Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
AMReX_BoxArray.H File Reference
#include <AMReX_Config.H>
#include <AMReX_IndexType.H>
#include <AMReX_BoxList.H>
#include <AMReX_Array.H>
#include <AMReX_Periodicity.H>
#include <AMReX_Vector.H>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>

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struct  amrex::BARef
struct  amrex::BATnull
struct  amrex::BATindexType
struct  amrex::BATcoarsenRatio
struct  amrex::BATindexType_coarsenRatio
struct  amrex::BATbndryReg
struct  amrex::BATransformer
union  amrex::BATransformer::BATOp
class  amrex::BoxArray
 A collection of Boxes stored in an Array. More...
struct  amrex::BoxArray::RefID




using amrex::BndryBATransformer = BATransformer


BoxArray amrex::boxComplement (const Box &b1in, const Box &b2)
 Make a BoxArray from the the complement of b2 in b1in. More...
BoxArray amrex::complementIn (const Box &b, const BoxArray &ba)
 Make a BoxArray from the complement of BoxArray ba in Box b. More...
BoxArray amrex::intersect (const BoxArray &ba, const Box &b, int ng=0)
 Make a BoxArray from the intersection of Box b and BoxArray(+ghostcells). More...
BoxArray amrex::intersect (const BoxArray &ba, const Box &b, const IntVect &ng)
BoxArray amrex::intersect (const BoxArray &lhs, const BoxArray &rhs)
 Make a BoxArray from the intersection of two BoxArrays. More...
BoxList amrex::intersect (const BoxArray &ba, const BoxList &bl)
 Make a BoxList from the intersection of BoxArray and BoxList. More...
BoxArray amrex::convert (const BoxArray &ba, IndexType typ)
BoxArray amrex::convert (const BoxArray &ba, const IntVect &typ)
BoxArray amrex::coarsen (const BoxArray &ba, int ratio)
BoxArray amrex::coarsen (const BoxArray &ba, const IntVect &ratio)
BoxArray amrex::refine (const BoxArray &ba, int ratio)
BoxArray amrex::refine (const BoxArray &ba, const IntVect &ratio)
BoxList amrex::GetBndryCells (const BoxArray &ba, int ngrow)
 Find the ghost cells of a given BoxArray. More...
void amrex::readBoxArray (BoxArray &ba, std::istream &s, bool b=false)
 Read a BoxArray from a stream. If b is true, read in a special way. More...
bool amrex::match (const BoxArray &x, const BoxArray &y)
 Note that two BoxArrays that match are not necessarily equal. More...
std::ostream & amrex::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BoxArray &ba)
 Write a BoxArray to an ostream in ASCII format. More...
std::ostream & amrex::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BoxArray::RefID &id)