This is the complete list of members for amrex::AmrLevel, including all inherited members.
advance(Real time, Real dt, int iteration, int ncycle)=0 | amrex::AmrLevel | pure virtual |
allocOldData() | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
Amr | amrex::AmrLevel | friend |
Amr1QtrTime enum value | amrex::AmrLevel | |
Amr3QtrTime enum value | amrex::AmrLevel | |
AmrHalfTime enum value | amrex::AmrLevel | |
AmrLevel(const AmrLevel &)=delete | amrex::AmrLevel | |
AmrLevel(AmrLevel &&)=delete | amrex::AmrLevel | |
AmrLevel() noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inlineprotected |
AmrLevel(Amr &papa, int lev, const Geometry &level_geom, const BoxArray &ba, const DistributionMapping &dm, Real time) | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
AmrNewTime enum value | amrex::AmrLevel | |
AmrOldTime enum value | amrex::AmrLevel | |
AmrOtherTime enum value | amrex::AmrLevel | |
boxArray() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
checkPoint(const std::string &dir, std::ostream &os, VisMF::How how=VisMF::NFiles, bool dump_old=true) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
checkPointPost(const std::string &dir, std::ostream &os) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
checkPointPre(const std::string &dir, std::ostream &os) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
computeInitialDt(int finest_level, int sub_cycle, Vector< int > &n_cycle, const Vector< IntVect > &ref_ratio, Vector< Real > &dt_level, Real stop_time)=0 | amrex::AmrLevel | pure virtual |
computeNewDt(int finest_level, int sub_cycle, Vector< int > &n_cycle, const Vector< IntVect > &ref_ratio, Vector< Real > &dt_min, Vector< Real > &dt_level, Real stop_time, int post_regrid_flag)=0 | amrex::AmrLevel | pure virtual |
constructAreaNotToTag() | amrex::AmrLevel | |
countCells() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | |
CreateLevelDirectory(const std::string &dir) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
crse_ratio | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
derive(const std::string &name, Real time, int ngrow) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
derive(const std::string &name, Real time, MultiFab &mf, int dcomp) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
derive_lst | amrex::AmrLevel | protectedstatic |
desc_lst | amrex::AmrLevel | protectedstatic |
DistributionMap() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
dmap | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
Domain() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
edge_grids | amrex::AmrLevel | mutableprivate |
errorEst(TagBoxArray &tb, int clearval, int tagval, Real time, int n_error_buf=0, int ngrow=0)=0 | amrex::AmrLevel | pure virtual |
estimateWork() | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
Factory() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
FillCoarsePatch(MultiFab &mf, int dcomp, Real time, int state_idx, int scomp, int ncomp, int nghost=0) | amrex::AmrLevel | |
FillPatch(AmrLevel &amrlevel, MultiFab &leveldata, int boxGrow, Real time, int index, int scomp, int ncomp, int dcomp=0) | amrex::AmrLevel | static |
FillPatchAdd(AmrLevel &amrlevel, MultiFab &leveldata, int boxGrow, Real time, int index, int scomp, int ncomp, int dcomp=0) | amrex::AmrLevel | static |
FillPatcherFill(amrex::MultiFab &mf, int dcomp, int ncomp, int nghost, amrex::Real time, int state_index, int scomp) | amrex::AmrLevel | |
FillPatchIterator | amrex::AmrLevel | friend |
FillPatchIteratorHelper | amrex::AmrLevel | friend |
FillRKPatch(int state_index, MultiFab &S, Real time, int stage, int iteration, int ncycle) | amrex::AmrLevel | private |
fine_ratio | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
fineRatio() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
finishConstructor() | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
FlushFPICache() | amrex::AmrLevel | static |
Geom() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
geom | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
get_data(int state_indx, Real time) noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | |
get_derive_lst() noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | static |
get_desc_lst() noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inlinestatic |
get_new_data(int state_indx) noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
get_new_data(int state_indx) const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
get_old_data(int state_indx) noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
get_old_data(int state_indx) const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
get_state_data(int state_indx) noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
getAreaNotToTag() noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | |
getAreaToTag() noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | |
getBCArray(int State_Type, int gridno, int strt_comp, int ncomp) | amrex::AmrLevel | |
