Joule 2.0 ========== If this is your first time building MFIX-Exa on Joule2, please review the general notes below and `Basics`_ section first. * To access Joule2, you will need an NETL HPC account, a yubikey (2FA) and the `HPC client. `_ * These instructions build MFIX-Exa on the login nodes using `-j8` CPUs. You may have to decrease this value if there is high traffic or you may want to increase this value if you are on a compute node interactively. * The cmake instructions compile to a ``build`` directory. The gmake instructions compile to a ``exec`` directory. * For the dependencies, it is assumed that you have set the following environment variables: .. code:: bash export HYPRE_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/ export CSG_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/ export CSG_LIB_DIR=$HOME/ export ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/ to a path that you have read/write access to. You will need to recall these paths later if you want to build MFIX-Exa with the optional dependencies. * After building the ``mfix`` executable (with cmake), you can build the PIC-to-DEM restarter app by executing the following command in the ``build`` directory .. code:: bash cmake --build . --target pic2dem Basics ------ Source code ~~~~~~~~~~~ Before building, first obtain a copy of the source code following the instructions on the `MFIX-Exa website. `_ Modules ~~~~~~~ All of the build instructions below have been tested with the following modules .. code:: bash module purge module load cmake/3.23.1 module load gnu/9.3.0 module load openmpi/4.0.4_gnu9.3 The GPU-enabled builds additionally require .. code:: bash module load cuda/11.3 Full builds that utilize external dependencies, also require setting certain environment variables as discussed below. Building MFIX-Exa ----------------- The commands below are the superbuild instructions, i.e., AMReX is built as part of the MFIX-Exa build process. To build MFIX-Exa with hypre, csg and/or ascent dependencies, you first need to build and install these libraries and their dependencies. Instructions on building the necessary dependencies are below and should be successfully installed first. There are two primary methods of building the code ``cmake`` and ``gmake`` which are provided seperately below. cmake ~~~~~ .. tabs:: .. tab:: CPU .. code:: bash cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ \ -DMFIX_MPI=yes \ -DMFIX_OMP=no \ -DMFIX_GPU_BACKEND=NONE \ -DAMReX_TINY_PROFILE=no \ -DMFIX_CSG=no \ -DMFIX_HYPRE=no \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ ../ make -j8 .. tab:: GPU .. code:: bash cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ \ -DMFIX_MPI=yes \ -DMFIX_OMP=no \ -DMFIX_CSG=no \ -DMFIX_HYPRE=no \ -DMFIX_GPU_BACKEND=CUDA \ -DAMReX_CUDA_ARCH=6.0 \ -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES="60" \ -DGPUS_PER_SOCKET=1 \ -DGPUS_PER_NODE=2 \ -DAMReX_TINY_PROFILE=no \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ ../ make -j8 .. tab:: CPU-full .. code:: bash export HYPRE_DIR=$HYPRE_INSTALL_DIR export HYPRE_ROOT=$HYPRE_DIR export HYPRE_LIBRARIES=$HYPRE_DIR/lib export HYPRE_INCLUDE_DIRS=$HYPRE_DIR/include export ASCENT_DIR=$ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR export CONDUIT_DIR=$ASCENT_DIR export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:$ASCENT_DIR/lib/cmake/ascent export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:$ASCENT_DIR/lib/cmake/conduit export CSG_DIR=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:$CSG_DIR module load boost/1.77.0_gnu9.3 export Boost_INCLUDE_DIR="-I/nfs/apps/Libraries/Boost/1.77.0/gnu/9.3.0/openmpi/4.0.4/include" cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ \ -DMFIX_MPI=yes \ -DMFIX_OMP=no \ -DMFIX_CSG=yes \ -DMFIX_HYPRE=yes \ -DAMReX_ASCENT=yes \ -DAMReX_CONDUIT=yes \ -DMFIX_GPU_BACKEND=NONE \ -DAMReX_TINY_PROFILE=no \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ ../ make -j8 .. tab:: GPU-full .. code:: bash export HYPRE_DIR=$HYPRE_INSTALL_DIR export HYPRE_ROOT=$HYPRE_DIR export HYPRE_LIBRARIES=$HYPRE_DIR/lib export HYPRE_INCLUDE_DIRS=$HYPRE_DIR/include export ASCENT_DIR=$ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR export CONDUIT_DIR=$ASCENT_DIR export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:$ASCENT_DIR/lib/cmake/ascent export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:$ASCENT_DIR/lib/cmake/conduit export CSG_DIR=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:$CSG_DIR module load boost/1.77.0_gnu9.3 export BOOST_ROOT="/nfs/apps/Libraries/Boost/1.77.0/gnu/9.3.0/openmpi/4.0.4" cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ \ -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR="$BOOST_ROOT/include" \ -DMFIX_MPI=yes \ -DMFIX_OMP=no \ -DMFIX_CSG=yes \ -DMFIX_HYPRE=yes \ -DAMReX_ASCENT=yes \ -DAMReX_CONDUIT=yes \ -DMFIX_GPU_BACKEND=CUDA \ -DAMReX_CUDA_ARCH=6.0 \ -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES="60" \ -DGPUS_PER_SOCKET=1 \ -DGPUS_PER_NODE=2 \ -DAMReX_TINY_PROFILE=no \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ ../ make -j8 gmake ~~~~~ .. tabs:: .. tab:: CPU .. code:: bash make -C exec -j8 \ COMP=gnu \ USE_MPI=TRUE \ USE_OMP=FALSE \ USE_CUDA=FALSE \ USE_TINY_PROFILE=FALSE \ USE_CSG=FALSE \ USE_HYPRE=FALSE \ DEBUG=FALSE .. tab:: GPU .. code:: bash make -C exec -j8 COMP=gnu \ USE_MPI=TRUE \ USE_OMP=FALSE \ USE_CUDA=TRUE \ CUDA_ARCH=6.0 \ USE_TINY_PROFILE=FALSE \ USE_CSG=FALSE \ USE_HYPRE=FALSE \ DEBUG=FALSE .. tab:: CPU-full .. code:: bash export HYPRE_DIR=$HYPRE_INSTALL_DIR export HYPRE_HOME=$HYPRE_DIR export ASCENT_DIR=$ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR export CONDUIT_DIR=$ASCENT_DIR export CSGEB_HOME=$CSG_LIB_DIR export LDFLAGS="-lgmp -lmpfr -L$CSG_INSTALL_DIR -Wl,-rpath=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR" make -C exec -j8 \ COMP=gnu \ USE_MPI=TRUE \ USE_OMP=FALSE \ USE_CUDA=FALSE \ USE_TINY_PROFILE=FALSE \ USE_CSG=TRUE \ USE_HYPRE=TRUE \ USE_ASCENT=TRUE \ USE_CONDUIT=TRUE \ DEBUG=FALSE .. tab:: GPU-full .. code:: bash export HYPRE_DIR=$HYPRE_INSTALL_DIR export HYPRE_HOME=$HYPRE_DIR export ASCENT_DIR=$ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR export CONDUIT_DIR=$ASCENT_DIR export CSGEB_HOME=$CSG_LIB_DIR export LDFLAGS="-lgmp -lmpfr -L$CSG_INSTALL_DIR -Wl,-rpath=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR" make -C exec -j8 COMP=gnu \ USE_MPI=TRUE \ USE_OMP=FALSE \ USE_CUDA=TRUE \ CUDA_ARCH=6.0 \ USE_TINY_PROFILE=FALSE \ USE_CSG=TRUE \ USE_HYPRE=TRUE \ USE_ASCENT=TRUE \ USE_CONDUIT=TRUE \ DEBUG=FALSE Optional build dependencies --------------------------- The following dependencies need to be built and installed prior to following any of the full build instructions above. #. Set environment helpers .. code:: bash export CC=$(which mpicc) export CXX=$(which mpic++) export F77=$(which mpif77) export FC=$(which mpifort) export F90=$(which mpif90) mkdir $HOME/scratch && cd $HOME/scratch #. HYPRE .. tabs:: .. tab:: CPU .. code:: bash git clone pushd hypre/src/ git checkout v2.26.0 ./configure --prefix=$HYPRE_INSTALL_DIR --with-MPI make -j8 install popd .. tab:: GPU .. code:: bash git clone pushd hypre/src/ git checkout v2.26.0 ./configure --prefix=$HYPRE_INSTALL_DIR \ --without-superlu \ --disable-bigint \ --without-openmp \ --enable-shared \ --with-MPI \ --with-cuda \ --with-gpu-arch='60' \ --with-cuda-home=$CUDA_HOME \ --enable-cusparse \ --enable-curand make -j8 install popd #. Catch2 .. code:: bash git clone --depth 1 --branch v2.13.7 pushd Catch2/ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR cd build/ make -j8 install popd #. GMP .. code:: bash wget --no-check-certificate tar -xf gmp-6.2.1.tar.xz pushd gmp-6.2.1 ./configure --prefix=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR make -j8 install popd #. MPFR .. code:: bash wget --no-check-certificate tar -xf mpfr-4.1.0.tar.xz pushd mpfr-4.1.0/ ./configure --with-gmp=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR --prefix=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR make -j8 install popd #. CGAL .. code:: bash git clone --depth 1 --branch v5.3 pushd cgal/ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR cd build/ make -j8 install popd #. PEGTL .. code:: bash git clone --branch 3.2.2 pushd PEGTL/ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR cd build/ make -j8 install popd #. CSG EB library (**gmake**) For the gmake install instructions, you need to install ``libcsgeb`` to ``$CSG_LIB_DIR`` using either cmake or gmake: .. tabs:: .. tab:: cmake .. code:: bash cd subprojects/csg-eb module load boost/1.77.0_gnu9.3 export Boost_INCLUDE_DIR="-I/nfs/apps/Libraries/Boost/1.77.0/gnu/9.3.0/openmpi/4.0.4/include" export CSG_DIR=$CSG_INSTALL_DIR export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:$CSG_DIR cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$CSG_LIB_DIR \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cd build make -j8 install .. tab:: gmake .. code:: bash make -C subprojects/csg-eb install DESTDIR=$CSG_LIB_DIR \ BOOST_HOME=/nfs/apps/Libraries/Boost/1.77.0/gnu/9.3.0/openmpi/4.0.4 \ PEGTL_HOME=$CSG_DIR \ CGAL_HOME=$CSG_DIR \ CATCH2_HOME=$CSG_DIR \ ENABLE_CGAL=TRUE #. Conduit .. code:: bash git clone --recursive pushd conduit/ git checkout v0.8.6 mkdir build && cd build cmake -S ../src -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR \ -DENABLE_OPENMP=OFF \ -DENABLE_MPI=ON \ -DENABLE_CUDA=OFF \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make -j8 install popd #. Vtk-m .. code:: bash git clone --branch master pushd vtk-m/ git checkout v1.9.0 mkdir build && cd build/ cmake -S ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR \ -DVTKm_ENABLE_OPENMP=OFF \ -DVTKm_ENABLE_MPI=ON \ -DVTKm_ENABLE_CUDA=OFF \ -DVTKm_USE_64BIT_IDS=OFF \ -DVTKm_USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION=ON \ -DVTKm_USE_DEFAULT_TYPES_FOR_ASCENT=ON \ -DVTKm_NO_DEPRECATED_VIRTUAL=ON \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make -j8 install popd #. Ascent .. code:: bash git clone --recursive pushd ascent git checkout v0.9.0 mkdir build && cd build/ cmake -S ../src -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR \ -DCONDUIT_DIR=$ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR \ -DVTKM_DIR=$ASCENT_INSTALL_DIR \ -DENABLE_VTKH=ON \ -DENABLE_FORTRAN=OFF \ -DENABLE_PYTHON=OFF \ -DENABLE_DOCS=OFF \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DENABLE_GTEST=OFF \ -DENABLE_TESTS=OFF make -j8 install popd Running Jobs ------------ Common Slurm commands: * ``sinfo`` see available/allocated resources * ``sbatch`` submit a cpu job to the queue * ``squeue -u USER`` check job status of user USER * ``squeue -p PARTITION`` check job status of partition PARTITION * ``scancel JOBID`` kill a job with id JOBID * ``salloc -N 1 -p gpu`` grab a GPU node interactively (for up to 48 hrs) * ``salloc -N 2 -p dev -q dev`` grab two development nodes (for up to 2 hrs) Example run scripts: .. tabs:: .. tab:: CPU .. code:: bash #!/bin/bash -l ##Accounting #SBATCH --partition=general #bigmem, dev #SBATCH --qos=normal #long, dev ##Submission #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --job-name="mfix-exa-run" #SBATCH --output=job.out #SBATCH #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL ##Load Modules module purge module load gnu/9.3.0 module load openmpi/4.0.4_gnu9.3 ##Run the program mpirun -np 36 ./mfix inputs > screen.txt .. tab:: GPU .. code:: bash #!/bin/bash -l ##Accounting #SBATCH --partition=gpu #SBATCH --qos=normal #long ##Submission #SBATCH --nodes=2 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-socket=1 #SBATCH --job-name="mfix-exa-run" #SBATCH --output=job.out #SBATCH #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL ##Load Modules module purge module load cuda/11.3 module load gnu/9.3.0 module load openmpi/4.0.4_gnu9.3 ##Run the program mpirun -np 4 -npersocket 1 ./mfix inputs > screen.txt