Installation Guide

Object files of AMReX-Hydro routines can be built with CMake. To build the objects for linking with your projects see the steps below:

Clone, Configure and Install AMReX

  1. Download AMReX from GitHub by using

git clone
  1. In the amrex folder, create and enter a build directory,

mkdir build
cd build
  1. Call cmake to configure the AMReX installation. For compatibility, AMReX-Hydro requires AMReX be built with support for embedded boundaries by setting the flag -DAMReX_EB=YES in the AMReX configuration,

cmake -DAMReX_EB=YES <other configuration options> ..

For additional options building AMReX please refer to Building with CMake in the AMReX Source Documentation.

  1. To install AMReX type,

    make -j4 install

    This will create a directory called installdir that contains the AMReX library and header files. The optional flag -j4 speeds up the compilation by using 4 processes. You can adjust this number as you see fit, or omit it altogether.

Clone and Configure AMReX-Hydro

  1. Download AMReX-Hydro from GitHub by using

git clone
  1. In the AMReX-Hydro folder, create and enter a build directory,

mkdir build
cd build
  1. Call cmake to configure the AMReX-Hydro installation. You will need to specify the location of the file AMReXConfig.cmake be setting the flag to the directory that contains it. In the default case this could be

cmake -DAMReX_ROOT=/fullpathto/amrex/installdir <other configuration options> ..


CMake requires an absolute path for the AMReX_ROOT variable. Therefore, a relative path such as


will result in error because CMake will be unable to find AMReXConfig.cmake.

Make The Object Files

  1. While in the AMReX-Hydro build directory AMReX-Hydro/build, create the object files by entering

make -j4
  1. The object files for AMReX-Hydro routines can now be found in their respective subdirectories at
