_size, Box &tbx) |
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE int | amrex::numTilesInBox (const Box &box, const bool a_do_tiling, const IntVect &a_tile_size) |
template<typename P > |
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE IntVect | amrex::getParticleCell (P const &p, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &plo, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &dxi) noexcept |
| Returns the cell index for a given particle using the provided lower bounds and cell sizes.
template<typename P > |
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE IntVect | amrex::getParticleCell (P const &p, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &plo, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &dxi, const Box &domain) noexcept |
| Returns the cell index for a given particle using the provided lower bounds, cell sizes and global domain offset.
template<typename PTD > |
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE IntVect | amrex::getParticleCell (PTD const &ptd, int i, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &plo, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &dxi, const Box &domain) noexcept |
template<typename P > |
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE int | amrex::getParticleGrid (P const &p, amrex::Array4< int > const &mask, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &plo, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &dxi, const Box &domain) noexcept |
template<typename P > |
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE bool | amrex::enforcePeriodic (P &p, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &plo, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &phi, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::ParticleReal, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &rlo, amrex::GpuArray< amrex::ParticleReal, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &rhi, amrex::GpuArray< int, AMREX_SPACEDIM > const &is_per) noexcept |
template<typename PTile , typename ParFunc > |
int | amrex::partitionParticles (PTile &ptile, ParFunc const &is_left) |
| Reorders the ParticleTile into two partitions left [0, num_left-1] and right [num_left, ptile.numParticles()-1] and returns the number of particles in the left partition.
template<typename PTile > |
void | amrex::removeInvalidParticles (PTile &ptile) |
template<typename PTile , typename PLocator , typename CellAssignor > |
int | amrex::partitionParticlesByDest (PTile &ptile, const PLocator &ploc, CellAssignor const &assignor, const ParticleBufferMap &pmap, const GpuArray< Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &plo, const GpuArray< Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &phi, const GpuArray< ParticleReal, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &rlo, const GpuArray< ParticleReal, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &rhi, const GpuArray< int, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &is_per, int lev, int gid, int, int lev_min, int lev_max, int nGrow, bool remove_negative) |
template<class PC1 , class PC2 > |
bool | amrex::SameIteratorsOK (const PC1 &pc1, const PC2 &pc2) |
template<class PC > |
void | amrex::EnsureThreadSafeTiles (PC &pc) |
IntVect | amrex::computeRefFac (const ParGDBBase *a_gdb, int src_lev, int lev) |
Vector< int > | amrex::computeNeighborProcs (const ParGDBBase *a_gdb, int ngrow) |
template<typename C > |
void | amrex::particle_detail::clearEmptyEntries (C &c) |
template<class index_type , typename F > |
void | amrex::PermutationForDeposition (Gpu::DeviceVector< index_type > &perm, index_type nitems, index_type nbins, F const &f) |
template<class index_type , class PTile > |
void | amrex::PermutationForDeposition (Gpu::DeviceVector< index_type > &perm, index_type nitems, const PTile &ptile, Box bx, Geometry geom, const IntVect idx_type) |
template<typename P > |
std::string | amrex::getDefaultCompNameReal (const int i) |
template<typename P > |
std::string | amrex::getDefaultCompNameInt (const int i) |