Block-Structured AMR Software Framework
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #ifndef AMREX_BCREC_H_
3 #define AMREX_BCREC_H_
4 #include <AMReX_Config.H>
6 #include <AMReX_Box.H>
7 #include <AMReX_BC_TYPES.H>
9 namespace amrex {
16 class BCRec
17 {
18 public:
23  BCRec () noexcept
25  = default;
30  BCRec (AMREX_D_DECL(int loX, int loY, int loZ),
31  AMREX_D_DECL(int hiX, int hiY, int hiZ)) noexcept
32  : bc {AMREX_D_DECL(loX,loY,loZ),
33  AMREX_D_DECL(hiX,hiY,hiZ)}
34  {}
39  BCRec (const int* a_lo, const int* a_hi) noexcept
40  : bc {AMREX_D_DECL(a_lo[0],a_lo[1],a_lo[2]),
41  AMREX_D_DECL(a_hi[0],a_hi[1],a_hi[2])}
42  {}
43  /*
44  * \brief Yet another constructor. Inherits bndry types from bc_domain
45  * when bx lies on edge of domain otherwise gets interior Dirichlet.
46  */
48  BCRec (const Box& bx,
49  const Box& domain,
50  const BCRec& bc_domain) noexcept
51  {
52  const int* bxlo = bx.loVect();
53  const int* bxhi = bx.hiVect();
54  const int* dlo = domain.loVect();
55  const int* dhi = domain.hiVect();
56  for (int dir = 0; dir < AMREX_SPACEDIM; dir++)
57  {
58  int ilo = dir;
59  int ihi = dir+AMREX_SPACEDIM;
60  bc[ilo] = ( bxlo[dir]<=dlo[dir] ? bc_domain.bc[ilo] : BCType::int_dir );
61  bc[ihi] = ( bxhi[dir]>=dhi[dir] ? bc_domain.bc[ihi] : BCType::int_dir );
62  }
63  }
64  /*
65  * \brief Explicitly set lo bndry value.
66  */
68  void setLo (int dir, int bc_val) noexcept { bc[dir] = bc_val; }
73  void setHi (int dir, int bc_val) noexcept { bc[AMREX_SPACEDIM+dir] = bc_val; }
78  void set (Orientation face, int bc_val) noexcept {
79  if (face.isLow()) {
80  setLo(face.coordDir(), bc_val);
81  } else {
82  setHi(face.coordDir(), bc_val);
83  }
84  }
89  const int* vect () const& noexcept{ return bc; }
90  const int* vect () && = delete;
93  const int* data () const& noexcept { return bc; }
94  const int* data () && = delete;
100  const int* lo () const& noexcept { return bc; }
101  const int* lo () && = delete;
106  const int* hi () const& noexcept { return bc+AMREX_SPACEDIM; }
107  const int* hi () && = delete;
112  int lo (int dir) const noexcept { return bc[dir]; }
117  int hi (int dir) const noexcept { return bc[AMREX_SPACEDIM+dir]; }
122  bool operator== (const BCRec& rhs) const noexcept {
123  bool retval = true;
124  for (int i = 0; i < 2*AMREX_SPACEDIM && retval; i++)
125  {
126  retval &= bc[i] == rhs.bc[i];
127  }
128  return retval;
129  }
134  bool operator!= (const BCRec& rhs) const noexcept { return !(*this == rhs); }
138  friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const BCRec&);
140 private:
144  int bc[2*AMREX_SPACEDIM]{AMREX_D_DECL(BCType::bogus,BCType::bogus,BCType::bogus),
145  AMREX_D_DECL(BCType::bogus,BCType::bogus,BCType::bogus)};
146 };
152 void
153 setBC (const Box& bx, const Box& domain, const BCRec& bc_dom, BCRec& bcr) noexcept
154 {
155  const int* bxlo = bx.loVect();
156  const int* bxhi = bx.hiVect();
157  const int* dlo = domain.loVect();
158  const int* dhi = domain.hiVect();
159  for (int dir = 0; dir < AMREX_SPACEDIM; dir++)
160  {
161  bcr.setLo(dir, ( bxlo[dir]<=dlo[dir] ? bc_dom.lo(dir) : BCType::int_dir ));
162  bcr.setHi(dir, ( bxhi[dir]>=dhi[dir] ? bc_dom.hi(dir) : BCType::int_dir ));
163  }
164 }
169 void
170 setBC (const Box& bx,
171  const Box& domain,
172  int src_comp,
173  int dest_comp,
174  int ncomp,
175  const Vector<BCRec>& bc_dom,
176  Vector<BCRec>& bcr) noexcept;
177 }
179 #endif /*_BCREC_H_*/
Definition: AMReX_Extension.H:119
Definition: AMReX_GpuQualifiers.H:20
#define AMREX_D_DECL(a, b, c)
Definition: AMReX_SPACE.H:104
Boundary Condition Records. Necessary information and functions for computing boundary conditions.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:17
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE void setHi(int dir, int bc_val) noexcept
Explicitly set hi bndry value.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:73
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const int * hi() const &noexcept
Return high-end boundary data.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:106
const int * hi() &&=delete
const int * data() &&=delete
const int * lo() &&=delete
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const int * vect() const &noexcept
Return bndry values (used in calls to FORTRAN).
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:89
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const BCRec &)
ASCII write to ostream.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.cpp:35
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE void setLo(int dir, int bc_val) noexcept
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:68
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE bool operator!=(const BCRec &rhs) const noexcept
Not equal test.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:134
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE bool operator==(const BCRec &rhs) const noexcept
Equal test.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:122
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE BCRec() noexcept=default
The default constructor, which does NOT set valid boundary types.
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE void set(Orientation face, int bc_val) noexcept
Explicitly set bndry value for given face.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:78
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const int * data() const &noexcept
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:93
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE int lo(int dir) const noexcept
Return low-end boundary data in direction <dir>.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:112
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE BCRec(const Box &bx, const Box &domain, const BCRec &bc_domain) noexcept
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:48
Array of integer values describing boundary conditions.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:144
const int * vect() &&=delete
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE const int * lo() const &noexcept
Return low-end boundary data.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:100
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE BCRec(const int *a_lo, const int *a_hi) noexcept
Another constructor.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:39
AMREX_GPU_HOST_DEVICE AMREX_FORCE_INLINE int hi(int dir) const noexcept
Return high-end boundary data in direction <dir>.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.H:117
Encapsulation of the Orientation of the Faces of a Box.
Definition: AMReX_Orientation.H:29
Definition: AMReX_Amr.cpp:49
Definition: AMReX_BaseFwd.H:27
void setBC(const Box &bx, const Box &domain, int src_comp, int dest_comp, int ncomp, const Vector< BCRec > &bc_dom, Vector< BCRec > &bcr) noexcept
Function for setting array of BCs.
Definition: AMReX_BCRec.cpp:8