Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
AMReX_PlotFileUtil.H File Reference
#include <AMReX_Config.H>
#include <AMReX_Array.H>
#include <AMReX_Geometry.H>
#include <AMReX_MultiFab.H>
#include <AMReX_PlotFileDataImpl.H>
#include <AMReX_Vector.H>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

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class  amrex::PlotFileData




std::string amrex::LevelPath (int level, const std::string &levelPrefix="Level_")
 return the name of the level directory, e.g., Level_5 More...
std::string amrex::MultiFabHeaderPath (int level, const std::string &levelPrefix="Level_", const std::string &mfPrefix="Cell")
 return the path of the multifab to write to the header, e.g., Level_5/Cell More...
std::string amrex::LevelFullPath (int level, const std::string &plotfilename, const std::string &levelPrefix="Level_")
 return the full path of the level directory, e.g., plt00005/Level_5 More...
std::string amrex::MultiFabFileFullPrefix (int level, const std::string &plotfilename, const std::string &levelPrefix="Level_", const std::string &mfPrefix="Cell")
 return the full path multifab prefix, e.g., plt00005/Level_5/Cell More...
void amrex::PreBuildDirectorHierarchy (const std::string &dirName, const std::string &subDirPrefix, int nSubDirs, bool callBarrier)
 prebuild a hierarchy of directories dirName is built first. if dirName exists, it is renamed. then build dirName/subDirPrefix_0 .. dirName/subDirPrefix_nSubDirs-1 if callBarrier is true, call ParallelDescriptor::Barrier() after all directories are built ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor() creates the directories More...
void amrex::WriteGenericPlotfileHeader (std::ostream &HeaderFile, int nlevels, const Vector< BoxArray > &bArray, const Vector< std::string > &varnames, const Vector< Geometry > &geom, Real time, const Vector< int > &level_steps, const Vector< IntVect > &ref_ratio, const std::string &versionName, const std::string &levelPrefix, const std::string &mfPrefix)
void amrex::WriteSingleLevelPlotfile (const std::string &plotfilename, const MultiFab &mf, const Vector< std::string > &varnames, const Geometry &geom, Real time, int level_step, const std::string &versionName, const std::string &levelPrefix, const std::string &mfPrefix, const Vector< std::string > &extra_dirs)
void amrex::WriteMultiLevelPlotfile (const std::string &plotfilename, int nlevels, const Vector< const MultiFab * > &mf, const Vector< std::string > &varnames, const Vector< Geometry > &geom, Real time, const Vector< int > &level_steps, const Vector< IntVect > &ref_ratio, const std::string &versionName, const std::string &levelPrefix, const std::string &mfPrefix, const Vector< std::string > &extra_dirs)
void amrex::WriteMLMF (const std::string &plotfilename, const Vector< const MultiFab * > &mf, const Vector< Geometry > &geom)
 write a plotfile to disk given: -plotfile name -vector of MultiFabs -vector of Geometrys variable names are written as "Var0", "Var1", etc. refinement ratio is computed from the Geometry vector "time" and "level_steps" are set to zero More...
void amrex::WriteMultiLevelPlotfileHeaders (const std::string &plotfilename, int nlevels, const Vector< const MultiFab * > &mf, const Vector< std::string > &varnames, const Vector< Geometry > &geom, Real time, const Vector< int > &level_steps, const Vector< IntVect > &ref_ratio, const std::string &versionName, const std::string &levelPrefix, const std::string &mfPrefix, const Vector< std::string > &extra_dirs)