subroutine | sdcquadrature_mod::sdc_quadrature (qtype_in, nnodes, nnodes0, nodes, nflags, qmats) |
| Subroutine to create quadrature matrices.
logical function | sdcquadrature_mod::not_proper (flags, node) |
| Function to decide if the restriction of the nodes is pointwise, e.g. coarse nodes are every other fine node.
subroutine | sdcquadrature_mod::sdc_qnodes (qnodes, flags, qtype, nnodes) |
| Subroutine to compute high precision quadrature nodes.
subroutine | sdcquadrature_mod::sdc_qmats (qmat, smat, dst, src, flags, ndst, nsrc) |
| Subroutine to compute the quadrature matrices.
real(qp) function | sdcquadrature_mod::poly_eval (p, n, x) |
| Polynomial manipulation routines.
complex(qp) function | sdcquadrature_mod::poly_eval_complex (p, n, x) |
| Function to evaluate complex polynomial.
subroutine | sdcquadrature_mod::poly_diff (p, n) |
| Subroutine to differentiate polynomial (in place)
subroutine | sdcquadrature_mod::poly_int (p, n) |
| Subroutine to integrate polynomial (in place)
subroutine | sdcquadrature_mod::poly_legendre (p, n) |
| Subroutine to compute Legendre polynomial coefficients using Bonnet's recursion formula.
subroutine | sdcquadrature_mod::poly_roots (roots, p0, n) |
| Subroutine to compute polynomial roots using the Durand-Kerner algorithm. The roots are assumed to be real.
recursive subroutine | sdcquadrature_mod::qsort (a) |
| Subroutine to sort (inplace) using the quick sort algorithm. Adapted from http://www.fortran.com/qsort_c.f95.
subroutine, private | sdcquadrature_mod::qsort_partition (a, marker) |