.. _amrex_doc_indx: Welcome to AMReX's documentation ================================ AMReX is a software framework containing all the functionality to write massively parallel, block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) applications. AMReX is freely available `on Github `_. AMReX is developed at LBNL, NREL, and ANL as part of the Block-Structured AMR Co-Design Center in DOE's Exascale Computing Project. All of AMReX's development is done in the GitHub repository under the development branch; anyone can see the latest updates. A monthly release is tagged at the beginning of each month. We are always happy to have users contribute to the AMReX source code. To contribute, issue a pull request against the development branch (details `here `_). Any level of changes are welcomed: documentation, bug fixes, new test problems, new solvers, etc. To obtain help, simply post a `discussion `_ or an `issue `_ on the AMReX GitHub webpage. To learn AMReX there are walk-through guides and small stand-alone example codes that demonstrate how to use different parts of the AMReX functionality. Extensive documentation is available at `AMReX Guided Tutorials and Example Codes`_. .. _`AMReX Guided Tutorials and Example Codes`: https://amrex-codes.github.io/amrex/tutorials_html/ Besides this documentation, there is API documentation generated by `Doxygen `_. Documentation on migration from BoxLib is available in the AMReX repository at Docs/Migration. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: Introduction GettingStarted_Chapter BuildingAMReX_Chapter Basics_Chapter ManagingGridHierarchy_Chapter AmrCore_Chapter AmrLevel_Chapter ForkJoin IO_Chapter LinearSolvers_Chapter Particle_Chapter Fortran_Chapter Python_Chapter EB_Chapter TimeIntegration_Chapter GPU_Chapter Visualization_Chapter Post_Processing_Chapter Debugging Inputs_Chapter AMReX_Profiling_Tools_Chapter External_Profiling_Tools_Chapter External_Frameworks_Chapter Regression_Testing_Chapter Faq .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: API Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` The copyright notice of AMReX is included in the AMReX home directory as README.txt. Your use of this software is under the 3-clause BSD license -- the license agreement is included in the AMReX home directory as license.txt. For a pdf version of this documentation, click :download:`here `.