Getting Started

We have discussed AMReX’s build systems in the chapter on Building AMReX. To build with GNU Make, we need to include the Fortran interface source tree into the make system. The source codes for the Fortran interface are in amrex/Src/F_Interfaces and there are several sub-directories. The “Base” directory includes sources for the basic functionality, the “AmrCore” directory wraps around the AmrCore class (see the chapter on AmrCore Source Code), and the “Octree” directory adds support for octree type of AMR grids. Each directory has a “Make.package” file that can be included in make files (see HelloWorld_F and Advection_F in the tutorials for examples). The libamrex approach includes the Fortran interface by default.

A simple example can be found at amrex-tutorials/Basic/HelloWorld_F/. The source code is shown below in its entirety.

program main
  use amrex_base_module
  implicit none
  call amrex_init()
  if (amrex_parallel_ioprocessor()) then
     print *, "Hello world!"
  end if
  call amrex_finalize()
end program main

To access the AMReX Fortran interfaces, we can use these three modules, amrex_base_module for the basics functionalities (Section 2 The Basics), amrex_amrcore_module for AMR support (Section 3 Amr Core Infrastructure) and amrex_octree_module for octree style AMR (Section 4 Octree).

The Basics

Module amrex_base_module is a collection of various Fortran modules providing interfaces to most of the basics of AMReX C++ library (see the chapter on Basics). These modules shown in this section can be used without being explicitly included because they are included by amrex_base_module.

The spatial dimension is an integer parameter amrex_spacedim. We can also use the AMREX_SPACEDIM macro in preprocessed Fortran codes (e.g., .F90 files) just like in the C++ codes. Unlike in C++, the convention for AMReX Fortran interface is that coordinate direction index starts at 1.

There is an integer parameter amrex_real, a Fortran kind parameter for real. Fortran real(amrex_real) corresponds to amrex::Real in C++, which is either double or single precision depending the setting of precision.

The module amrex_parallel_module ( amrex/Src/F_Interfaces/Base/AMReX_parallel_mod.F90) includes wrappers to the ParallelDescriptor namespace, which is in turn a wrapper to the parallel communication library used by AMReX (e.g. MPI).

The module amrex_parmparse_module ( amrex/Src/Base/AMReX_parmparse_mod.F90) provides interface to ParmParse (see the section on ParmParse). Here are some examples.

type(amrex_parmparse) :: pp
integer :: n_cell, max_grid_size
call amrex_parmparse_build(pp)
call pp%get("n_cell", n_cell)
max_grid_size = 32 ! default size
call pp%query("max_grid_size", max_grid_size)
call amrex_parmpase_destroy(pp) ! optional if compiler supports finalization

Finalization is a Fortran 2003 feature that some compilers may not support. For those compilers, we must explicitly destroy the objects, otherwise there will be memory leaks. This applies to many other derived types.

amrex_box is a derived type in amrex_box_module amrex/Src/F_Interfaces/Base/AMReX_box_mod.F90. It has three members, lo (lower corner), hi (upper corner) and nodal (logical flag for index type).

amrex_geometry is a wrapper for the Geometry class containing information for the physical domain. Below is an example of building it.

integer :: n_cell
type(amrex_box) :: domain
type(amrex_geometry) : geom
! n_cell = ...
! Define a single box covering the domain
domain = amrex_box((/0,0,0/), (/n_cell-1, n_cell-1, n_cell-1/))
! This defines a amrex_geometry object.
call amrex_geometry_build(geom, domain)
! ...
call amrex_geometry_destroy(geom)

amrex_boxarray ( amrex/Src/F_Interfaces/Base/AMReX_boxarray_mod.F90) is a wrapper for the BoxArray class, and amrex_distromap ( amrex/Src/F_Interfaces/Base/AMReX_distromap_mod.F90) is a wrapper for the DistributionMapping class. Here is an example of building a BoxArray and a DistributionMapping.

integer :: n_cell
type(amrex_box) :: domain
type(amrex_boxarray) : ba
type(amrex_distromap) :: dm
! n_cell = ...
! Define a single box covering the domain
domain = amrex_box((/0,0,0/), (/n_cell-1, n_cell-1, n_cell-1/))
! Initialize the boxarray "ba" from the single box "bx"
call amrex_boxarray_build(ba, domain)
! Break up boxarray "ba" into chunks no larger than "max_grid_size"
call ba%maxSize(max_grid_size)
! Build a DistributionMapping for the boxarray
call amrex_distromap_build(dm, ba)
! ...
call amrex_distromap_distromap(dm)
call amrex_boxarray_destroy(ba)

Given amrex_boxarray and amrex_distromap, we can build amrex_multifab, a wrapper for the MultiFab class, as follows.

