FFT::R2C Class

Class template FFT::R2C supports discrete Fourier transforms between real and complex data. The name R2C indicates that the forward transform converts real data to complex data, while the backward transform converts complex data to real data. It should be noted that both directions of transformation are supported, not just from real to complex.

The implementation utilizes cuFFT, rocFFT, oneMKL and FFTW, for CUDA, HIP, SYCL and CPU builds, respectively. Because the parallel communication is handled by AMReX, it does not need the parallel version of FFTW. Furthermore, there is no constraint on the domain decomposition such as one Box per process. This class performs parallel FFT on AMReX’s parallel data containers (e.g., MultiFab and FabArray<BaseFab<ComplexData<Real>>>. For local FFT, the users can use FFTW, cuFFT, rocFFT, or oneMKL directly.

Other than using column-majored order, AMReX follows the convention of FFTW. Applying the forward transform followed by the backward transform scales the original data by the size of the input array. The layout of the complex data also follows the FFTW convention, where the complex Hermitian output array has (nx/2+1,ny,nz) elements. Here nx, ny and nz are the sizes of the real array and the division is rounded down.

Below are examples of using FFT:R2C.

Geometry geom(...);
MultiFab mfin(...);
MultiFab mfout(...);

auto scaling = 1. / geom.Domain().d_numPts();

FFT::R2C r2c(geom.Domain());
r2c.forwardThenBackward(mfin, mfout,
    [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int, int, int, auto& sp)
        sp *= scaling;

cMultiFab cmf(...);
FFT::R2C<Real,FFT::Direction::forward> r2c_forward(geom.Domain());
r2c_forward(mfin, cmf);

FFT::R2C<Real,FFT::Direction::backward> r2c_backward(geom.Domain());
r2c_backward(cmf, mfout);

Note that using forwardThenBackward is expected to be more efficient than separate calls to forward and backward because some parallel communication can be avoided. It should also be noted that a lot of preparation works are done in the construction of an FFT::R2C object. Therefore, one should cache it for reuse if possible.

Poisson Solver

AMReX provides FFT based Poisson solvers. FFT::Poisson supports all periodic boundaries using purely FFT. FFT::PoissonHybrid is a 3D only solver that supports periodic boundaries in the first two dimensions and Neumann boundary in the last dimension. Similar to FFT::R2C, the Poisson solvers should be cached for reuse.