void | amrex::NonLocalBC::detail::split_boxes (BoxList &bl, Box const &domain) |
void | amrex::NonLocalBC::PrepareCommBuffers (CommData &comm, const FabArrayBase::MapOfCopyComTagContainers &cctc, int n_components, std::size_t object_size, std::size_t align) |
| Fill all class member variables of comm but the request and the stats vector.
void | amrex::NonLocalBC::PostRecvs (CommData &recv, int mpi_tag) |
| Initiate all recvieves with MPI_Irecv calls associated with tag mpi_tag.
void | amrex::NonLocalBC::PostSends (CommData &send, int mpi_tag) |
| Initiate all sends with MPI_Isend calls associated with tag mpi_tag.
template MultiBlockCommMetaData | amrex::NonLocalBC::ParallelCopy (FabArray< FArrayBox > &dest, const Box &destbox, const FabArray< FArrayBox > &src, int destcomp, int srccomp, int numcomp, const IntVect &ngrow, MultiBlockIndexMapping const &, Identity const &) |