Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 #include <AMReX_Config.H>
5 #include <AMReX_FillPatchUtil.H>
6 #include <utility>
8 namespace amrex {
71 template <class MF = MultiFab>
73 {
74 public:
90  FillPatcher (BoxArray const& fba, DistributionMapping const& fdm,
91  Geometry const& fgeom,
92  BoxArray const& cba, DistributionMapping const& cdm, // NOLINT
93  Geometry const& cgeom,
94  IntVect const& nghost, int ncomp, InterpBase* interp,
95 #ifdef AMREX_USE_EB
96  EB2::IndexSpace const* eb_index_space = EB2::TopIndexSpaceIfPresent());
97 #else
98  EB2::IndexSpace const* eb_index_space = nullptr);
99 #endif
124  template <typename BC,
125  typename PreInterpHook=NullInterpHook<MF>,
126  typename PostInterpHook=NullInterpHook<MF> >
127  void fill (MF& mf, IntVect const& nghost, Real time,
128  Vector<MF*> const& cmf, Vector<Real> const& ct,
129  Vector<MF*> const& fmf, Vector<Real> const& ft,
130  int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp,
131  BC& cbc, int cbccomp, BC& fbc, int fbccomp,
132  Vector<BCRec> const& bcs, int bcscomp,
133  PreInterpHook const& pre_interp = {},
134  PostInterpHook const& post_interp = {});
155  template <typename BC,
156  typename PreInterpHook=NullInterpHook<MF>,
157  typename PostInterpHook=NullInterpHook<MF> >
158  void fillCoarseFineBoundary (MF& mf, IntVect const& nghost, Real time,
159  Vector<MF*> const& cmf,
160  Vector<Real> const& ct,
161  int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp,
162  BC& cbc, int cbccomp,
163  Vector<BCRec> const& bcs, int bcscomp,
164  PreInterpHook const& pre_interp = {},
165  PostInterpHook const& post_interp = {});
176  template <std::size_t order>
177  void storeRKCoarseData (Real time, Real dt, MF const& S_old,
178  Array<MF,order> const& RK_k);
194  template <typename BC>
195  void fillRK (int stage, int iteration, int ncycle, MF& mf, Real time,
196  BC& cbc, BC& fbc, Vector<BCRec> const& bcs);
198 private:
207  int m_ncomp;
213  std::unique_ptr<MF> m_cf_crse_data_tmp;
214  std::unique_ptr<MF> m_cf_fine_data;
215  Real m_dt_coarse = std::numeric_limits<Real>::lowest();
218 };
220 template <class MF>
222  Geometry const& fgeom,
223  BoxArray const& cba, DistributionMapping const& cdm, // NOLINT
224  Geometry const& cgeom,
225  IntVect const& nghost, int ncomp, InterpBase* interp,
226  EB2::IndexSpace const* eb_index_space)
227  : m_fba(fba),
228  m_cba(cba),
229  m_fdm(fdm),
230  m_cdm(cdm),
231  m_fgeom(fgeom),
232  m_cgeom(cgeom),
233  m_nghost(nghost),
234  m_ncomp(ncomp),
235  m_interp(interp),
236  m_eb_index_space(eb_index_space),
237  m_sfine(fba, fdm, 1, nghost, MFInfo().SetAlloc(false))
238 {
239  static_assert(IsFabArray<MF>::value,
240  "FillPatcher<MF>: MF must be FabArray type");
243  for (int idim = 0; idim < AMREX_SPACEDIM; ++idim) {
244  m_ratio[idim] = m_fgeom.Domain().length(idim) / m_cgeom.Domain().length(idim);
245  }
247 }
249 template <class MF>
250 template <typename BC, typename PreInterpHook, typename PostInterpHook>
251 void
252 FillPatcher<MF>::fill (MF& mf, IntVect const& nghost, Real time,
253  Vector<MF*> const& cmf, Vector<Real> const& ct,
254  Vector<MF*> const& fmf, Vector<Real> const& ft,
255  int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp,
