.. role:: cpp(code) :language: c++ .. role:: fortran(code) :language: fortran .. _tutorials_amr: Amr ============= For each of these tutorials, plotfiles are generated that can be viewed with amrvis2d / amrvis3d (CCSE's native vis / spreadsheet tool, downloadable separately from ccse.lbl.gov) or with VisIt. **Advection_AmrCore** --------------------- Advection_AmrCore: This tutorial contains an AMR advection code that advects a single scalar field with a velocity field that is specified on faces. It is written entirely in C++, can be built in 2D or 3D and run with the same inputs file, It is an AMReX-based code designed to run in parallel using MPI+X, where X may be OMP for multicore machines and CUDA for hybrid CPU/GPU architectures. This example uses source code from the amrex/Src/Base, Boundary, and AmrCore directories. Notably, this example does not use source code from amrex/Src/Amr (see the tutorial Advection_AmrLevel). The directory Exec includes a makefile and a sample inputs file. **Advection_AmrLevel** ---------------------- Advection_AmrLevel: This tutorial contains an AMR advection code that advects a single scalar field with a velocity field that is specified on faces. It is an AMReX based code designed to run in parallel using MPI/OMP. This example uses source code from the amrex/Src/Base, Boundary, AmrCore, and Amr directories. The directories Exec/SingleVortex and Exec/UniformVelocity each include a makefile and a sample inputs file. **Advection_F** ---------------- This code advects a single scalar field with a velocity field that is specified on faces. It is a AMReX based code designed to run in parallel using MPI/OMP. It uses the Fortran interfaces of AMReX. The directory Exec/SingleVortex includes a makefile and a sample inputs file. **Advection_octree_F** ---------------------- This code advects a single scalar field with a velocity field that is specified on faces. It is a AMReX based code designed to run in parallel using MPI/OMP. It uses the Fortran interfaces of AMReX. The grids have an octree structure with a grid size of 8. No subcycling is used. The directory Exec/SingleVortex includes a makefile and a sample inputs file.