Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
AMReX_RungeKutta.H File Reference
#include <AMReX_Config.H>
#include <AMReX_FabArray.H>

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struct  amrex::RungeKutta::PostStageNoOp


 Functions for Runge-Kutta methods.


template<typename MF >
void amrex::RungeKutta::detail::rk_update (MF &Unew, MF const &Uold, MF const &dUdt, Real dt)
 Unew = Uold + dUdt * dt. More...
template<typename MF >
void amrex::RungeKutta::detail::rk_update (MF &Unew, MF const &Uold, MF const &dUdt1, MF const &dUdt2, Real dt)
 Unew = Uold + (dUdt1 + dUdt2) * dt. More...
template<typename MF >
void amrex::RungeKutta::detail::rk2_update_2 (MF &Unew, MF const &Uold, MF const &dUdt, Real dt)
 Unew = (Uold+Unew)/2 + dUdt * dt/2. More...
template<typename MF >
void amrex::RungeKutta::detail::rk3_update_3 (MF &Unew, MF const &Uold, Array< MF, 3 > const &rkk, Real dt6)
 Unew = Uold + (k1 + k2 + 4*k3) * dt6, where dt6 = dt/6. More...
template<typename MF >
void amrex::RungeKutta::detail::rk4_update_4 (MF &Unew, MF const &Uold, Array< MF, 4 > const &rkk, Real dt6)
 Unew = Uold + (k1+k4+2*(k2+k3))*dt6, where dt6 = dt/6. More...
template<typename MF , typename F , typename FB , typename P = PostStageNoOp>
void amrex::RungeKutta::RK2 (MF &Uold, MF &Unew, Real time, Real dt, F const &frhs, FB const &fillbndry, P const &post_stage=PostStageNoOp())
 Time stepping with RK2. More...
template<typename MF , typename F , typename FB , typename R , typename P = PostStageNoOp>
void amrex::RungeKutta::RK3 (MF &Uold, MF &Unew, Real time, Real dt, F const &frhs, FB const &fillbndry, R const &store_crse_data, P const &post_stage=PostStageNoOp())
 Time stepping with RK3. More...
template<typename MF , typename F , typename FB , typename R , typename P = PostStageNoOp>
void amrex::RungeKutta::RK4 (MF &Uold, MF &Unew, Real time, Real dt, F const &frhs, FB const &fillbndry, R const &store_crse_data, P const &post_stage=PostStageNoOp())
 Time stepping with RK4. More...