256  BC& cbc, int cbccomp,
257  BC& fbc, int fbccomp,
258  Vector<BCRec> const& bcs, int bcscomp,
259  PreInterpHook const& pre_interp,
260  PostInterpHook const& post_interp)
261 {
262  BL_PROFILE("FillPatcher::fill()");
264  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(m_fba == fmf[0]->boxArray() &&
265  m_fdm == fmf[0]->DistributionMap());
267  fillCoarseFineBoundary(mf, nghost, time, cmf, ct, scomp, dcomp, ncomp,
268  cbc, cbccomp, bcs, bcscomp, pre_interp, post_interp);
270  FillPatchSingleLevel(mf, nghost, time, fmf, ft, scomp, dcomp, ncomp,
271  m_fgeom, fbc, fbccomp);
272 }
274 template <class MF>
277 {
278  const InterpolaterBoxCoarsener& coarsener = m_interp->BoxCoarsener(m_ratio);
279  return FabArrayBase::TheFPinfo(m_sfine, m_sfine, m_nghost, coarsener,
280  m_fgeom, m_cgeom, m_eb_index_space);
281 }
283 template <class MF>
284 template <typename BC, typename PreInterpHook, typename PostInterpHook>
285 void
286 FillPatcher<MF>::fillCoarseFineBoundary (MF& mf, IntVect const& nghost, Real time,
287  Vector<MF*> const& cmf,
288  Vector<Real> const& ct,
289  int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp,
290  BC& cbc, int cbccomp,
291  Vector<BCRec> const& bcs, int bcscomp,
292  PreInterpHook const& pre_interp,
293  PostInterpHook const& post_interp)
294 {
295  BL_PROFILE("FillPatcher::fillCFB");
297  AMREX_ALWAYS_ASSERT(nghost.allLE(m_nghost) &&
298  m_fba == mf.boxArray() &&
299  m_fdm == mf.DistributionMap() &&
300  m_cba == cmf[0]->boxArray() &&
301  m_cdm == cmf[0]->DistributionMap() &&
302  m_ncomp >= ncomp &&
303  m_ncomp == cmf[0]->nComp());
305  auto const& fpc = getFPinfo();
307  if ( ! fpc.ba_crse_patch.empty())
308  {
309  if (m_cf_fine_data == nullptr) {
310  m_cf_fine_data = std::make_unique<MF>
311  (detail::make_mf_fine_patch<MF>(fpc, m_ncomp));
312  }
314  int ncmfs = cmf.size();
315  for (int icmf = 0; icmf < ncmfs; ++icmf) {
316  Real t = ct[icmf];
317  auto it = std::find_if(m_cf_crse_data.begin(), m_cf_crse_data.end(),
318  [=] (auto const& x) {
319  return amrex::almostEqual(x.first,t,5);
320  });
322  if (it == std::end(m_cf_crse_data)) {
323  MF mf_crse_patch = detail::make_mf_crse_patch<MF>(fpc, m_ncomp);
324  mf_crse_patch.ParallelCopy(*cmf[icmf], m_cgeom.periodicity());
326  std::pair<Real,std::unique_ptr<MF>> tmp;
327  tmp.first = t;
328  tmp.second = std::make_unique<MF>(std::move(mf_crse_patch));
329  m_cf_crse_data.push_back(std::move(tmp));
330  }
331  }
333  if (m_cf_crse_data_tmp == nullptr) {
334  m_cf_crse_data_tmp = std::make_unique<MF>
335  (detail::make_mf_crse_patch<MF>(fpc, m_ncomp));
336  }
338  int const ng_space_interp = 8; // Need to be big enough
339  Box domain = m_cgeom.growPeriodicDomain(ng_space_interp);
340  domain.convert(mf.ixType());
342  int idata = -1;
343  if (m_cf_crse_data.size() == 1) {
344  idata = 0;
345  } else if (m_cf_crse_data.size() == 2) {
346  Real const teps = std::abs(m_cf_crse_data[1].first -
347  m_cf_crse_data[0].first) * 1.e-3_rt;
348  if (time > m_cf_crse_data[0].first - teps &&
349  time < m_cf_crse_data[0].first + teps) {
350  idata = 0;
351  } else if (time > m_cf_crse_data[1].first - teps &&
352  time < m_cf_crse_data[1].first + teps) {
353  idata = 1;
354  } else {
355  idata = 2;
