Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 #include <AMReX_Config.H>
5 #ifdef AMREX_USE_GPU
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <cmath>
9 #include <limits>
11 namespace amrex {
12 namespace detail {
14 inline
15 void build_par_for_nblocks (char*& a_hp, char*& a_dp, std::pair<int*,int*>& blocks_x, BoxIndexer*& pboxes,
16  Vector<Box> const& boxes, Vector<Long> const& ncells, int nthreads)
17 {
18  if (!ncells.empty()) {
19  const int nboxes = ncells.size();
20  const std::size_t nbytes_boxes = amrex::aligned_size(alignof(BoxIndexer), (nboxes+1) * sizeof(int));
21  const std::size_t nbytes = nbytes_boxes + nboxes*sizeof(BoxIndexer);
22  a_hp = (char*)The_Pinned_Arena()->alloc(nbytes);
23  int* hp_blks = (int*)a_hp;
24  auto* hp_boxes = (BoxIndexer*)(a_hp + nbytes_boxes);
25  hp_blks[0] = 0;
26  bool same_size = true;
27  for (int i = 0; i < nboxes; ++i) {
28  Long nblocks = (ncells[i] + nthreads-1) / nthreads;
29  AMREX_ASSERT((hp_blks[i]+nblocks) <= Long(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
30  hp_blks[i+1] = hp_blks[i] + static_cast<int>(nblocks);
31  same_size = same_size && (ncells[i] == ncells[0]);
33  new (hp_boxes+i) BoxIndexer(boxes[i]);
34  }
36  a_dp = (char*) The_Arena()->alloc(nbytes);
37  Gpu::htod_memcpy_async(a_dp, a_hp, nbytes);
39  blocks_x.first = hp_blks;
40  blocks_x.second = (same_size) ? nullptr : (int*)a_dp;
41  pboxes = (BoxIndexer*)(a_dp + nbytes_boxes);
42  }
43 }
45 inline
46 void destroy_par_for_nblocks (char* hp, char* dp)
47 {
48  The_Pinned_Arena()->free(hp);
49  The_Arena()->free(dp);
50 }
51 }
53 namespace experimental::detail {
55 namespace parfor_mf_detail {
56  template <typename F>
58  auto call_f (F const& f, int b, int i, int j, int k, int) noexcept
59  -> decltype(f(0,0,0,0))
60  {
61  f(b,i,j,k);
62  }
64  template <typename F>
66  auto call_f (F const& f, int b, int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
67  -> decltype(f(0,0,0,0,0))
68  {
69  f(b,i,j,k,n);
70  }
71 }
73 template <int MT, typename MF, typename F>
74 std::enable_if_t<IsFabArray<MF>::value>
75 ParallelFor (MF const& mf, IntVect const& nghost, int ncomp, IntVect const&, bool, F const& f)
76 {
77  const auto& index_array = mf.IndexArray();
78  const int nboxes = index_array.size();
80  if (nboxes == 0) {
81  return;
82  } else if (nboxes == 1) {
83  Box const& b = amrex::grow([0]), nghost);
84  amrex::ParallelFor(b, ncomp, [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
85  {
86  parfor_mf_detail::call_f(f, 0, i, j, k, n);
87  });
88  } else {
89  auto const& parforinfo = mf.getParForInfo(nghost,MT);
90  auto par_for_blocks = parforinfo.getBlocks();
91  const int nblocks = par_for_blocks.first[nboxes];
92  const int block_0_size = par_for_blocks.first[1];
93  const int* dp_nblocks = par_for_blocks.second;
94  const BoxIndexer* dp_boxes = parforinfo.getBoxes();
96 #if defined(AMREX_USE_CUDA) || defined(AMREX_USE_HIP)
98  amrex::launch_global<MT>
99  <<<nblocks, MT, 0, Gpu::gpuStream()>>>
100  ([=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE () noexcept
101  {
102  int ibox;
103  std::uint64_t icell;
104  if (dp_nblocks) {
105  ibox = amrex::bisect(dp_nblocks, 0, nboxes, static_cast<int>(blockIdx.x));
106  icell = std::uint64_t(blockIdx.x-dp_nblocks[ibox])*MT + threadIdx.x;
107  } else {
108  ibox = blockIdx.x / block_0_size;
109  icell = std::uint64_t(blockIdx.x-ibox*block_0_size)*MT + threadIdx.x;
110  }
112 #elif defined(AMREX_USE_SYCL)
114  amrex::launch<MT>(nblocks, Gpu::gpuStream(),
115  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (sycl::nd_item<1> const& item) noexcept
116  {
117  int ibox;
118  std::uint64_t icell;
119  int blockIdxx = item.get_group_linear_id();
120  int threadIdxx = item.get_local_linear_id();
121  if (dp_nblocks) {
