Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
No Matches
amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator > Member List

This is the complete list of members for amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >, including all inherited members.

columnIndex() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
columnIndex()amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
data() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
data()amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
define(AlgPartition partition, int nnz)amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
define(AlgPartition partition, T const *mat, Long const *col_index, Long nnz, Long const *row_index)amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
define_doit(int nnz)amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
diagonalVector() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
DVec typedefamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
finishComm(AlgVector< T > &y)amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
globalRowBegin() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
globalRowEnd() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
m_comm_preparedamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_dataamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_data_remoteamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_diagonalamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >mutableprivate
m_partitionamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_recv_bufferamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_recv_countsamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_recv_fromamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_recv_reqsamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_remote_colsamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_row_beginamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_row_endamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_rtolamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_send_bufferamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_send_countsamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_send_indicesamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_send_reqsamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_send_toamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_shiftedamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_total_counts_recvamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
m_total_counts_sendamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
numGlobalRows() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
numLocalNonZero() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
numLocalRows() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
operator=(SpMatrix const &)=deleteamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
operator=(SpMatrix &&)=defaultamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
pack_buffer(AlgVector< T > const &v)amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
partition() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
prepare_comm()amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
printToFile(std::string const &file) constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
rowOffset() constamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
rowOffset()amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >inline
setVal(F const &f)amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
SpMatrix()=defaultamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
SpMatrix(AlgPartition partition, int nnz)amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
SpMatrix(SpMatrix const &)=deleteamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
SpMatrix(SpMatrix &&)=defaultamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
SpMVamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >friend
startComm(AlgVector< T > const &x)amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >private
unpack_buffer(AlgVector< T > &v)amrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
value_type typedefamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >
~SpMatrix()=defaultamrex::SpMatrix< T, Allocator >