356  }
357  }
359  if (idata == 0 || idata == 1) {
360  auto const& dst = m_cf_crse_data_tmp->arrays();
361  auto const& src = m_cf_crse_data[idata].second->const_arrays();
362  amrex::ParallelFor(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, IntVect(0), ncomp,
363  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int bi, int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
364  {
365  if (domain.contains(i,j,k)) {
366  dst[bi](i,j,k,n) = src[bi](i,j,k,n+scomp);
367  }
368  });
369  } else if (idata == 2) {
370  Real t0 = m_cf_crse_data[0].first;
371  Real t1 = m_cf_crse_data[1].first;
372  Real alpha = (t1-time)/(t1-t0);
373  Real beta = (time-t0)/(t1-t0);
374  auto const& a = m_cf_crse_data_tmp->arrays();
375  auto const& a0 = m_cf_crse_data[0].second->const_arrays();
376  auto const& a1 = m_cf_crse_data[1].second->const_arrays();
377  amrex::ParallelFor(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, IntVect(0), ncomp,
378  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int bi, int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
379  {
380  if (domain.contains(i,j,k)) {
381  a[bi](i,j,k,n)
382  = alpha*a0[bi](i,j,k,scomp+n)
383  + beta*a1[bi](i,j,k,scomp+n);
384  }
385  });
386  }
387  else
388  {
389  amrex::Abort("FillPatcher: High order interpolation in time not supported. Or FillPatcher was not properly deleted.");
390  }
393  cbc(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, 0, ncomp, m_cf_crse_data_tmp->nGrowVect(), time, cbccomp);
395  detail::call_interp_hook(pre_interp, *m_cf_crse_data_tmp, 0, ncomp);
397  FillPatchInterp(*m_cf_fine_data, scomp, *m_cf_crse_data_tmp, 0,
398  ncomp, IntVect(0), m_cgeom, m_fgeom,
399  amrex::grow(amrex::convert(m_fgeom.Domain(),
400  mf.ixType()),nghost),
401  m_ratio, m_interp, bcs, bcscomp);
403  detail::call_interp_hook(post_interp, *m_cf_fine_data, scomp, ncomp);
405  mf.ParallelCopy(*m_cf_fine_data, scomp, dcomp, ncomp, IntVect{0}, nghost);
406  }
407 }
409 template <typename MF>
410 template <std::size_t order>
411 void FillPatcher<MF>::storeRKCoarseData (Real /*time*/, Real dt, MF const& S_old,
412  Array<MF,order> const& RK_k)
413 {
414  BL_PROFILE("FillPatcher::storeRKCoarseData()");
415  m_dt_coarse = dt;
416  m_cf_crse_data.resize(order+1);
418  auto const& fpc = getFPinfo();
420  for (auto& tmf : m_cf_crse_data) {
421  tmf.first = std::numeric_limits<Real>::lowest(); // because we don't need it
422  tmf.second = std::make_unique<MF>(detail::make_mf_crse_patch<MF>(fpc, m_ncomp));
423  }
424  m_cf_crse_data[0].second->ParallelCopy(S_old, m_cgeom.periodicity());
425  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < order; ++i) {
426  m_cf_crse_data[i+1].second->ParallelCopy(RK_k[i], m_cgeom.periodicity());
427  }
428 }
430 template <typename MF>
431 template <typename BC>
432 void FillPatcher<MF>::fillRK (int stage, int iteration, int ncycle,
433  MF& mf, Real time, BC& cbc, BC& fbc,
434  Vector<BCRec> const& bcs)
435 {
436  BL_PROFILE("FillPatcher::fillRK()");
437  int rk_order = m_cf_crse_data.size()-1;
438  if (rk_order != 3 && rk_order != 4) {
439  amrex::Abort("FillPatcher: unsupported RK order "+std::to_string(rk_order));
440  return;
441  }
442  AMREX_ASSERT(stage > 0 && stage <= rk_order);
