void | amrex::InitRandom (ULong cpu_seed, int nprocs=ParallelDescriptor::NProcs(), ULong gpu_seed=detail::DefaultGpuSeed()) |
| Set the seed of the random number generator.
Real | amrex::RandomNormal (Real mean, Real stddev) |
| Generate a psuedo-random double from a normal distribution.
Real | amrex::Random () |
| Generate a psuedo-random double from uniform distribution.
unsigned int | amrex::RandomPoisson (Real lambda) |
| Generate a psuedo-random integer from a Poisson distribution.
Real | amrex::RandomGamma (Real alpha, Real beta) |
| Generate a psuedo-random floating point number from the Gamma distribution.
unsigned int | amrex::Random_int (unsigned int n) |
| Generates one pseudorandom unsigned integer which is uniformly distributed on [0,n-1]-interval for each call.
ULong | amrex::Random_long (ULong n) |
| Generates one pseudorandom unsigned long which is uniformly distributed on [0,n-1]-interval for each call.
void | amrex::SaveRandomState (std::ostream &os) |
| Save and restore random state.
void | amrex::RestoreRandomState (std::istream &is, int nthreads_old, int nstep_old) |
void | amrex::UniqueRandomSubset (Vector< int > &uSet, int setSize, int poolSize, bool printSet=false) |
| Create a unique subset of random numbers from a pool of integers in the range [0, poolSize - 1] the set will be in the order they are found setSize must be <= poolSize uSet will be resized to setSize if you want all processors to have the same set, call this on one processor and broadcast the array.
void | amrex::ResetRandomSeed (ULong cpu_seed, ULong gpu_seed) |
void | amrex::DeallocateRandomSeedDevArray () |
void | amrex::FillRandom (Real *p, Long N) |
void | amrex::FillRandomNormal (Real *p, Long N, Real mean, Real stddev) |
| Fill random numbers from normal distribution.
double | amrex_random () |
amrex::Long | amrex_random_int (amrex::Long n) |