getEdgeBoxArray(int dir) const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | |
getNodalBoxArray() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | |
grids | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
init(AmrLevel &old)=0 | amrex::AmrLevel | pure virtual |
init()=0 | amrex::AmrLevel | pure virtual |
initData()=0 | amrex::AmrLevel | pure virtual |
isStateVariable(const std::string &name, int &state_indx, int &ncomp) | amrex::AmrLevel | static |
Level() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
level | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
levelDirectoryCreated | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
LevelDirectoryNames(const std::string &dir, std::string &LevelDir, std::string &FullPath) const | amrex::AmrLevel | |
m_AreaNotToTag | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
m_AreaToTag | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
m_factory | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
m_fillpatcher | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
manual_tags_placement(TagBoxArray &tags, const Vector< IntVect > &bf_lev) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
nodal_grids | amrex::AmrLevel | mutableprivate |
nStep() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
numGrids() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
numStates() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
okToContinue() | amrex::AmrLevel | inlinevirtual |
okToRegrid() | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
operator=(const AmrLevel &)=delete | amrex::AmrLevel | |
operator=(AmrLevel &&)=delete | amrex::AmrLevel | |
parent | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
post_init(Real stop_time)=0 | amrex::AmrLevel | pure virtual |
post_regrid(int lbase, int new_finest)=0 | amrex::AmrLevel | pure virtual |
post_restart() | amrex::AmrLevel | inlinevirtual |
post_step_regrid | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
post_timestep(int iteration) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
postCoarseTimeStep(Real time) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
postStepRegrid() const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
ProperBlockingFactor(AmrLevel const &amr_level, int boxGrow, IndexType const &boxType, StateDescriptor const &desc, int SComp) | amrex::AmrLevel | static |
removeOldData() | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
reset() | amrex::AmrLevel | |
resetFillPatcher() | amrex::AmrLevel | |
restart(Amr &papa, std::istream &is, bool bReadSpecial=false) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
RK(int order, int state_type, Real time, Real dt, int iteration, int ncycle, F &&f, P &&p=RungeKutta::PostStageNoOp()) | amrex::AmrLevel | |
set_preferred_boundary_values(MultiFab &S, int state_index, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp, Real time) const | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
set_state_in_checkpoint(Vector< int > &state_in_checkpoint) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
setAreaNotToTag(BoxArray &ba) noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | |
SetLevelDirectoryCreated(bool ldc) noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
setPhysBoundaryValues(FArrayBox &dest, int state_indx, Real time, int dest_comp, int src_comp, int num_comp) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
setPlotVariables() | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
setPostStepRegrid(int new_val) noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | inline |
setSmallPlotVariables() | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
setTimeLevel(Real time, Real dt_old, Real dt_new) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
state | amrex::AmrLevel | protected |
storeRKCoarseData(int state_type, Real time, Real dt, MultiFab const &S_old, Array< MultiFab, order > const &rkk) | amrex::AmrLevel | private |
thePlotFileType() const | amrex::AmrLevel | inlinevirtual |
TimeLevel enum name | amrex::AmrLevel | |
UpdateDistributionMaps(DistributionMapping &dmap) | amrex::AmrLevel | |
which_time(int state_indx, Real time) const noexcept | amrex::AmrLevel | |
WorkEstType() | amrex::AmrLevel | inlinevirtual |
writePlotFile(const std::string &dir, std::ostream &os, VisMF::How how=VisMF::NFiles) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
writePlotFilePost(const std::string &dir, std::ostream &os) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
writePlotFilePre(const std::string &dir, std::ostream &os) | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
writePlotNow() | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
writeSmallPlotFile(const std::string &, std::ostream &, VisMF::How=VisMF::NFiles) | amrex::AmrLevel | inlinevirtual |
writeSmallPlotNow() | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |
~AmrLevel() | amrex::AmrLevel | virtual |