444  auto const& fpc = getFPinfo();
445  if (m_cf_crse_data_tmp == nullptr) {
446  m_cf_crse_data_tmp = std::make_unique<MF>
447  (detail::make_mf_crse_patch<MF>(fpc, m_ncomp));
448  }
450  auto const& u = m_cf_crse_data_tmp->arrays();
451  auto const& u0 = m_cf_crse_data[0].second->const_arrays();
452  auto const& k1 = m_cf_crse_data[1].second->const_arrays();
453  auto const& k2 = m_cf_crse_data[2].second->const_arrays();
454  auto const& k3 = m_cf_crse_data[3].second->const_arrays();
456  Real dtc = m_dt_coarse;
457  Real r = Real(1) / Real(ncycle);
458  Real xsi = Real(iteration-1) / Real(ncycle);
460  int const ng_space_interp = 8; // Need to be big enough
461  Box cdomain = m_cgeom.growPeriodicDomain(ng_space_interp);
462  cdomain.convert(m_cf_crse_data_tmp->ixType());
464  if (rk_order == 3) {
465  // coefficients for U
466  Real b1 = xsi - Real(5./6.)*xsi*xsi;
467  Real b2 = Real(1./6.)*xsi*xsi;
468  Real b3 = Real(2./3)*xsi*xsi;
469  // coefficients for Ut
470  Real c1 = Real(1.) - Real(5./3.)*xsi;
471  Real c2 = Real(1./3.)*xsi;
472  Real c3 = Real(4./3.)*xsi;
473  // coefficients for Utt
474  constexpr Real d1 = Real(-5./3.);
475  constexpr Real d2 = Real(1./3.);
476  constexpr Real d3 = Real(4./3.);
477  if (stage == 1) {
478  amrex::ParallelFor(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, IntVect(0), m_ncomp,
479  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int bi, int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
480  {
481  if (cdomain.contains(i,j,k)) {
482  Real kk1 = k1[bi](i,j,k,n);
483  Real kk2 = k2[bi](i,j,k,n);
484  Real kk3 = k3[bi](i,j,k,n);
485  Real uu = b1*kk1 + b2*kk2 + b3*kk3;
486  u[bi](i,j,k,n) = u0[bi](i,j,k,n) + dtc*uu;
487  }
488  });
489  } else if (stage == 2) {
490  amrex::ParallelFor(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, IntVect(0), m_ncomp,
491  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int bi, int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
492  {
493  if (cdomain.contains(i,j,k)) {
494  Real kk1 = k1[bi](i,j,k,n);
495  Real kk2 = k2[bi](i,j,k,n);
496  Real kk3 = k3[bi](i,j,k,n);
497  Real uu = b1*kk1 + b2*kk2 + b3*kk3;
498  Real ut = c1*kk1 + c2*kk2 + c3*kk3;
499  u[bi](i,j,k,n) = u0[bi](i,j,k,n) + dtc*(uu + r*ut);
500  }
501  });
502  } else if (stage == 3) {
503  amrex::ParallelFor(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, IntVect(0), m_ncomp,
504  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int bi, int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
505  {
506  if (cdomain.contains(i,j,k)) {
507  Real kk1 = k1[bi](i,j,k,n);
508  Real kk2 = k2[bi](i,j,k,n);
509  Real kk3 = k3[bi](i,j,k,n);
510  Real uu = b1*kk1 + b2*kk2 + b3*kk3;
511  Real ut = c1*kk1 + c2*kk2 + c3*kk3;
512  Real utt = d1*kk1 + d2*kk2 + d3*kk3;
513  u[bi](i,j,k,n) = u0[bi](i,j,k,n) + dtc*
514  (uu + Real(0.5)*r*ut + Real(0.25)*r*r*utt);
515  }
516  });
517  }
518  } else if (rk_order == 4) {
519  auto const& k4 = m_cf_crse_data[4].second->const_arrays();
520  Real xsi2 = xsi*xsi;
521  Real xsi3 = xsi2*xsi;
522  // coefficients for U
523  Real b1 = xsi - Real(1.5)*xsi2 + Real(2./3.)*xsi3;
524  Real b2 = xsi2 - Real(2./3.)*xsi3;
525  Real b3 = b2;
526  Real b4 = Real(-0.5)*xsi2 + Real(2./3.)*xsi3;
