Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
AMReX_Interpolater.H File Reference
#include <AMReX_Config.H>
#include <AMReX_Extension.H>
#include <AMReX_GpuControl.H>
#include <AMReX_InterpBase.H>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  amrex::Interpolater
 Virtual base class for interpolaters. More...
class  amrex::NodeBilinear
 Bilinear interpolation on node centered data. More...
class  amrex::CellBilinear
 Bilinear interpolation on cell centered data. More...
class  amrex::CellConservativeLinear
 Linear conservative interpolation on cell centered data. More...
class  amrex::CellConservativeProtected
 Lin. cons. interp. on cc data with protection against under/over-shoots. More...
class  amrex::CellQuadratic
 Quadratic interpolation on cell centered data. More...
class  amrex::PCInterp
 Piecewise Constant interpolation on cell centered data. More...
class  amrex::CellConservativeQuartic
 Conservative quartic interpolation on cell averaged data. More...
class  amrex::FaceDivFree
 Divergence-preserving interpolation on face centered data. More...
class  amrex::FaceLinear
 Piecewise constant tangential interpolation / linear normal interpolation of face data. More...
class  amrex::FaceConservativeLinear
 Bilinear tangential interpolation / linear normal interpolation of face data. More...
class  amrex::CellQuartic
 Quartic interpolation on cell centered data. More...