122  ibox = amrex::bisect(dp_nblocks, 0, nboxes, static_cast<int>(blockIdxx));
123  icell = std::uint64_t(blockIdxx-dp_nblocks[ibox])*MT + threadIdxx;
124  } else {
125  ibox = blockIdxx / block_0_size;
126  icell = std::uint64_t(blockIdxx-ibox*block_0_size)*MT + threadIdxx;
127  }
128 #endif
129  BoxIndexer const& indexer = dp_boxes[ibox];
130  if (icell < indexer.numPts()) {
131  auto [i, j, k] = indexer(icell);
132  for (int n = 0; n < ncomp; ++n) {
133  parfor_mf_detail::call_f(f, ibox, i, j, k, n);
134  }
135  }
136  });
137  }
139 }
141 template <typename MF, typename F>
142 std::enable_if_t<IsFabArray<MF>::value>
143 ParallelFor (MF const& mf, IntVect const& nghost, int ncomp, IntVect const& ts, bool dynamic, F&& f)
144 {
145  ParallelFor<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(mf, nghost, ncomp, ts, dynamic, std::forward<F>(f));
146 }
148 template <typename MF, typename F>
149 std::enable_if_t<IsFabArray<MF>::value>
150 ParallelFor (MF const& mf, IntVect const& nghost, IntVect const& ts, bool dynamic, F&& f)
151 {
152  ParallelFor<AMREX_GPU_MAX_THREADS>(mf, nghost, 1, ts, dynamic, std::forward<F>(f));
153 }
155 }
157 }
159 #endif
160 #endif
Definition: AMReX_BLassert.H:38
Definition: AMReX_GpuError.H:105
Definition: AMReX_GpuQualifiers.H:18
virtual void free(void *pt)=0
A pure virtual function for deleting the arena pointed to by pt.
virtual void * alloc(std::size_t sz)=0
This class is a thin wrapper around std::vector. Unlike vector, Vector::operator[] provides bound che...
Definition: AMReX_Vector.H:27
Long size() const noexcept
Definition: AMReX_Vector.H:50
void htod_memcpy_async(void *p_d, const void *p_h, const std::size_t sz) noexcept
Definition: AMReX_GpuDevice.H:251
gpuStream_t gpuStream() noexcept
Definition: AMReX_GpuDevice.H:218
static int f(amrex::Real t, N_Vector y_data, N_Vector y_rhs, void *user_data)
Definition: AMReX_SundialsIntegrator.H:44
@ max
Definition: AMReX_ParallelReduce.H:17
void build_par_for_nblocks(char *&a_hp, char *&a_dp, std::pair< int *, int * > &blocks_x, BoxIndexer *&pboxes, Vector< Box > const &boxes, Vector< Long > const &ncells, int nthreads)
Definition: AMReX_MFParallelForG.H:15
void destroy_par_for_nblocks(char *hp, char *dp)
Definition: AMReX_MFParallelForG.H:46
AMREX_GPU_DEVICE auto call_f(F const &f, int b, int i, int j, int k, int) noexcept -> decltype(f(0, 0, 0, 0))
Definition: AMReX_MFParallelForG.H:58
std::enable_if_t< IsFabArray< MF >::value > ParallelFor(MF const &mf, IntVect const &nghost, int ncomp, IntVect const &, bool, F const &f)
Definition: AMReX_MFParallelForG.H:75
Definition: AMReX_Amr.cpp:49
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > ParallelFor(TypeList< CTOs... > ctos, std::array< int, sizeof...(CTOs)> const &runtime_options, T N, F &&f)
Definition: AMReX_CTOParallelForImpl.H:200
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE BoxND< dim > grow(const BoxND< dim > &b, int i) noexcept
Grow BoxND in all directions by given amount.
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:1211
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE T bisect(T lo, T hi, F f, T tol=1e-12, int max_iter=100)
Definition: AMReX_Algorithm.H:105
BoxIndexerND< AMREX_SPACEDIM > BoxIndexer
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:2099
Arena * The_Pinned_Arena()
Definition: AMReX_Arena.cpp:634
std::size_t aligned_size(std::size_t align_requirement, std::size_t size) noexcept
Given a minimum required size of size bytes, this returns the next largest arena size that will align...
Definition: AMReX_Arena.H:30
Arena * The_Arena()
Definition: AMReX_Arena.cpp:594
Definition: AMReX_FabArrayCommI.H:841
integer, parameter dp
Definition: AMReX_SDCquadrature.F90:8
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:2027
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:2068