527  // coefficients for Ut
528  Real c1 = Real(1.) - Real(3.)*xsi + Real(2.)*xsi2;
529  Real c2 = Real(2.)*xsi - Real(2.)*xsi2;
530  Real c3 = c2;
531  Real c4 = -xsi + Real(2.)*xsi2;
532  // coefficients for Utt
533  Real d1 = Real(-3.) + Real(4.)*xsi;
534  Real d2 = Real( 2.) - Real(4.)*xsi;
535  Real d3 = d2;
536  Real d4 = Real(-1.) + Real(4.)*xsi;
537  // coefficients for Uttt
538  constexpr Real e1 = Real( 4.);
539  constexpr Real e2 = Real(-4.);
540  constexpr Real e3 = Real(-4.);
541  constexpr Real e4 = Real( 4.);
542  if (stage == 1) {
543  amrex::ParallelFor(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, IntVect(0), m_ncomp,
544  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int bi, int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
545  {
546  if (cdomain.contains(i,j,k)) {
547  Real kk1 = k1[bi](i,j,k,n);
548  Real kk2 = k2[bi](i,j,k,n);
549  Real kk3 = k3[bi](i,j,k,n);
550  Real kk4 = k4[bi](i,j,k,n);
551  Real uu = b1*kk1 + b2*kk2 + b3*kk3 + b4*kk4;
552  u[bi](i,j,k,n) = u0[bi](i,j,k,n) + dtc*uu;
553  }
554  });
555  } else if (stage == 2) {
556  amrex::ParallelFor(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, IntVect(0), m_ncomp,
557  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int bi, int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
558  {
559  if (cdomain.contains(i,j,k)) {
560  Real kk1 = k1[bi](i,j,k,n);
561  Real kk2 = k2[bi](i,j,k,n);
562  Real kk3 = k3[bi](i,j,k,n);
563  Real kk4 = k4[bi](i,j,k,n);
564  Real uu = b1*kk1 + b2*kk2 + b3*kk3 + b4*kk4;
565  Real ut = c1*kk1 + c2*kk2 + c3*kk3 + c4*kk4;
566  u[bi](i,j,k,n) = u0[bi](i,j,k,n) + dtc*(uu + Real(0.5)*r*ut);
567  }
568  });
569  } else if (stage == 3 || stage == 4) {
570  Real r2 = r*r;
571  Real r3 = r2*r;
572  Real at = (stage == 3) ? Real(0.5)*r : r;
573  Real att = (stage == 3) ? Real(0.25)*r2 : Real(0.5)*r2;
574  Real attt = (stage == 3) ? Real(0.0625)*r3 : Real(0.125)*r3;
575  Real akk = (stage == 3) ? Real(-4.) : Real(4.);
576  amrex::ParallelFor(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, IntVect(0), m_ncomp,
577  [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int bi, int i, int j, int k, int n) noexcept
578  {
579  if (cdomain.contains(i,j,k)) {
580  Real kk1 = k1[bi](i,j,k,n);
581  Real kk2 = k2[bi](i,j,k,n);
582  Real kk3 = k3[bi](i,j,k,n);
583  Real kk4 = k4[bi](i,j,k,n);
584  Real uu = b1*kk1 + b2*kk2 + b3*kk3 + b4*kk4;
585  Real ut = c1*kk1 + c2*kk2 + c3*kk3 + c4*kk4;
586  Real utt = d1*kk1 + d2*kk2 + d3*kk3 + d4*kk4;
587  Real uttt = e1*kk1 + e2*kk2 + e3*kk3 + e4*kk4;
588  u[bi](i,j,k,n) = u0[bi](i,j,k,n) + dtc *
589  (uu + at*ut + att*utt + attt*(uttt+akk*(kk3-kk2)));
590  }
591  });
592  }
593  }
596  cbc(*m_cf_crse_data_tmp, 0, m_ncomp, m_cf_crse_data_tmp->nGrowVect(), time, 0);
598  if (m_cf_fine_data == nullptr) {
599  m_cf_fine_data = std::make_unique<MF>(detail::make_mf_fine_patch<MF>(fpc, m_ncomp));
600  }
602  FillPatchInterp(*m_cf_fine_data, 0, *m_cf_crse_data_tmp, 0,
603  m_ncomp, IntVect(0), m_cgeom, m_fgeom,
604  amrex::grow(amrex::convert(m_fgeom.Domain(),
605  mf.ixType()),m_nghost),
606  m_ratio, m_interp, bcs, 0);
608  // xxxxx We can optimize away this ParallelCopy by making a special fpinfo.
