SUNDIALS stands for SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers. It consists of the following six solvers:
CVODE, for initial value problems for ODE systems
CVODES, solves ODE systems and includes sensitivity analysis
ARKODE, solves initial value ODE problems with Runge-Kutta methods
IDA, solves initial value problems for differential-algebraic equation systems
IDAS, solves differential-algebraic equation systems and includes sensitivity analysis
KINSOL, solves nonlinear algebraic systems
AMReX provides interfaces to the SUNDIALS suite. For time integration, users can refer to the section Using SUNDIALS for more information. In addition, an example code demonstrating time integration with SUNDIALS can be found in the tutorials at, SUNDIALS and Time Integrators
For more information on SUNDIALS please see their readthedocs page.