This is the complete list of members for amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF >, including all inherited members.
addInhomogNeumannFlux(int amrlev, const Array< MF *, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &grad, MF const &sol, bool mult_bcoef) const final | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | virtual |
AMRRefRatio() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
AMRRefRatio(int amr_lev) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
apply(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &out, MF &in, BCMode bc_mode, StateMode s_mode, const MLMGBndryT< MF > *bndry=nullptr) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
applyBC(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &in, BCMode bc_mode, StateMode s_mode, const MLMGBndryT< MF > *bndry=nullptr, bool skip_fillboundary=false) const | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
applyInhomogNeumannTerm(int amrlev, MF &rhs) const final | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | virtual |
applyMetricTerm(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &rhs) const final | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
applyOverset(int amrlev, MF &rhs) const override | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | virtual |
averageDownAndSync(Vector< MF > &sol) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
averageDownCoeffs() | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
averageDownCoeffsSameAmrLevel(int amrlev, Vector< MF > &a) | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
averageDownCoeffsToCoarseAmrLevel(int flev) | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
averageDownSolutionRHS(int camrlev, MF &crse_sol, MF &crse_rhs, const MF &fine_sol, const MF &fine_rhs) override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
avgDownResAmr(int clev, MF &cres, MF const &fres) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
avgDownResMG(int clev, MF &cres, MF const &fres) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
BCMode typedef | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
BCTuple typedef | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
BCType typedef | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
beginPrecondBC() override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
BottomCommunicator() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
checkPoint(std::string const &) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprivatevirtual |
Communicator() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
compactify(Box const &b) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
compactify(Array4< T > const &a) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
compFlux(int amrlev, const Array< MF *, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &fluxes, MF &sol, Location loc) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
compGrad(int amrlev, const Array< MF *, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &grad, MF &sol, Location loc) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
computeVolInv() const | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | private |
copyNSolveSolution(MF &, MF const &) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
correctionResidual(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &resid, MF &x, const MF &b, BCMode bc_mode, const MF *crse_bcdata=nullptr) final | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
define(const Vector< Geometry > &a_geom, const Vector< BoxArray > &a_grids, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &a_dmap, const LPInfo &a_info=LPInfo(), const Vector< FabFactory< FAB > const * > &a_factory={}) | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
amrex::MLCellABecLapT::define(const Vector< Geometry > &a_geom, const Vector< BoxArray > &a_grids, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &a_dmap, const Vector< iMultiFab const * > &a_overset_mask, const LPInfo &a_info=LPInfo(), const Vector< FabFactory< FAB > const * > &a_factory={}) | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | |
amrex::MLLinOpT::define(const Vector< Geometry > &a_geom, const Vector< BoxArray > &a_grids, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &a_dmap, const LPInfo &a_info, const Vector< FabFactory< FAB > const * > &a_factory, bool eb_limit_coarsening=true) | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
defineAuxData() | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | private |
defineBC() | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | private |
defineGrids(const Vector< Geometry > &a_geom, const Vector< BoxArray > &a_grids, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &a_dmap, const Vector< FabFactory< FAB > const * > &a_factory) | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | private |
doAgglomeration() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
doConsolidation() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
doSemicoarsening() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
dotProductPrecond(Vector< MF const * > const &x, Vector< MF const * > const &y) const final | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
endPrecondBC() override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
enforceSingularSolvable | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
FAB typedef | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
Factory(int amr_lev, int mglev=0) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
Fapply(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &out, const MF &in) const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | virtual |
FFlux(int amrlev, const MFIter &mfi, const Array< FAB *, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &flux, const FAB &sol, Location, int face_only=0) const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | virtual |
fixSolvabilityByOffset(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &rhs, Vector< RT > const &offset) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
amrex::MLLinOpT::fixSolvabilityByOffset(int, int, MF &, Vector< RT > const &) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
Fsmooth(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &sol, const MF &rhs, int redblack) const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | virtual |
Geom(int amr_lev, int mglev=0) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inline |
get_d0(T const &dx, T const &dy, T const &) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
get_d1(T const &, T const &dy, T const &dz) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
getACoeffs(int amrlev, int mglev) const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
getAScalar() const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
getBCoeffs(int, int) const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
getBScalar() const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
getDefaultBottomSolver() const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
getEnforceSingularSolvable() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inline |
getFluxes(const Vector< Array< MF *, AMREX_SPACEDIM > > &a_flux, const Vector< MF * > &a_sol, Location a_loc) const final | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | virtual |
getFluxes(const Vector< MF * > &, const Vector< MF * > &) const final | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
getMaxOrder() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inline |
getNComp() const override | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
getNGrow(int=0, int=0) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
getNGrowVectRestriction() const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
getOversetMask(int amrlev, int mglev) const | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | inline |