609  mf.ParallelCopy(*m_cf_fine_data, 0, 0, m_ncomp, IntVect(0), m_nghost);
611  mf.FillBoundary(m_fgeom.periodicity());
612  fbc(mf, 0, m_ncomp, m_nghost, time, 0);
613 }
615 }
617 #endif
#define BL_PROFILE(a)
Definition: AMReX_BLProfiler.H:551
Definition: AMReX_BLassert.H:38
Definition: AMReX_BLassert.H:50
Definition: AMReX_GpuQualifiers.H:18
A collection of Boxes stored in an Array.
Definition: AMReX_BoxArray.H:530
IndexType ixType() const noexcept
Return index type of this BoxArray.
Definition: AMReX_BoxArray.H:817
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE BoxND & convert(IndexTypeND< dim > typ) noexcept
Convert the BoxND from the current type into the argument type. This may change the BoxND coordinates...
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:912
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE IntVectND< dim > length() const noexcept
Return the length of the BoxND.
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:146
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE bool contains(const IntVectND< dim > &p) const noexcept
Returns true if argument is contained within BoxND.
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:204
Calculates the distribution of FABs to MPI processes.
Definition: AMReX_DistributionMapping.H:41
Definition: AMReX_EB2.H:26
static const FPinfo & TheFPinfo(const FabArrayBase &srcfa, const FabArrayBase &dstfa, const IntVect &dstng, const BoxConverter &coarsener, const Geometry &fgeom, const Geometry &cgeom, const EB2::IndexSpace *)
FillPatcher is for filling a fine level MultiFab/FabArray.
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:73
Geometry m_cgeom
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:205
Vector< std::pair< Real, std::unique_ptr< MF > > > m_cf_crse_data
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:212
Geometry m_fgeom
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:204
DistributionMapping m_cdm
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:203
InterpBase * m_interp
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:208
BoxArray m_fba
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:200
std::unique_ptr< MF > m_cf_fine_data
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:214
std::unique_ptr< MF > m_cf_crse_data_tmp
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:213
BoxArray m_cba
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:201
IntVect m_nghost
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:206
int m_ncomp
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:207
EB2::IndexSpace const * m_eb_index_space
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:209
void fillCoarseFineBoundary(MF &mf, IntVect const &nghost, Real time, Vector< MF * > const &cmf, Vector< Real > const &ct, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp, BC &cbc, int cbccomp, Vector< BCRec > const &bcs, int bcscomp, PreInterpHook const &pre_interp={}, PostInterpHook const &post_interp={})
Function to fill data at coarse/fine boundary only.
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:286
void fill(MF &mf, IntVect const &nghost, Real time, Vector< MF * > const &cmf, Vector< Real > const &ct, Vector< MF * > const &fmf, Vector< Real > const &ft, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp, BC &cbc, int cbccomp, BC &fbc, int fbccomp, Vector< BCRec > const &bcs, int bcscomp, PreInterpHook const &pre_interp={}, PostInterpHook const &post_interp={})
Function to fill data.
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:252
IntVect m_ratio
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:211
void fillRK(int stage, int iteration, int ncycle, MF &mf, Real time, BC &cbc, BC &fbc, Vector< BCRec > const &bcs)
Fill ghost cells of fine AMR level for RK3 and RK4.
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:432
MF m_sfine
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:210
void storeRKCoarseData(Real time, Real dt, MF const &S_old, Array< MF, order > const &RK_k)
Store coarse AMR level data for RK3 and RK4.
