Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef BL_CARENA_H
2 #define BL_CARENA_H
3 #include <AMReX_Config.H>
5 #include <AMReX_Arena.H>
7 #include <cstddef>
8 #include <functional>
9 #include <iosfwd>
10 #include <map>
11 #include <mutex>
12 #include <set>
13 #include <string>
14 #include <unordered_set>
15 #include <vector>
17 namespace amrex {
25 class CArena
26  :
27  public Arena
28 {
29 public:
35  CArena (std::size_t hunk_size = 0, ArenaInfo info = ArenaInfo());
37  CArena (const CArena& rhs) = delete;
38  CArena (CArena&& rhs) = delete;
39  CArena& operator= (const CArena& rhs) = delete;
40  CArena& operator= (CArena&& rhs) = delete;
43  ~CArena () override;
46  [[nodiscard]] void* alloc (std::size_t nbytes) final;
51  [[nodiscard]] std::pair<void*,std::size_t>
52  alloc_in_place (void* pt, std::size_t szmin, std::size_t szmax) final;
57  [[nodiscard]] void*
58  shrink_in_place (void* pt, std::size_t new_size) final;
64  void free (void* vp) final;
66  std::size_t freeUnused () final;
74  [[nodiscard]] bool hasFreeDeviceMemory (std::size_t sz) final;
77  std::size_t heap_space_used () const noexcept;
80  std::size_t heap_space_actually_used () const noexcept;
83  std::size_t sizeOf (void* p) const noexcept;
85  void PrintUsage (std::string const& name) const;
87  void PrintUsage (std::ostream& os, std::string const& name, std::string const& space) const;
90  constexpr static std::size_t DefaultHunkSize = 1024*1024*8;
92 protected:
94  void* alloc_protected (std::size_t nbytes);
96  std::size_t freeUnused_protected () final;
99  class Node
100  {
101  public:
102  Node (void* a_block, void* a_owner, std::size_t a_size, MemStat* a_stat=nullptr) noexcept
103  :
104  m_block(a_block), m_owner(a_owner), m_size(a_size), m_stat(a_stat) {}
107  bool operator< (const Node& rhs) const noexcept
108  {
109  return std::less<>{}(m_block, rhs.m_block);
110  }
113  bool operator== (const Node& rhs) const noexcept
114  {
115  return m_block == rhs.m_block;
116  }
119  [[nodiscard]] void* block () const noexcept { return m_block; }
122  void block (void* blk) noexcept { m_block = blk; }
125  [[nodiscard]] std::size_t size () const noexcept { return m_size; }
128  void size (std::size_t sz) noexcept { m_size = sz; }
130  [[nodiscard]] void* owner () const noexcept { return m_owner; }
132  [[nodiscard]] bool coalescable (const Node& rhs) const noexcept {
133  return m_owner == rhs.m_owner;
134  }
137  [[nodiscard]] MemStat* mem_stat () const { return m_stat; }
140  void mem_stat (MemStat* a_stat) noexcept { m_stat = a_stat; }
142  struct hash {
143  std::size_t operator() (const Node& n) const noexcept {
144  return std::hash<void*>{}(n.m_block);
145  }
146  };
148  private:
150  void* m_block;
152  void* m_owner;
154  std::size_t m_size;
157  };
160  std::vector<std::pair<void*,std::size_t> > m_alloc;
166  using NL = std::set<Node>;
178 // NL m_busylist;
179  std::unordered_set<Node, Node::hash> m_busylist;
181  std::size_t m_hunk;
183  std::size_t m_used{0};
185  std::size_t m_actually_used{0};
188  std::mutex carena_mutex;
190  friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const CArena& arena);
191 };
193 }
195 #endif /*BL_CARENA_H*/
A virtual base class for objects that manage their own dynamic memory allocation.
Definition: AMReX_Arena.H:100
static void PrintUsage()
Definition: AMReX_Arena.cpp:419
The nodes in our free list and block list.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:100
MemStat * m_stat
Used for profiling if this Node represents a user allocated block of memory.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:156
MemStat * mem_stat() const
Get the MemStat object of the function where this block was allocated.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:137
std::size_t size() const noexcept
The size of the memory block.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:125
void * block() const noexcept
The block address.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:119
std::size_t m_size
The size of the block we represent.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:154
void block(void *blk) noexcept
Set block address.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:122
void size(std::size_t sz) noexcept
Set size.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:128
void * m_owner
The starting address of the original allocation.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:152
void mem_stat(MemStat *a_stat) noexcept
Set MemStat.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:140
void * m_block
The block of memory we reference.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:150
bool coalescable(const Node &rhs) const noexcept
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:132
void * owner() const noexcept
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:130
Node(void *a_block, void *a_owner, std::size_t a_size, MemStat *a_stat=nullptr) noexcept
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:102
A Concrete Class for Dynamic Memory Management using first fit. This is a coalescing memory manager....
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:28
NL m_freelist
The free list of allocated but not currently used blocks. Maintained in lo to hi memory sorted order.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:172
std::size_t sizeOf(void *p) const noexcept
Return the amount of memory in this pointer. Return 0 for unknown pointer.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:433
CArena(const CArena &rhs)=delete
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CArena &arena)
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:481
void * shrink_in_place(void *pt, std::size_t new_size) final
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:198
CArena(std::size_t hunk_size=0, ArenaInfo info=ArenaInfo())
Construct a coalescing memory manager. hunk_size is the minimum size of hunks of memory to allocate f...
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:14
std::mutex carena_mutex
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:188
std::size_t freeUnused_protected() final
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:353
std::size_t heap_space_actually_used() const noexcept
Return the total amount of memory given out via alloc.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:427
std::size_t heap_space_used() const noexcept
The current amount of heap space used by the CArena object.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:421
constexpr static std::size_t DefaultHunkSize
The default memory hunk size to grab from the heap.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:90
std::pair< void *, std::size_t > alloc_in_place(void *pt, std::size_t szmin, std::size_t szmax) final
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:127
std::set< Node > NL
The type of our freelist and blocklist. We use a set sorted from lo to hi memory addresses.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:166
std::size_t m_hunk
The minimal size of hunks to request from system.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:181
std::size_t freeUnused() final
Free unused memory back to the system. Return value is the amount memory freed.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:346
std::size_t m_used
The amount of heap space currently allocated.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:183
std::unordered_set< Node, Node::hash > m_busylist
The list of busy blocks. A block is either on the freelist or on the blocklist, but not on both.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:179
void * alloc(std::size_t nbytes) final
Allocate some memory.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:30
CArena(CArena &&rhs)=delete
void free(void *vp) final
Free up allocated memory. Merge neighboring free memory chunks into largest possible chunk.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:256
~CArena() override
The destructor.
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:22
bool hasFreeDeviceMemory(std::size_t sz) final
Does the device have enough free memory for allocating this much memory? For CPU builds,...
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:379
void * alloc_protected(std::size_t nbytes)
Definition: AMReX_CArena.cpp:38
std::vector< std::pair< void *, std::size_t > > m_alloc
The list of blocks allocated via ::operator new().
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:160
CArena & operator=(const CArena &rhs)=delete
std::size_t m_actually_used
The amount of memory given out via alloc().
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:185
Definition: AMReX_Amr.cpp:49
bool operator==(A1 const &a1, A2 const &a2)
Definition: AMReX_GpuAllocators.H:203
Definition: AMReX_Arena.H:53
Definition: AMReX_CArena.H:142
Definition: AMReX_Arena.H:12