integer :: ncomp, nghost
type(amrex_boxarray) : ba
type(amrex_distromap) :: dm
type(amrex_multifab) :: mf, ndmf
! Build amrex_boxarray and amrex_distromap
! ncomp = ...
! nghost = ...
! ...
! Build amrex_multifab with ncomp component and nghost ghost cells
call amrex_multifab_build(mf, ba, dm, ncomp, nghost)
! Build a nodal multifab
call amrex_multifab_build(ndmf,ba,dm,ncomp,nghost,(/.true.,.true.,.true./))
! ...
call amrex_multifab_destroy(mf)
call amrex_multifab_destroy(ndmf)

There are many type-bound procedures for amrex_multifab. For example

ncomp   ! Return the number of components
nghost  ! Return the number of ghost cells
setval  ! Set the data to the given value
copy    ! Copy data from given amrex_multifab to this amrex_multifab

Note that the copy function here only works on copying data from another amrex_multifab built with the same amrex_distromap, like the MultiFab::Copy function in C++. amrex_multifab also has two parallel communication procedures, fill_boundary and parallel_copy. Their and interface and usage are very similar to functions FillBoundary and ParallelCopy for MultiFab in C++.

type(amrex_geometry) :: geom
type(amrex_multifab) :: mf, mfsrc
! ...
call mf%fill_boundary(geom)       ! Fill all components
call mf%fill_boundary(geom, 1, 3) ! Fill 3 components starting with component 1

call mf%parallel_copy(mfsrc, geom) ! Parallel copy from another multifab

It should be emphasized that the component index for amrex_multifab starts with 1 following Fortran convention. This is different from the C++ part of AMReX.

AMReX provides a Fortran interface to MFIter for iterating over the data in amrex_multifab. The Fortran type for this is amrex_mfiter. Here is an example of using amrex_mfiter to loop over amrex_multifab with tiling and launch a kernel function.

integer :: plo(4), phi(4)
type(amrex_box) :: bx
real(amrex_real), contiguous, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer :: po, pn
type(amrex_multifab) :: old_phi, new_phi
type(amrex_mfiter) :: mfi
! Define old_phi and new_phi ...
! In this example they are built with the same boxarray and distromap.
! And they have the same number of ghost cells and 1 component.
call amrex_mfiter_build(mfi, old_phi, tiling=.true.)
do while (mfi%next())
  bx = mfi%tilebox()
  po => old_phi%dataptr(mfi)
  pn => new_phi%dataptr(mfi)
  plo = lbound(po)
  phi = ubound(po)
  call update_phi(bx%lo, bx&hi, po, pn, plo, phi)
end do
call amrex_mfiter_destroy(mfi)

Here procedure update_phi is

subroutine update_phi (lo, hi, pold, pnew, plo, phi)
 integer, intent(in) :: lo(3), hi(3), plo(3), phi(3)
  real(amrex_real),intent(in   ) pold(plo(1):phi(1),plo(2):phi(2),plo(3):phi(3))
  real(amrex_real),intent(inout) pnew(plo(1):phi(1),plo(2):phi(2),plo(3):phi(3))
  ! ...
end subroutine update_phi

Note that amrex_multifab’s procedure dataptr takes amrex_mfiter and returns a 4-dimensional Fortran pointer. For performance, we should declare the pointer as contiguous. In C++, the similar operation returns a reference to FArrayBox. However, FArrayBox and Fortran pointer have a similar capability of containing array bound information. We can call lbound and ubound on the pointer to return its lower and upper bounds. The first three dimensions of the bounds are spatial and the fourth is for the number of component.

Many of the derived Fortran types in (e.g., amrex_multifab, amrex_boxarray, amrex_distromap, amrex_mfiter, and amrex_geometry) contain a type(c_ptr) that points a C++ object. They also contain a logical type indicating whether or not this object owns the underlying object (i.e., responsible for deleting the object). Due to the semantics of Fortran, one should not return these types with functions. Instead we should pass them as arguments to procedures (preferably with intent specified). These five types all have assignment(=) operator that performs a shallow copy. After the assignment, the original objects still owns the data and the copy is just an alias. For example,

type(amrex_multifab) :: mf1, mf2
call amrex_multifab_build(mf1, ...)
call amrex_multifab_build(mf2, ...)
! At this point, both mf1 and mf2 are data owners
mf2 = mf1   ! This will destroy the original data in mf2.
            ! Then mf2 becomes a shallow copy of mf1.
            ! mf1 is still the owner of the data.
call amrex_multifab_destroy(mf1)
! mf2 no longer contains a valid pointer because mf1 has been destroyed.
call amrex_multifab_destroy(mf2)  ! But we still need to destroy it.

If we need to transfer the ownership, amrex_multifab, amrex_boxarray and amrex_distromap provide type-bound move procedure. We can use it as follows

type(amrex_multifab) :: mf1, mf2
call amrex_multifab_build(mf1, ...)
call mf2%move(mf1)   ! mf2 is now the data owner and mf1 is not.
call amrex_multifab_destroy(mf1)
call amrex_multifab_destroy(mf2)

amrex_multifab also has a type-bound swap procedure for exchanging the data.

AMReX also provides amrex_plotfile_module for writing plotfiles. The interface is similar to the C++ versions.