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:411
DistributionMapping m_fdm
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:202
FabArrayBase::FPinfo const & getFPinfo()
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:276
Real m_dt_coarse
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:215
FillPatcher(BoxArray const &fba, DistributionMapping const &fdm, Geometry const &fgeom, BoxArray const &cba, DistributionMapping const &cdm, Geometry const &cgeom, IntVect const &nghost, int ncomp, InterpBase *interp, EB2::IndexSpace const *eb_index_space=nullptr)
Constructor of FillPatcher.
Definition: AMReX_FillPatcher.H:221
Rectangular problem domain geometry.
Definition: AMReX_Geometry.H:73
const Box & Domain() const noexcept
Returns our rectangular domain.
Definition: AMReX_Geometry.H:210
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE bool cellCentered() const noexcept
True if the IndexTypeND is CELL based in all directions.
Definition: AMReX_IndexType.H:101
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE bool nodeCentered() const noexcept
True if the IndexTypeND is NODE based in all directions.
Definition: AMReX_IndexType.H:107
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE bool allLE(const IntVectND< dim > &rhs) const noexcept
Returns true if this is less than or equal to argument for all components. NOTE: This is NOT a strict...
Definition: AMReX_IntVect.H:393
Definition: AMReX_InterpBase.H:26
Definition: AMReX_InterpBase.H:15
This class is a thin wrapper around std::vector. Unlike vector, Vector::operator[] provides bound che...
Definition: AMReX_Vector.H:27
Long size() const noexcept
Definition: AMReX_Vector.H:50
#define abs(x)
Definition: complex-type.h:85
const IndexSpace * TopIndexSpaceIfPresent() noexcept
Definition: AMReX_EB2.cpp:76
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE Long at(T const &, Long offset) noexcept
Definition: AMReX_GpuRange.H:30
void streamSynchronize() noexcept
Definition: AMReX_GpuDevice.H:237
auto call_interp_hook(F const &f, MF &mf, int icomp, int ncomp) -> decltype(f(mf[0], Box(), icomp, ncomp))
Definition: AMReX_FillPatchUtil_I.H:10
Definition: AMReX_Amr.cpp:49
std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< T > > ParallelFor(TypeList< CTOs... > ctos, std::array< int, sizeof...(CTOs)> const &runtime_options, T N, F &&f)
Definition: AMReX_CTOParallelForImpl.H:200
DistributionMapping const & DistributionMap(FabArrayBase const &fa)
std::enable_if_t< IsFabArray< MF >::value > FillPatchSingleLevel(MF &mf, IntVect const &nghost, Real time, const Vector< MF * > &smf, const Vector< Real > &stime, int scomp, int dcomp, int ncomp, const Geometry &geom, BC &physbcf, int bcfcomp)
FillPatch with data from the current level.
Definition: AMReX_FillPatchUtil_I.H:73
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE BoxND< dim > grow(const BoxND< dim > &b, int i) noexcept
Grow BoxND in all directions by given amount.
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:1211
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE BoxND< dim > convert(const BoxND< dim > &b, const IntVectND< dim > &typ) noexcept
Returns a BoxND with different type.
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:1435
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE Dim3 end(BoxND< dim > const &box) noexcept
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:1890
BoxArray const & boxArray(FabArrayBase const &fa)
Definition: AMReX_BaseFwd.H:30
void FillPatchInterp(MultiFab &mf_fine_patch, int fcomp, MultiFab const &mf_crse_patch, int ccomp, int ncomp, IntVect const &ng, const Geometry &cgeom, const Geometry &fgeom, Box const &dest_domain, const IntVect &ratio, MFInterpolater *mapper, const Vector< BCRec > &bcs, int bcscomp)
Definition: AMReX_FillPatchUtil.cpp:140
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE BoxND< dim > refine(const BoxND< dim > &b, int ref_ratio) noexcept
Definition: AMReX_Box.H:1342
void Abort(const std::string &msg)
Print out message to cerr and exit via abort().
Definition: AMReX.cpp:221
std::array< T, N > Array
Definition: AMReX_Array.H:23
Definition: AMReX_FabArrayBase.H:304
Definition: AMReX_TypeTraits.H:29
FabArray memory allocation information.
Definition: AMReX_FabArray.H:65
Definition: AMReX_FillPatchUtil.H:34