.. _Chap:GettingStarted: Getting Started =============== The MFIX-Exa source code currently lives in NETL's `gitlab repository `_. The repository can be cloned by using git: .. code-block:: shell > git clone https://mfix.netl.doe.gov/gitlab/exa/mfix.git .. note:: Access to the repository is currently restricted to project members. As the code matures, a distribution mechanism will be developed. MFIX-Exa is also dependent on the AMReX and AMReX-Hydro git repositories. For cmake builds these repositories may be cloned as part of the configuration. Details are included in the sections below. Once you have obtained the source code, the following sections describe the source code contents, compiling, running a simple simulation, and visualizing the simulations results. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Building MFIX-Exa Running your first simulation Visualizing simulation results HPC