Amr Core Infrastructure

The module amrex_amr_module provides interfaces to AMR core infrastructure. With AMR, the main program might look like below,

program main
  use amrex_amr_module
  implicit none
  call amrex_init()
  call amrex_amrcore_init()
  call my_amr_init()       ! user's own code, not part of AMReX
  ! ...
  call my_amr_finalize()   ! user's own code, not part of AMReX
  call amrex_amrcore_finalize()
  call amrex_finalize()
end program main

Here we need to call amrex_amrcore_init and amrex_amrcore_finalize. And usually we need to call application code specific procedures to provide some “hooks” needed by AMReX. In C++, this is achieved by using virtual functions. In Fortran, we need to call

subroutine amrex_init_virtual_functions (mk_lev_scrtch, mk_lev_crse, &
                                         mk_lev_re, clr_lev, err_est)

  ! Make a new level from scratch using provided boxarray and distromap
  ! Only used during initialization.
  procedure(amrex_make_level_proc)  :: mk_lev_scrtch
  ! Make a new level using provided boxarray and distromap, and fill
  ! with interpolated coarse level data.
  procedure(amrex_make_level_proc)  :: mk_lev_crse
  ! Remake an existing level using provided boxarray and distromap,
  ! and fill with existing fine and coarse data.
  procedure(amrex_make_level_proc)  :: mk_lev_re
  ! Delete level data
  procedure(amrex_clear_level_proc) :: clr_lev
  ! Tag cells for refinement
  procedure(amrex_error_est_proc)   :: err_est
end subroutine amrex_init_virtual_functions

We need to provide five functions and these functions have three types of interfaces:

subroutine amrex_make_level_proc (lev, time, ba, dm) bind(c)
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in), value :: lev
  real(amrex_real), intent(in), value :: time
  type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: ba, dm
end subroutine amrex_make_level_proc

subroutine amrex_clear_level_proc (lev) bind(c)
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in) , value :: lev
end subroutine amrex_clear_level_proc

subroutine amrex_error_est_proc (lev, tags, time, tagval, clearval) bind(c)
  implicit none
  integer, intent(in), value :: lev
  type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: tags
  real(amrex_real), intent(in), value :: time
  character(c_char), intent(in), value :: tagval, clearval
end subroutine amrex_error_est_proc

amrex-tutorials/ExampleCodes/FortranInterface/Advection_F/Source/my_amr_mod.F90 shows an example of the setup process. The user provided procedure(amrex_error_est_proc) has a tags argument that is of type c_ptr and its value is a pointer to a TagBoxArray object. We need to convert this into a Fortran amrex_tagboxarray object.

type(amrex_tagboxarray) :: tag
tag = tags

The module amrex_fillpatch_module provides interface to C++ functions FillPatchSinglelevel and FillPatchTwoLevels. To use it, the application code needs to provide procedures for interpolation and filling physical boundaries. See amrex-tutorials/ExampleCodes/FortranInterface/Advection_F/Source/fillpatch_mod.F90 for an example.

Module amrex_fluxregister_module provides interface to FluxRegister (see the section on Using FluxRegisters). Its usage is demonstrated in the tutorial at Advection_F.


In AMReX, the union of fine level grids is properly contained within the union of coarse level grids. There are no required direct parent-child connections between levels. Therefore, grids in AMReX in general cannot be represented by trees. Nevertheless, octree type grids are supported via Fortran interface, because grids are more general than octree grids. A tutorial example using amrex_octree_module ( amrex/Src/F_Interfaces/Octree/AMReX_octree_mod.f90) is available at amrex-tutorials/ExampleCodes/FortranInterface/Advection_F/Advection_octree_F/. Procedures amrex_octree_init and amrex_octree_finalize must be called as follows,

program main
  use amrex_amrcore_module
  use amrex_octree_module
  implicit none
  call amrex_init()
  call amrex_octree_int()  ! This should be called before amrex_amrcore_init.
  call amrex_amrcore_init()
  call my_amr_init()       ! user's own code, not part of AMReX
  ! ...
  call my_amr_finalize()   ! user's own code, not part of AMReX
  call amrex_amrcore_finalize()
  call amrex_octree_finalize()
  call amrex_finalize()
end program main

By default, the grid size is \(8^3\), and this can be changed via ParmParse parameter amr.max_grid_size. The module amrex_octree_module provides amrex_octree_iter that can be used to iterate over leaves of octree. For example,

type(amrex_octree_iter) :: oti
type(multifab) :: phi_new(*)   ! one multifab for each level
integer :: ilev, igrd
type(amrex_box) :: bx
real(amrex_real), contiguous, pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: pout
call amrex_octree_iter_build(oti)
do while(oti%next())
   ilev = oti%level()
   igrd = oti%grid_index()
   bx   = oti%box()
   pout => phi_new(ilev)%dataptr(igrd)
   ! ...
end do
call amrex_octree_iter_destroy(oti)