getSolvabilityOffset(int amrlev, int mglev, MF const &rhs) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
hasBC(BCType bct) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
hasHiddenDimension() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
hasInhomogNeumannBC() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
hasRobinBC() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
HiBC(int icomp=0) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
hiddenDirection() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
info | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
interpAssign(int amrlev, int fmglev, MF &fine, MF &crse) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
interpolation(int amrlev, int fmglev, MF &fine, const MF &crse) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
interpolationAmr(int famrlev, MF &fine, const MF &crse, IntVect const &nghost) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
isBottomActive() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
isBottomSingular() const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
isCellCentered() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
isCrossStencil() const | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
isMFIterSafe(int amrlev, int mglev1, int mglev2) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
isSingular(int amrlev) const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
isTensorOp() const | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
levelbc_raii | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | private |
LoBC(int icomp=0) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
Location typedef | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
m_a_coeffs | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | private |
m_a_scalar | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | private |
m_amr_ref_ratio | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_b_scalar | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | private |
m_bcondloc | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_bndry_cor | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_bndry_sol | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_bndry_sol_zero | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_bottom_comm | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_coarse_bc_loc | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_coarse_data_crse_ratio | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_coarse_data_for_bc | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_coarse_data_for_bc_raii | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_coarse_fine_bc_type | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_crse_cor_br | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_crse_sol_br | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_default_comm | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_dmap | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_do_agglomeration | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_do_consolidation | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_do_semicoarsening | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_domain_bloc_hi | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_domain_bloc_lo | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_domain_covered | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_factory | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_fluxreg | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | mutableprotected |
m_geom | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_grids | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_has_metric_term | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_hibc | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
m_hibc_orig | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
m_interpbndry_halfwidth | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | private |
m_is_singular | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | private |
m_ixtype | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_lobc | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
m_lobc_orig | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
m_lpinfo_arg | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | protected |
m_maskvals | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_ncomp | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | private |
m_needs_coarse_data_for_bc | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_needs_update | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | private |
m_norm_fine_mask | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_num_amr_levels | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_num_mg_levels | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_overset_mask | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | protected |
m_parent | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_precond_mode | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_raii_comm | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_robin_bcval | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
m_undrrelxr | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | mutableprotected |
m_use_gauss_seidel | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
m_volinv | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | mutableprivate |
make(Vector< Vector< MF > > &mf, IntVect const &ng) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protectedvirtual |
make(int amrlev, int mglev, IntVect const &ng) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protectedvirtual |
makeAgglomeratedDMap(const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, Vector< DistributionMapping > &dm) | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | privatestatic |
makeAlias(MF const &mf) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protectedvirtual |
makeCoarseAmr(int famrlev, IntVect const &ng) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protectedvirtual |
makeCoarseMG(int amrlev, int mglev, IntVect const &ng) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protectedvirtual |
makeConsolidatedDMap(const Vector< BoxArray > &ba, Vector< DistributionMapping > &dm, int ratio, int strategy) | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | privatestatic |
makeFactory(int, int) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
makeNGrids(int grid_size) const | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
makeNLinOp(int) const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
makeSubCommunicator(const DistributionMapping &dm) | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | private |
maxorder | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
MFType typedef | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
mg_box_min_width | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protectedstatic |
mg_coarsen_ratio | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protectedstatic |
mg_coarsen_ratio_vec | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
mg_domain_min_width | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
MLALaplacianT()=default | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
MLALaplacianT(const Vector< Geometry > &a_geom, const Vector< BoxArray > &a_grids, const Vector< DistributionMapping > &a_dmap, const LPInfo &a_info=LPInfo(), const Vector< FabFactory< FAB > const * > &a_factory={}, int a_ncomp=1) | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
MLALaplacianT(const MLALaplacianT< MF > &)=delete | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
MLALaplacianT(MLALaplacianT< MF > &&)=delete | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
MLCellABecLapT()=default | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | |
MLCellABecLapT(const MLCellABecLapT< MF > &)=delete | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | |
MLCellABecLapT(MLCellABecLapT< MF > &&)=delete | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | |
MLCellLinOpT() | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
MLCellLinOpT(const MLCellLinOpT< MF > &)=delete | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
MLCellLinOpT(MLCellLinOpT< MF > &&)=delete | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
MLLinOpT()=default | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
MLLinOpT(const MLLinOpT< MF > &)=delete | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
MLLinOpT(MLLinOpT< MF > &&)=delete | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
name() const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
NAMRLevels() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inline |
needsCoarseDataForBC() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inline |
needsUpdate() const override | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
NMGLevels(int amrlev) const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inline |
norm2Precond(Vector< MF const * > const &x) const final | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
normalize(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &mf) const final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | virtual |
normInf(int amrlev, MF const &mf, bool local) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
operator=(const MLALaplacianT< MF > &)=delete | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
operator=(MLALaplacianT< MF > &&)=delete | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
amrex::MLCellABecLapT::operator=(const MLCellABecLapT< MF > &)=delete | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | |
amrex::MLCellABecLapT::operator=(MLCellABecLapT< MF > &&)=delete | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | |
amrex::MLCellLinOpT::operator=(const MLCellLinOpT< MF > &)=delete | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
amrex::MLCellLinOpT::operator=(MLCellLinOpT< MF > &&)=delete | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
amrex::MLLinOpT::operator=(const MLLinOpT< MF > &)=delete | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
amrex::MLLinOpT::operator=(MLLinOpT< MF > &&)=delete | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
postSolve(Vector< MF * > const &) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
prepareForFluxes(int amrlev, const MF *crse_bcdata=nullptr) override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
prepareForSolve() final | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | virtual |
preparePrecond() | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
RealTuple typedef | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | protected |
reflux(int crse_amrlev, MF &res, const MF &crse_sol, const MF &, MF &, MF &fine_sol, const MF &) const final | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
resizeMultiGrid(int new_size) | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protectedvirtual |
restriction(int, int, MF &crse, MF &fine) const override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
robin_a_raii | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | private |
robin_b_raii | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | private |
robin_f_raii | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | private |
RT typedef | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
scaleRHS(int, MF *) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
setACoeffs(int amrlev, const MF &alpha) | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
setCoarseFineBC(const MF *crse, int crse_ratio, LinOpBCType bc_type=LinOpBCType::Dirichlet) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
setCoarseFineBC(const MF *crse, IntVect const &crse_ratio, LinOpBCType bc_type=LinOpBCType::Dirichlet) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
setCoarseFineBC(const AMF *crse, int crse_ratio, LinOpBCType bc_type=LinOpBCType::Dirichlet) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
setCoarseFineBC(const AMF *crse, IntVect const &crse_ratio, LinOpBCType bc_type=LinOpBCType::Dirichlet) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
setCoarseFineBCLocation(const RealVect &cloc) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotected |
setDirichletNodesToZero(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &mf) const override | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | virtual |
setDomainBC(const Array< BCType, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &lobc, const Array< BCType, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &hibc) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
setDomainBC(const Vector< Array< BCType, AMREX_SPACEDIM > > &lobc, const Vector< Array< BCType, AMREX_SPACEDIM > > &hibc) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
setDomainBCLoc(const Array< Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &lo_bcloc, const Array< Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM > &hi_bcloc) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
setEnforceSingularSolvable(bool o) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inline |
setGaussSeidel(bool flag) noexcept | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | inline |
setInterpBndryHalfWidth(int w) | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | inline |
setLevelBC(int amrlev, const MF *levelbcdata, const MF *robinbc_a=nullptr, const MF *robinbc_b=nullptr, const MF *robinbc_f=nullptr) final | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
amrex::MLLinOpT::setLevelBC(int amrlev, const AMF *levelbcdata, const AMF *robinbc_a=nullptr, const AMF *robinbc_b=nullptr, const AMF *robinbc_f=nullptr) | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | |
setMaxOrder(int o) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inline |
setScalars(RT a, RT b) noexcept | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
setVerbose(int v) noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inline |
smooth(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &sol, const MF &rhs, bool skip_fillboundary=false) const final | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
solutionResidual(int amrlev, MF &resid, MF &x, const MF &b, const MF *crse_bcdata=nullptr) override | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
StateMode typedef | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
supportInhomogNeumannBC() const noexcept override | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
supportNSolve() const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
supportRobinBC() const noexcept | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlineprotectedvirtual |
unapplyMetricTerm(int amrlev, int mglev, MF &rhs) const final | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
unimposeNeumannBC(int, MF &) const | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | inlinevirtual |
update() override | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | virtual |
updateCorBC(int amrlev, const MF &crse_bcdata) const | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
updateSingularFlag() | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | private |
updateSolBC(int amrlev, const MF &crse_bcdata) const | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
verbose | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | protected |
xdoty(int amrlev, int mglev, const MF &x, const MF &y, bool local) const final | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | virtual |
~MLALaplacianT() override | amrex::MLALaplacianT< MF > | |
~MLCellABecLapT() override=default | amrex::MLCellABecLapT< MF > | |
~MLCellLinOpT() override=default | amrex::MLCellLinOpT< MF > | |
~MLLinOpT()=default | amrex::MLLinOpT< MF > | virtual |